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Pelosi and Reid's Dubious Plot to Pass ObamaCare


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     They've just repackaged the same tired ObamaCare ideas that the American people have already rejected... rationed care... drastic cuts to Medicare Advantage... hundreds of billions of dollars in tax increases... the unconstitutional individual mandate... taxpayer-funded abortions... and more.

     Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh described what they are doing this way: "It's a suicide pact. I mean that's all you can say this thing is. They don't care. ... The American people don't want any part of this. They're still going to ram this thing down our throats. They do not care."

     Limbaugh added: "This health care plan has been prepared in anger. This health care plan's been prepared in defiance. This health care plan is being revived to ram it down your throat and my throat and everybody's throats. The purpose of this health care plan is for them to show you who the hell is boss. ... They think you are stupid and they're going to ram this down your throat regardless."

     Fortunately however, as Rush Limbaugh also said, "this is no slam-dunk" for Obama.

     Limbaugh is right. ObamaCare can and will be defeated, but we must join together and make our voices heard right now. We must remind our so-called leaders in Washington who, in fact, really is the boss.

Your voice can truly make a difference because we only need to shift a handful of votes to kill ObamaCare once and for all.

Please use the button or hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama, each and every member of the Leadership of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives and 31 other, venerable members of Congress. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you reject this latest version of ObamaCare. Let them know that the American people are not stupid. That no amount of spin from Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or their allies in the liberal media will change the fact that the American people want ObamaCare defeated once and for all.

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It's Official: Barack Obama's Televised White House Health Care Summit Is Nothing But A Sham.

     Upon release of his new "reform" plan, Barack Obama proved on Monday that he never had any intention of listening to alternative ideas on health care. His televised so-called bipartisan summit was never meant to be anything more than a cheap and tawdry publicity stunt... a distraction, designed to conceal his real agenda.

     Political pundit Dick Morris had this to say about Obama's and Harry Reid's new game designed to deceive the American people:

"Disguising his true intentions behind a health care summit which is designed to fail, he will try to pass the Senate [ObamaCare] bill in the House and send it to the White House to become law. Then, he will use the reconciliation procedure (which lets him pass budget related bills in the Senate with only 51 votes) to push through additional legislation which modifies the bill to suit House and Senate liberals."

     "Disguising his true intentions... designed to fail?" You better believe it.

     Three days prior to this sham-summit, Obama posted his so-called health care plan on the White House website and announced, amid fanfare, that his plan already contains concessions to Republicans.

     Concessions to Republicans? Don't believe it for a minute. Not only are there no real concessions to Republicans, there aren't any concessions to the rest of the American people either. No meaningful tort reform... no creation of a national market for health insurance by allowing people to shop across state lines... nothing that can meaningfully bend the cost curve on health care.

     In fact, prior to Obama unveiling his plan, Reuters inadvertently let the cat out of the bag when it reported:

"The legislation the White House will post on its website is expected to reflect common ground negotiated over the past several weeks by House and Senate Democratic leaders."

     The only concessions Barack Obama will seriously consider are concessions, made behind closed doors, to other Democrats.

     And the Associated Press reported:

"The White House and congressional leaders are preparing a detailed health care proposal designed to win passage without Republican support if GOP lawmakers fail to embrace bipartisan compromises at President Barack Obama's summit next week."

     So... if Obama is serious about considering alternative ideas, why are Democrats still meeting behind closed doors?

     The answer, of course, is that nothing has changed. The ObamaCare scam that is posted on the White House website was crafted, once again, behind closed doors by Democrats... with no input from Republicans... without any regard for the wishes of the American people.

     There will be no substantive "bipartisan" proposals offered at this so-called summit. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are simply putting the same old dog food in a different package under the assumption that the American people are stupid enough to eat it this time around if they simply appear willing to negotiate with Republicans.

     As we've noted all along, this so-called summit is nothing more than a trap. It is, in fact, "designed to fail." It's nothing more than a ruse to give Democrats political cover so they can ram ObamaCare down our throats.

     And we're not going to let them get away with it.

Your voice can truly make a difference because we only need to shift a handful of votes to kill ObamaCare once and for all.

Please use the button or hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama, each and every member of the Leadership of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives and 31 other, venerable members of Congress. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you reject this latest version of ObamaCare. Let them know that the American people are not stupid. That no amount of spin from Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or their allies in the liberal media will change the fact that the American people want ObamaCare defeated once and for all.

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Smoke And Mirrors: "You Can Fool Some Of The People Some Of The Time..."

     Congressman Tom Price (R-GA), in a statement dripping with righteous sarcasm, exposed the smoke-and-mirrors behind Obama's claim that his proposal contains alternative ideas:

"After repeating for months that Republicans have no solutions when it comes to health care reform, he [Obama] now wants to discuss the very ideas he denied existed and has invited Republican leaders to the White House to find a 'bipartisan' health care solution. How gracious of him."

     Calling Obama's maneuver "audacious spin," Congressman Price continued to expose the truth:

"That brings us to the second, more laughable, new claim from the White House: that the bill already contains Republican ideas and concessions from Democrats. Right."

     House Minority Leader John Boehner put it this way:

"The President has crippled the credibility of this week's summit by proposing the same massive government takeover of health care based on a partisan bill the American people have already rejected. This new Democrats-only backroom deal doubles down on the same failed approach that will drive up premiums, destroy jobs, raise taxes, and slash Medicare benefits."

"This week's summit clearly has all the makings of a Democratic infomercial for continuing on a partisan course that relies on more backroom deals and parliamentary tricks to circumvent the will of the American people and jam through a massive government takeover of health care."

     You can almost see what's going to happen on Thursday. In so many words, Barack Obama will scold and pontificate:


In my infinite wisdom, I, Barack Obama, have determined exactly what it is that you Republicans and the American people want and I have included those concessions in my plan. And yet, you still refuse to work with me. I've done all that I can do. I wash my hands of you. Regrettably, your obstructionist attitude has forced me to pass ObamaCare without your input.

     And you can almost see the top-of-the-fold headline on Friday's edition of the New York Times:


Republicans Refuse to Cooperate With White House; Obama Pledges To Circumvent Their Obstructionist Tactics and Pass Health Care

     Of course, it goes without saying that the "concessions" to Republicans that Obama is supposedly making are not substantive within the broader context of his so-called health care proposal... they're essentially nonexistent.

     And it goes without saying that the version of ObamaCare that Pelosi and Reid will try to ram down our throats won't include any of these so-called "Republican concessions" anyway.

     Instead of fearing the obstructionist label, Republicans should realize that the American people WANT them to obstruct ObamaCare. Since they're so dead set on attending this sham bipartisan summit, they should, at least, find an excuse to walk-out of it... television cameras rolling.

     Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...."

     It's time to disabuse Barack Obama of the notion that the American people are stupid and remind him of the rest of Lincoln's statement; that "you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

     If Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid want to commit political suicide... fine.

     But we're not going to sit idly by and let them socialize one-sixth of the U.S. economy and force more expensive, inferior health care on all of us in the process.

Your voice can truly make a difference because we only need to shift a handful of votes to kill ObamaCare once and for all.

Please use the button or hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to Barack Obama, each and every member of the Leadership of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives and 31 other, venerable members of Congress. Or alternately, you can send over 530 urgent, personalized faxes to Barack Obama and all of the Members of the House and Senate.

Let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you reject this latest version of ObamaCare. Let them know that the American people are not stupid. That no amount of spin from Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or their allies in the liberal media will change the fact that the American people want ObamaCare defeated once and for all.

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Jeff Mazzella


Center for Individual Freedom

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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: Pelosi and Reid's Dubious Plot to Pass ObamaCare