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Enough games! It's time to stop Obama, congressional circus

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Miami, Fla., is among the most scenic cities in America

MIAMI – Are you tired of watching your country being destroyed?

Would you like to network with thousands of people who recognize the problems and who are formulating thoughtful strategies for addressing them?

Are you ready, willing and able to help take America back?

If the answer to those three questions is a resounding and unequivocal "yes," make plans now to be in Miami for WND's "Taking America Back" conference Sept. 16-18 at the fabulous Doral Resort.

It will be a time of uncompromising strategic planning

for setting the country back on the course of constitutional self-government.

"This will not be a pep rally," says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND and the author of the best-selling "Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice." "This will not be a 'conservative' conference that compromises with those promoting anti-American and immoral practices. This will be a conference unlike any other you have ever attended."

Farah will be speaking, along with other WND personalities, including columnist Alan Keyes, senior staff writer Jerome Corsi, Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein and managing editor David Kupelian.

"This is more than a conference about turning around governance in America," Farah added. "It will be a thoroughly interactive event designed to empower freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans to take back the culture of statism, immorality and injustice."

More knock-out speakers are being invited right now. Hands-on workshops are being planned. If you come to this conference, be prepared to do more than listen. Be prepared to participate.

Part of the Doral Resort

"We're putting the call out to all major tea-party activists around the country to be in Miami this September," said Farah. "This is the heart and soul of the movement to take America back. It's the greatest grassroots uprising in the country in modern times. And this conference belongs to them."

Even better, this conference is economical. The Doral Resort is one of the nation's most prestigious. But hotel rooms have been negotiated for this event at an amazing $89. That's cheaper than any nearby hotels or even motels.

In addition, if you register for the conference before April 30, the fee is only $69.

"We're keeping the prices low because we know Americans are hurting in this economy," said Farah. "We don't want people to have to think twice about attending this event because of money."

For those who really want to extend their activism and combine it with rest and relaxation, you can embark directly on the first-ever "Tea Party at Sea" cruise of the Eastern Caribbean, setting sail Sunday, Sept. 19, for seven days on Royal Caribbean's "Liberty of the Seas."

Farah, Corsi, Klein and Kupelian are all confirmed for the cruise, with more guest speakers to be announced later.

There, too, WND has secured bargain-basement rates for cabins beginning at $399* per person. That's cheaper than a weeklong stay at a Motel 6! For that price you will cruise in luxury, amid like-minded friends, with informal discussions and repartee and visits to ports in San Juan, St. Maarten and Hispaniola. But those rates are only good if you book through March 15.

So what are you waiting for?

The prices of rooms at the Doral will only go up as the conference nears. The rates for cabins on the "Tea Party at Sea" will only rise after March 15 and as the ship fills up.

Get in early and save.

For either or both events – the "Taking America Back Conference" or the "Tea Party at Sea" cruise – CALL TOLL-FREE 877-768-2784 ext. 104, Monday - Friday, 8am to 6pm EST.

*Rates are based on availability and are per person based on double occupancy. Does not include port charges and tax. Must be booked through Sovereign Cruises and Events LLC in order to participate in the event. Florida Seller of Travel #ST35876.

Feb. 28, 2010