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ObamaCare battle goes nuclear

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

          The seemingly endless battle over ObamaCare

          appears to be coming down to the abortion

          issue! We have been given a golden opportunity

          to derail the administration's maniacal efforts

          to ram this unwanted, pro-death "reform" bill

          through Congress. Please read below --Mat.

Dear Friend,

One day after President Obama's "urgent appeal" to the American people to support his unpopular health care proposal, Representative Bart Stupak announced that he and 11 other

Democrat congressmen WILL NOT vote for the Senate version if it does not address the provisions that permit the federal government to "directly subsidize abortions."

Even though Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and a chorus of other pro-abortion Democrats cross their hearts and say there are no changes to abortion law in ObamaCare, the nation's pro-life groups are warning that there would be a HUGE change.

          Pelosi is downright peevish when asked about the

          abortion issue in ObamaCare. Could it be because

          she knows it is her Achilles heel?

The fact is Stupak and these Representatives' pro-life stand is throwing a monkey wrench into the President's plan to use "reconciliation" to pass ObamaCare.  Now, citizens like you and me must send a strong message to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis that we will NOT accept the abortion mandate contained in both the Senate bill and the "President's Proposal."

           This is a golden opportunity that we need to

           seize! ObamaCare could unravel if we put enough

           pressure on pro-life leaning Democrats,

           especially in the House.

++ Let your voice be heard as never before!

The dozen pro-life Representatives MUST be supported by the voices of tens of thousands of pro-life citizens across the nation. That's why, at this crucial hour, I'm asking you to take a stand with Liberty Counsel and your fellow pro-life Americans once again.

Consider signing our "Petition Opposing the ObamaCare Abortion Mandate."  Our petition specifically targets this key issue which could decide whether ObamaCare is rammed through Congress.

           We cannot allow this anti-life bill to pass! We

           need every pro-life patriotic friend to join us

           in signing this petition to flood Congress with

           a crystal clear message:


Your signature will send an immediate and targeted message. Go here now to sign our "Petition Opposing ObamaCare's Abortion Mandates."

++Liberal activists are on the march.

Unfortunately, since the President has begun rallying support for his bill, organizations like Planned Parenthood, MoveOn and Obama's own Organizing for America are flooding Capitol Hill with calls and citizen contacts. They all stand to gain by passing ObamaCare.

This is even more reason why we MUST keep the pressure on. If we are silent right now, the government takeover of health care could be complete in a matter of a few weeks. Go here to sign our petition.

++The Obama/Pelosi/Reid axis is ignoring your voice.

Despite polls that show this legislation is hugely unpopular, and even considering the fact that congressional Democrats are bracing for big losses this fall, the President and Nancy Pelosi have urged Democrats to ignore their political careers to pass ObamaCare.

         What they're saying is, "Forget the voices of the

         American people! We know what is best for them!"

         This is sheer arrogance and insolent elitism of

         the worst kind.

We MUST counter their condescension with the mandate of the American people! Now is the time to let these politicians know that this anti-life, unconstitutional bill is unwanted by an overwhelming majority of the voting public.

They must be made to know this: If they vote "yes," we will vote them out!

The President has asked for a vote by as soon as March 18th. He said the time for talking is done and I believe we could be on the final lap of this race. Congress needs to hear YOUR VOICE.

         We will not have our tax dollars pay for abortions!

         We will not allow Congress to recklessly spend our

         taxes in order to pay for special interest perks and

         unwanted healthcare "reform"!  Go here to sign:

Together, we will send a message that Americans oppose ObamaCare

and that we WILL hold Congress accountable!

Thank you and God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. We are in the final stretch of this seemingly interminable battle. The next few days are crucial in countering any potential momentum shift. Sign the petition. Then, alert your friends:

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Grassroots Action, Inc. (formerly is a for-profit Internet services company that builds custom conservative action networks for organizations seeking to expand their impact through the Internet.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassroots Action" <>
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 6:16 PM
Subject: ObamaCare battle goes nuclear