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Obama Counting on Silencing Your Voice

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

       The coming health care summit will be nothing more

       than six-hours of political theatre leading up to

       reconciliation, and a ramming of ObamaCare down our

       throats. The time is now to take action.  --Steve

In a bit of irony, President Obama kicked off his socialized health care overhaul on television, and now it appears he will finish it on television - during his health care summit tomorrow.

But make no mistake. This has nothing to do with honest health care reform. This is Obama's "dog-and-pony" show for the cameras, a not-so-carefully disguised ruse to "show" uninformed Americans that Republicans are the real problem in Obama's health care takeover bid.

And while Obama is smiling in front of the cameras, looming in the shadows, Democrats are finalizing reconciliation plans to force Americans into accepting socialized health care...

To them, this is nothing but a high-stakes scheme, a political game where the American people will be the losers.

 I'm tired of losing...

As an American who loves his country, I'm sickened by lies, the manipulation, and the intimidation of this Administration and Congress.

It angers me when I read on Obama's website that he's "putting Americans in control of health care"...

Since when?

Americans have been ignored and told to shut-up throughout the ObamaCare debate, and now, Obama and his cohorts are counting on the efforts of the radical group and progressive organizations like Health Care for America (HCAN), and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to arm-twist political support for ObamaCare.

Their "One Million Voices for Healthcare Reform: A Virtual March on Washington," includes calls, faxes, Tweets, Facebook and more -- all with one purpose in mind - silence the true voice of the people!

We must not allow that to happen.

 I'm calling on you to take a final, impassioned stand with me by scheduling your personalized faxes for immediate delivery!

Click here to schedule your faxes now:

Many on the team have already responded to my earlier call to action, and I'm pleased to report that as this radical virtual march to silence your voice is unfolding, thousands of faxes are pouring into Senate offices throughout Capitol Hill from citizens who refuse to be silenced during this critical time!

Grassfire Nation is countering their actions, but we need a second wave, and I'm counting on you to take action by clicking here right now.

My staff has made it easy for you to download both fax numbers and letters to easily print off and send on your own if you wish.

As I mentioned earlier, these next several days are critical, and it is imperative that we not allow our voices to be silenced!

Click here to take immediate action with me:

Thank you in advance for taking fast action with me.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes for fast delivery, please forward this update and encourage your friends to take action with you by clicking below.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:31 AM
Subject: Obama Counting on Silencing Your Voice