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Hill phones "going crazy" supporting ObamaCare

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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The "public option" is a real threat and liberal activistsare flooding Capitol Hill. See below.  --Steve

I just received word from a trusted contact on Capitol Hill that the Left's strategy of flooding Congress with "Pro ObamaCare" phone calls is working.

"We just left [a member of Congress'] office and while we were waiting, their phones were going crazy demanding" support for health care and to sign on to the Bennet letter committing to voting for reconciliation. The Bennet effort is to give Pelosi air cover for the House vote.... Get everyone you can to call or fax or email."

The "Bennet letter" refers to a letter from Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado which urges Majority Leader Reid to use BUDGET RECONCILIATION to pass ObamaCare WITH THE PUBLIC OPTION.

In other words, the Bennet letter is designed to send a message to House Democrats that the House version of the bill with the public option will be included in the final (real) ObamaCare bill using reconciliation.

And reports indicate the Bennet Letter already has 33 signers!

+ + Odds of ObamaCare passing are rising

This contact also relayed the following on the prospects of ObamaCare passing...

"The person who has been our main contact said...last week she would have thought 20% [likelihood of ObamaCare passing] now thinks 50%.... They also have polling data that each

piece of health care reform when polled line by line has support and that Americans will love it after they do it. My sense is that we really need the TEA party to bombard the House members or this is going to happen."

+ + Two Key Actions

#1 -- Send faxes right now

Even if you've done so already...

You can use our FaxFire system to send this message right now to your two Senators, your Rep AND the President -- and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Go here to schedule your faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

#2 -- Call your Senators and Representative

Again, it appears the President's grassroots strategy is working. If you want your voice to be heard, please call...

Be sure to tell your Senators what you think about the "Bennet Letter" calling for reconciliation and the public option.

If you have already sent faxes, thank you! And thanks for going the extra mile right now with more faxes and phone calls. Thank you for all you do as part of the Grassfire Nation.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Also be sure to join the dialogue and the grassroots strategy at ResistNet:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:10 PM
Subject: Hill phones "going crazy" supporting ObamaCare