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Last man standing in the Senate

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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Sen. Jim Bunning is taking a beating today.

He is being lambasted, mocked and ridiculed as a crazy old man who has lost his bearings.

Why? Because Bunning is insisting that Congress pay for its lastest spending spree -- $10 billion in an emergency Transportation and unemployment funding measure that Congress has not funded.

Bunning doesn't oppose the bill -- just the fact that Congress once again is spending money without funding the spending. They are just adding another $10 billion to the deficit!

Plus, as Bunning points out, just a few weeks ago Congress passed the "PayGo" law that requires Congress to fully fund any new discretionary spending! Bunning is simply holding their feet to the fire.

And for this, Bunning is the bad guy! He's being blamed for causing 2,000 Transportation workers to be furloughed... for the suffering of thousands of unemployed who will miss their unemployment checks...

CNN went so far as to put on its broadcast, "Thousands hurt by one Senator." Even G.O.P. strategists are worried that Bunning's stand will give the Democrats the advantage.

I say, hogwash! It seems Bunning may be the last man standing in the Senate.

      Someone... somewhere... must draw a line and say NO to

      the endless spending spree that is pushing our nation

      to the brink of bankruptcy!

+ + Two actions

Here are two things you can do in response to these attacks on Jim Bunning.

#1 -- Call your two Senators

Tell your two Senators that you AGREE with Sen. Bunning and

you want Congress to FULLY FUND any new spending!

Facts for your call:

--Sen. Bunning does not oppose the bill; just the fact that

  Congress has not funded $10 billion in the bill.

--Sen. Bunning has proposed ways to pay for the bill but

  those have been rejected.

--Congress just passed a new "PayGo" law that requires Congress

  fully fund any new discretionary spending.

#2 -- Sign our "Stop the Spending Madness" Petition

Jim Bunning has taken a stand. If you want to take a stand against out-of-control spending, join thousands who are signing Grassfire Nation's "Stop The Spending Madness" petition. Go here:

Thanks for all you are doing to defend our liberties.

Thanks for all you are doing to defend our liberties.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:19 AM
Subject: Last man standing in the Senate