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President Obama: "Make your voice heard"

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

Obama is calling for a final vote in "the next few weeks." And he wants citizens to "make their voice heard." Well, he asked  for it! See below.   --Steve

Today at 2:04pm Eastern time, after spewing the longest string of lies we have heard to date on health care reform, President Obama threw down the grassroots gauntlet:

"I urge every American who supports this reform to make their voice heard. Make your voice heard."

Obama also called on Congress to pass ObamaCare "in the next few weeks" and all-but pledged to use the nuclear option and ram ObamaCare through the Senate under the bogus budget "reconciliation" process.

Rep. Mike Pence said the President was "essentially doubling down" on government control of health care. And President Obama doubled down on his three-fold strategy:

#1 -- Continue to LIE about the true nature of ObamaCare and

       create false urgency that this must be done now.

#2 -- Press on with the Nuclear Option that forces his bill

      through Congress.

#3 -- Press forward with a massive grassroots effort from

      the Left -- fueled by his own campaign machine, groups

      like and specifically set forth by Obama

      today in his address... "Make your voice heard."

+ + How to "Make Your Voice Heard"

Here are three ways you can make your voice heard (at the President's request):

#1 -- Send faxes right now

You can use our FaxFire system to send this message right now to your two Senators, your Rep AND the President -- and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! Go here to schedule your faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

#2 -- Call your Senators and Representative

Your calls to your elected officials right now are crucial. The President wants ObamaCare passed "in the next few weeks." Public opinion in the next few days will determine whether ObamaCare gets fast-tracked.

#3 -- Get involved at a deeper level on ResistNet

Third, I encourage you to network with other grassroots conservatives on our social action site -- ResistNet. Here are some resources from our ResistNet "watchmen" on the health care issue:

Also, please visit your ResistNet state group so you can network with other conservatives in your area:

And if you haven't yet joined ResistNet, go here:

Again, President Obama has thrown down the grassroots gauntlet. Today in his national address, he challenged YOU and ME to "make your voice heard."

This is one time to heed the President's word!

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. The fastest way to "make your voice heard" is to utilize our FaxFire service. Go here to schedule your faxes to your two Senators, your Representative and other key members of Congress:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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+ +

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: President Obama: "Make your voice heard"