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Obama Calls in Cavalry to Seal Health Care Deal

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

      The President isn't taking any chances this time. He is

      engaging his most radical allies to push through Obama

      Care, and you and I are the last line of defense.  --Steve

With the final push for ObamaCare underway, the radical and progressive organizations like Health Care for America (HCAN), and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are uniting on February 24 - the day before the President's Health Care Summit to "deliver to Washington D.C., a scream they will never, ever forget."

According to their site, their 1 Million Voices for HealthcareReform: A Virtual March on Washington, will include "calls, faxes, Tweets, Facebook, emails, telegrams, balloon drops and carrier pigeons. Whatever, it takes."

And that's not all...

Obama's own organization, the one he relied so heavily upon to get elected, and renamed shortly after he arrived at the White House, Organizing for America (OFA) is calling for its volunteers to pledge 5 million hours to support members of Congress and candidates who fight for real health reform!

According to their site, they already have 4 million volunteer hours!

In the days ahead, there's no question we are facing a David and Goliath challenge, but if you'll recall, David won against the much larger and imposing giant...

and I fervently believe history is about to repeat itself.

That's why I'm sending out this URGENT CALL TO ACTION to EVERY member of our ONE MILLION strong team.

I want to make certain as we come down to the twelfth hour in ObamaCare, Grassfire Nation is fully engaged, and doing all that we can to short-circuit this radical push to pass this disastrous health care legislation.

+ + Grassfire Nation Fax Barrage to Counter the Radical Left!

To offset and counter the radical left's destructive efforts, I'm calling on you to take a final, impassioned stand with me by scheduling your personalized faxes for delivery beginning at 12:01am February 24.

Click here to schedule your faxes now:

I've already alerted my staff telling them that we must utilize every remaining minute to defeat ObamaCare!

Additionally, I'm asking all members of Grassfire Nation to be on high alert for daily email messages from me - updating you on late breaking news and vital calls to action in the days ahead!

That said, take a moment to schedule your personalized faxes to your two South Dakota Senators and Representative as well as key members of the House and Senate letting them know that their support of ObamaCare will not be tolerated!

Go here to help right now:

If you prefer to send faxes on your own, my staff has made it easy for you to download both fax numbers and letters to easily print off and send.

Regardless of the method you choose to send your faxes, TAKE ACTION!

Over the next several days, we are going up against as formidable an opponent as we will ever encounter and I need to know that I have the strength of Grassfire Nation standing shoulder-to-shoulder with me.

With that unflinching support-especially now, we will not lose!

Click here to take immediate action with me:

Thank you in advance for taking fast action with me.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes for fast delivery, please forward this update and encourage your friends to take action with you by clicking below.

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 1:42 PM
Subject: Obama Calls in Cavalry to Seal Health Care Deal