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4 Days to Save the Oceans

Alice Jay - Avaaz

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Our ocean ecosystems are literally dying under pressure from mass, uncontrolled commercial fishing and pollution. This decision could start to turn the tide. But commercial fishing companies are opposing the move, putting short term profits ahead of all sense. We can’t let that happen -- already, over 90% of big fish like tuna and marlin are gone.

Together, let’s send the UK government a tidal wave of global public support urging them to be bold and protect oceans from exploitation. Sign the petition below, then forward it to everyone you know. It will be delivered to Foreign Secretary David Miliband by the deadline this Friday!

The reports are dire: in 38 years, our oceans could be completely fished-out, in 100 years, all coral reefs might be dead. This action alone won’t be enough to turn the tide. But it will establish a 210,000 square-mile Marine Protected Area -- bigger than the Great Barrier Reef.

To truly save the world’s oceans from collapse will require bold political leadership and dedicated citizens taking action. In 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity, a UK decision to create the world's largest Marine Protected Area would secure a conservation legacy almost unrivalled in scale and significance. This would set a clear example to other governments around the world.

Let's drown out the voices of the commercial fishing companies, and lay the foundation for protecting our oceans for generations to come. Sign the petition below, and forward it to friends and family:

With hope,

Alice, Iain, Paul, and the rest of the Avaaz team

More info:

Protect Chagos:

Why is Overfishing a problem?:

World's coral reefs could disintegrate by 2100:


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In days, the UK government could create the world's largest Marine Protected Area. But powerful commercial fishing interests stand in the way. Let's send a flood of support to save our dying oceans. Sign the petition below, and forward this email widely:

Sign The Petition!

----- Original Message -----
From: Alice Jay -
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: 4 days to save the oceans