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-- OR DO THEY WANT TO LIVE IN FREEDOM UNDER A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC?  YOUR DESIRE FOR THE LATER REQUIRES THAT YOU DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR COUNTRY WITHOUT DELAY!  YOU HAVE ONLY A FEW DAYS TO ACT.  The Senate version of the Socialized Health Care Bill that passed in the Senate last month will be voted on in the House of Representatives sometime this week.  It is labeled:  "H.R. 3962 - Affordable Health Care for America Act".  

Socialized Health Care (ObamaCare) is the antithesis to the ideals of a free Constitutional Republic our nation was founded upon.  Forcing Americans to purchase Government Health Care with threat of fines and imprisonment is unconstitutional.  This bill will weaken and damage our nation, even more than it is today.  It will damage our nation's sovereignty and our individual rights.  It will drain our bank accounts for years before it is ever enacted, thus taking our nation further down the path of financial ruin.  Contrary to what the politicians tell us, THIS BILL IS NOTHING MORE THAN A LICENSE FOR STEAL THE WEALTH AND THE HEALTH FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!  

We-the-American-people have, and continue to speak out in opposition to this and other Socialist-Fascist bills through protest rallies all over this nation and through letter writing campaigns with the help of such organizations as 'Grassfire Nation', 'Liberty Council' and 'World Net Daily'.  The Republicans in both Houses of Congress have listened, agreed with, and have joined with us in our demands, and none of them, save one, support this bill (H.R. 3962).  Recent Republican Governorial victories in Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi, and the Republican Senatorial victory in Massachusetts are manifestations of a growing dissatisfaction with the Socialist-Democrat's arrogant and defiant attitudes, actions and proposals.  These developments have given many Democrats pause for thought and to reconsider the folly of their previous convictions. 
We-the-American-people have spoken and now have the support of our Republican representatives.  We have made our disapproval of Socialized Health Care well known to the Democrats in Congress and to the Administration, and yet they arrogantly ignore and oppose us.  They act like stubborn and disobedient children who defy their parents at every turn, unwilling to see the fallacy of their thinking and their evil agenda.  What's more, they are too proud to admit defeat.  It is no surprise that the President's approval rating has dropped to an all-time low.  Now, the rebellious children are at it again; testing our resolve; trying to pass their flawed and evil bill.  Knowing they cannot pass the bill legally, they are scheming illegal ways to pass the bill without regard to Constitutional Law.  This must not be allowed to happen.  "The House Budget Committee is expected to take up the Senate Bill Monday and from there it is expected to reach the floor for a final vote next Friday or Saturday.  The legislation would then be sent to Obama for his signature.  From there, lawmakers would vote on legislative changes introduced in a separate bill."  As they push, we-the-American-people must push back even harder.   
So what can we do at this late date to defeat this bill?  
1.  We can unite as one people and speak in one voice, and tell them, "NO SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE IN OUR COUNTRY" and "NO                 UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS IN OUR COUNTRY! 
2.  We can take MENTAL/SPIRITUAL ACTION: PRAY FOR THE DEFEAT OF THIS BILL (See the Prayer vigil below).  
3.  We can take PHYSICAL ACTION: TELEPHONE, FAX, EMAIL, OR WRITE HOUSE DEMOCRATS NOW (See sample letters and a partial list          of Democratic Representatives below).  
4.  And we can also send this email out to your family, friends and associates who care about America and Freedom as much as you do. 

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.                                                                                                 --2 Chronicles 7:14

Thank you for your participation.

Please consider joining in the following prayer vigil this week starting today:

Allocate at least 15 minutes of intense and sustained mental effort (prayer) each day, with the intent of defeating the Government Health Care bill (Obamacare).  If you contribute only 15 minutes a day, you will have added power to this cause.  If you can afford more time, however, please do so. 

Start your prayer periods by asking for the assistance of the Lighted energies of Holy God in defeating the Government Health-Care bill.  Use a  "mantra" (a repeated phrase) such as: "THE GOVERNMENT HEALTH-CARE BILL HAS BEEN DEFEATED"!  Or, THE GOVERNMENT HEALTH-CARE BILL IS DEAD.  Also visualize this desired outcome on the front page of all newspapers, etc.   

The Congress is attempting to pass the Senate bill.  Should the bill pass in the House, it goes to President Obama for signing.  DON'T GIVE UP!  Change your mantra to fit the situation, such as,"PRESIDENT OBAMA VETOED THE HEALTH-CARE BILL" and visualize that desired outcome.



The easiest way is to pay "Liberty Council" to faxfire 123 Democratic Representatives for you, for about $80. You can use their form letter or compose your own.  (See Liberty Council news alert below.)

 "Grassfire Nation" will faxfire the 84 key Democratic Representatives for you, for about $75.  You can use their form letter or compose your own. (See Grassfire Nation News Alert below.)  

Or you can fax your own composed letter to the 84 key Democratic Representatives (see list below).  It took me about 7 hours and cost about $45 on telephone and stationary expenses.  I got several busy signals and to keep faxing over and over to get through. 

No one said freedom is free.  


Pelosi:  ..."we'll get to find out what is in ObamaCare AFTER it has passed!"


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


           Like opening up a Cracker Jack box, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is now telling Americans that we'll get to find out what is in ObamaCare AFTER it has passed! See below. - Mat

[Dear Fellow Citizen],

The clock is ticking on Congress.  President Obama has dictated there will be a vote by March 18th.  Feeling the heat, Speaker Pelosi is now telling Americans to support the passage of ObamaCare so that WE can find out what is in the bill!

Here is what Pelosi said about ObamaCare in an address to the National Association of Counties yesterday:

           "...[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."

This latest condescension toward the American people has raised the arrogance level of the Obama/Reid/Pelosi political machine to new heights. Honestly, I didn't think it was possible.

Both the House and Senate bills were crafted behind closed doors because their architects knew that when the American people understood the scope and breadth of this governmental takeover of our medical system, we would strongly reject them.

And we do reject them! The undeniable fact is that a growing majority of Americans oppose both Chambers' versions.

++We dare not trust the ObamaCare "fix."

The so-called "President's Plan" is simply that - a plan.  It doesn't even exist, legislatively speaking. It's only a promise that they will "fix" the Senate bill once the House passes it.

           But how can we trust the President and the ultraliberal legislators of the 111th Congress to "fix" this trillion-dollar, tax-laden,

           anti-life bill when they have TOTALLY IGNORED the voices of the American people throughout this entire process?

That is precisely why wavering Democrats in the House are extremely reluctant to pass the Senate version. It is only on the administration's and Harry Reid's word that any "fixes" will take place.

           Mr. President, we don't trust you or the leadership of the 111th Congress. That's why we have been calling on you to abandon this unwise, unwanted plan for months!

           Speaker Pelosi, Americans are aware of what's in ObamaCare and we don't like it!  Pass it...and we will bring a lawsuit! You and the members of the ultraliberal 111th Congress WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

++Meanwhile, President Obama is telling voters to push Congress!

Back on the campaign trail again, this Monday the President told about 1,800 carefully-chosen attendees at a whistle-stop meeting in suburban Philadelphia that it's crucial voters contact Congress and make their voices heard.

I rarely agree with one of President Obama's political rally speaking points, but he's right about Congress needing to hear from Americans on ObamaCare.  It's the socialists' problem that they won't like what they'll hear!

PLEASE, now more than ever, join (or, re-join) our intense Liberty Counsel FAX BARRAGE. Your faxes to Congress send a clear mandate. "NO TO OBAMACARE."

Here is what I'm asking you to do...

FIRST...  Fax your elected officials!

Tell your own Senators and Representative that you do not support ObamaCare! We have sample fax letters that you can use.

If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes.  We have provided all the information you need to reach Senators here:

SECOND... Fax Key "Blue Dog" and Pro-Life members of the House.

We are specifically targeting potential congressional "swing votes" over the next few days. There must not be any doubt in those elected officials' minds that their careers will not survive a vote for the "President's Plan" or any other version of ObamaCare. Go here right now:

THIRD... Please call your two Senators and your Representative and tell them what you think about the President's campaign tactics.

++The President's "double speak."

Over the past few days, the President has been in full campaign mode utilizing all of the technologies and resources employed in his presidential campaign to rally his proven supporters for ObamaCare. Using scare tactics, citing heart-wrenching scenarios and vilifying insurance companies, the President's theatrical rhetoric is being staged in front of partisan crowds designed for one purpose: to give the impression that ObamaCare is popular!

Dirk, we are all tired of the rhetoric and double-speak. We are all weary of this entire process to ram ObamaCare down our throats. I know that many of our faithful supporters have already faxed your legislators... perhaps many times by now.

But at a time when the President is calling for a "Virtual March on Washington" over the Internet, and fully going into "campaign mode," we MUST be heard!  Join our fax barrage and tell our lawmakers that THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.

Dirk, Rep. Bart Stupak and 11 other Democrats indicated that they will not vote for the Senate-passed version because of language that permits the federal government to "directly subsidize abortions." Trust me, right now these legislators are being pressured, hounded and wooed to change their minds by pro-ObamaCare colleagues and pro-abortion groups.

Our FAX BARRAGE specifically targets key pro-life-leaning Democrats who need to hear from citizens right now. Tell them not to buckle or fall for empty promises. Support them in their bold stand for life!

I need thousands more pro-life, patriotic Americans to respond by sending a crystal clear message:  "The abortion provisions in ObamaCare are unconscionable and are not to be tolerated!"

Thank you if you have already responded. Even so, we simply MUST keep up the pressure.

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. The ObamaCare clock is rapidly winding down. Together, we will send a bold message that we oppose this government takeover disguised as "health care reform."  Together, we will hold Congress accountable. Please, don't let the clock run out on this opportunity to help right the course on

health care. Please send your faxes today!  Thanks, and God bless you.

+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family. 

Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776




"Slaughter Solution": Dems won't even vote on ObamaCare

Grassfire Nation News Alert

ObamaCare--"Slaughter Solution"


The buzz on Capitol Hill is that the Democrats are now considering what is being called the "Slaughter Solution"

that will allow ObamaCare to be signed into law WITHOUT HOUSE MEMBERS EVEN HAVING TO VOTE.

According to Congress Daily, House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter.

" weighing preparing a rule that would consider the Senate bill passed once the House approves a corrections bill that would make changes to the Senate version."

The Washington Examiner explains that this will allow Democrats to approve ObamaCare without actually voting

on the bill:

"In the Slaughter Solution, the rule would declare that the House "deems" the Senate version of Obamacare to have been passed by the House. House members would still have to vote on whether to accept the rule, but they would then be able to say they only voted for a rule, not for the bill itself."

+ + Dems escaping the "Catch 22"

The Slaughter Solution would allow Democrats to escape their "Catch 22." Simply put, the House must pass the Senate bill

BEFORE the "reconciliation" tactic can be employed -- trusting that the Senate will actually do what is promised.

The "Slaughter Solution" solves that -- and gives House members an "out" because they never actually had to vote on the Senate ObamaCare bill.

+ + Pelosi says backroom deals "pretty close" to final

Whether by the "Slaughter Solution" or another means, it is clear that Democrats are rapidly pushing ObamaCare to a final vote. After yesterday's backroom deals, Speaker Pelosi said they were "pretty close" and Majority Leader Reid added:

"[H]ealth reform is going to be done. We don't have it all worked out, but we made

a lot of progress."

As I noted a few days ago, grassroots pressure from the Left has increased in recent days, not-so-coincidentally timed with this final push to pass ObamaCare.

+ + Three ways to let your voice be heard

#1 -- Send faxes right now

If you want to get a message right now to your members of Congress and other key Congressmen, one of the best ways is our FaxFire system.

Go here to schedule faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

#2 -- Petition ADDENDUM opposing "Reconciliation" and other procedural tricks like the "Slaughter Solution"

We recently modified the text of the "Stop ObamaCare" petition you signed to reflect the concern over the use of procedural

tricks like "reconciliation" to pass ObamaCare.

If you would like this new language to be added to your petition, go here to approve the PETITION

ADDENDUM. It takes just a few moments:

Petitions from those concerned about reconciliation will be delivered to Congress prior to the upcoming vote.

#3 -- Call your Senators and Representatives

It is your right as a citizen to contact your members of Congress and express your voice on this issue.

As always, if you want to network with other grassroots conservatives, be sure to visit our social networking site,


Thank you for your vigilance.



From Greg Fasolt:

ACTION: Write your representative one final time. Tell him to oppose the Senate-passed ObamaCare bill that is full of bribes and corruption. You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send a pre-written message.

-----Pre-written letter -----

Dear Representative:

The Senate's anti-gun ObamaCare bill is crammed full of billions of dollar of bribes:

* The Cornhusker Kickback.

* $300,000,000 of bribes to Louisiana's Senator Mary Landrieu.

* A new hospital in Connecticut for morally challenged Senator Chris Dodd.

* Roughly ten billion in community health centers to buy off Vermont's Bernie Sanders.

* An exemption of Bill Nelson's Florida constituents from the Medicare Advantage cuts applicable to everyone else.

* A threat to take away Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman's committee chairmanship unless he falls into line.

And, of course, the Senate ObamaCare bill still allows the ATF to troll a health/gun database in order to take away firearms from tens of millions of Americans.

Well, now, you are being told you have to pass this bill that is filled with bribes and corruption --- and to pass it WITHOUT A SINGLE CHANGE.

Not a single bribe will come out of the bill which Pelosi and Obama are now DEMANDING that the House pass by March 18.

Sure, there will be a companion package --- dubbed "ObamaCare Helper" --- which will be "passed" by the House at the same time.

But once ObamaCare is passed, what motivation do either Obama or Senate Democrats have to pass a clean-up bill for House Democratic suckers once they've gotten the trillion dollar Senate bill they want?

We understand that Pelosi will now attempt to shower you with bribes and threats.  But believe me, your political career is more important than any bribe Pelosi can offer you.

Please, resist the bribes and extortion from Pelosi.  Vote against the bribe-filled Senate bill and against the bribe-filled ObamaCare Helper bill.



From Liberty Council:


Dear Representative________________________ :

I object to H.R. 3962, the 1,900-page House healthcare bill precisely because it's 1,900 pages long. That's too much complexity.

I object to H.R. 3962 for the following reasons:  

the words "penalty" or "penalties" occur in the bill 181 times; 
the words "tax", "taxes", "taxable" or "taxpayer" occur in the bill 214 times;

the words "fee" and "fees" occur in the bill 90 times;

the words "penalty", "surcharge", "tax", "fine" or "fee" occur in the bill 494 times; 

the words "require(s)", "required" or "requirement"  occur in the bill 941 times;

the words "obligation(s)" or "obligate(d)"  occur in the bill 106 times;  

the words "regulate" or "regulation(s)" occur in the bill 221 times; 

the words "impose(d)" or "imposes" occur in the bill 110 times;

and the words "impose", "require", "mandate", "obligation", "license" or "regulation" occur in the bill 1,464 times.

I hate these words and will hold in contempt, your action, if you vote for this bill.  

Furthermore,  I object to H.R. 3962 for the following reasons:

This bill will be imposed on me at the point of a policeman's gun.  If I do not want to pay for it, or comply with it, armed men will eventually knock on my door to force me to submit, or be fined, or go to prison.  Do not do this too me!

Because many of my healthcare choices will be dictated by a "Health Choices Commissioner" and an "Inspector General for the Health Choices Administration." I won't be able to elect or fire either of these people, and I do not want them in my life.

This bill contains numerous Trojan Horses that will eventually kill free market healthcare in favor of complete government control. This bill costs too much, and because you're hiding the true cost in a variety of fraudulent ways.

This bill will require federal bureaucrats to write hundreds, or even thousands of pages of regulations to fill in the details, and because I'll have to pay for lawyers and accountants, either directly or indirectly, to interpret and comply with this mess.

Because you're not going to read this bill before you vote on it, or sit with the federal code to look up and read all the parts of existing law that the bill will change.

And because it is increasingly clear to me that my supposed representatives really represent their own party leadership first, special interest lobbyists second, and me not at all.

If you pass this bill, or anything like it, I will never forgive you and will do everything in my power to unseat you.


(Your name)  ________________________________


84 key Democratic Representatives

Title Name             Party     State/Dist.   Phone               Fax

Rep. Pelosi Nancy        D         CA_08         202-225-4965     202-225-4188

Rep. Wilson Charles    D         OH_06         202-225-5705     202-225-5907

Rep. Schrader Kurt      D         OR_05         202-225-5711     202-225-5699

Rep. Berry Marion        D          AR_01         202-225-4076     202-225-5602

Rep. Cardoza Dennis   D         CA_18         202-225-6131     202-225-0819

Rep. Lipinski Dan        D          IL_ 03         202-225-5701     202-225-1012

Rep. Oberstar James   D          MN_08         202-225-6211     202-225-0699

Rep. Adler John            D         NJ_03         202-225-4765     202-225-0778

Rep. Kosmas Suzanne D         FL_24         202-225-2706     202-226-6299

Rep.  Murphy Scott       D         NY_20         202-225-5614     202-225-1168

Rep. Berkley Shelley     D         NV_01         202-225-5965     202-225-3119

Rep. Pomeroy Earl        D         ND              202-225-2611     202-226-0893

Rep. Hoyer Steny          D         MD_05         202-225-4131     202-225-4300

Rep. Van Hollen Chris.  D         MD_08         202-225-5341     202-225-0375

Rep. Clyburn James     D         SC_06         202-225-3315     202-225-2313

Rep. Bright Bobby        D         AL_02         202-225-2901     202-225-8913

Rep. Mitchell Harry        D         AZ_05         202-225-2190     202-225-3263

Rep. Giffords Gabrielle D         AZ_08         202-225-2542     202-225-0378

Rep. Baca Joe               D         CA_43         202-225-6161     202-225-8671

Rep. Bishop Sanford     D         GA_02         202-225-3631     202-225-2203

Rep. Barrow John         D         GA_12         202-225-2823     202-225-3377

Rep. Donnelly Joe         D         IN_02           202-225-3915     202-225-6798

Rep. Peterson Collin     D         MN_07         202-225-2165     202-225-1593

Rep. Childers Travis     D         MS_01         202-225-4306     202-225-3549

Rep. Moore Dennis       D         KS_03         202-225-2865     202-225-2807

Rep. Dahlkemper Kathy D        PA_03         202-225-5406     202-225-3103

Rep. Costello Jerry       D         IL_12            202-225-5661     202-225-0285

Rep. Ellsworth Brad      D         IN_08            202-225-4636     202-225-3284

Rep. Hill Baron              D         IN_09            202-225-5315     202-226-6866

Rep. Stupak Bart          D         MI_01            202-225-4735     202-225-4744

Rep. Kildee Dale           D         MI_05            202-225-3611     202-225-6393

Rep. Shuler Heath        D         NC_11           202-225-6401     202-226-6422

Rep. Driehaus Steve    D         OH_01           202-225-2216     202-225-3012

Rep. Kaptur Marcy        D         OH_09           202-225-4146     202-225-7711

Rep. Boccieri John       D         OH_16           202-225-3876     202-225-3059

Rep. Ryan Tim              D         OH_17            202-225-5261     202-225-3719

Rep. Kanjorski Paul      D         PA_11            202-225-6511     202-225-0764

Rep. Connolly Gerry     D         VA_11            202-225-1492     202-225-3071

Rep. Davis Lincoln       D         TN_04             202-225-6831     202-226-5172

Rep. Gordon Bart         D         TN_06             202-225-4231     202-225-6887

Rep. Reyes Silvestre    D         TX_16             202-225-4831     202-225-2016

Rep. Ortiz Solomon      D         TX_27             202-225-7742     202-226-1134

Rep. Mollohan Alan      D         WV_01            202-225-4172     202-225-7564

Rep. Rahall Nick           D         WV_03             202-225-3452     202-225-9061

Rep. Baird Brian           D         WA_03             202-225-3536     202-225-3478

Rep. Grijalva Raul        D         AZ_07               202-225-2435     202-225-1541

Rep. Titus Dina             D         NV_03              202-225-3252     202-225-2185

Rep. Schiff Adam         D         CA_29              202-225-4176     202-225-5828

Rep. Space Zack          D         OH_18              202-225-6265     202-225-3394

Rep. Cooper Jim          D         TN_05               202-225-4311     202-226-1035

Rep. Tanner John        D         TN_08               202-225-4714     202-225-1765

Rep. Maffei Dan            D         NY_25               202-225-3701    202-225-4042

Rep. Davis Arthur        D         AL_07               202-225-2665     202-226-9567

Rep. Snyder Vic           D         AR_02               202-225-2506     202-225-5903

Rep. Salazar John       D         CO_03               202-225-4761     202-226-9669

Rep. Marshall Jim        D         GA_08               202-225-6531     202-225-3013

Rep. Melancon Charlie D         LA_03               202-225-4031     202-226-3944

Rep. Halvorson Deborah D      IL_11                202-225-3635     202-225-3521

Rep. Bean Melissa        D         IL_08                202-225-3711     202-225-7830

Rep. Boswell Leonard  D         IA_03                202-225-3806     202-225-5608

Rep. Skelton Ike           D         MO_04              202-225-2876     202-225-2695

Rep. Taylor Gene         D          MS_04              202-225-5772     202-225-7074

Rep. Etheridge Bobby D          NC_02               202-225-4531     202-225-5662

Rep. McIntyre Mike      D          NC_07               202-225-2731     202-225-5773

Rep. Arcuri Michael     D          NY_24                202-225-3665     202-225-1891

Rep. Altmire Jason     D           PA_04               202-225-2565     202-226-2274

Rep. Carney Christopher D     PA_10               202-225-3731     202-225-9594

Rep. Murtha John        D          PA_12               202-225-2065     202-225-5709

Rep. Doyle Michael      D          PA_14               202-225-2135     202-225-3084

Rep. Holden Tim          D          PA_17                202-225-5546     202-226-0996

Rep. Spratt John          D         SC_05                202-225-5501     202-225-0464

Rep. Rodriguez Ciro     D         TX_23                202-225-4511     202-225-2237

Rep. Cuellar Henry       D          TX_28                202-225-1640     202-225-1641

Rep. Perriello Tom       D          VA_05                202-225-4711     202-225-5681

Rep. Smith Adam        D           WA_09              202-225-8901     202-225-5893

Rep. Kagen Steve       D           WI_08                202-225-5665     202-225-5729

Rep. Kind Ron             D           WI_03                202-225-5506     202-225-5739

Rep. Herseth Stephanie D        SD_01               202-225-2801     202-225-5823

Rep. Boucher Rick      D           VA_09                202-225-3861     202-225-0442

Rep. Chandler Ben      D           KY_06                202-225-4706     202-225-2122

Rep. Markey Betsy      D           CO_04                202-225-4676     202-225-5870

Rep. Matheson James D          UT_02                 202-225-3011     202-225-5638

Rep. Nye Glenn            D           VA_02                202-225-4215     202-225-4218

Rep. Teague Harry      D           NM_02                 202-225-2365     202-225-9599


March 15, 2010

Rocky Montana