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The 'Mother of All Petitions' – cut Fed spending 10%

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They wouldn't dare try passing 'National Health Care' if enough people signed this petition.

The financial security of our country is in deep, deep trouble. Government spending at the Federal level is out of control.

Under the Obama administration the National Debt will increase by almost 40% in just the first two years! The interest payment alone on the national debt is $350 billion dollars a year and increasing.

The Budget Deficit under Obama’s administration is four times what it was under the Bush administration. As a result, we must borrow more money from China, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

A spending freeze is not the answer.

Dan Weber, AMAC’s president said “The only way to straighten out the financial mess we are in is to cut spending! We are spending more than we are taking in. This has got to stop!

That is why AMAC has started a petition to reduce Federal spending by 10% in the next budget!”

Weber called it “The Mother of all Petitions” because the goal is to get 10 million signatures. That would make it the largest petition in the history of our country!

According to Weber, the political elite in Washington are finally getting the message that the American people are angry about the way the country is headed. He thinks the petition will continue the pressure that the Tea Parties have started.

To Sign      "CLICK HERE"

Help protect the financial security of our country!

America’s Financial Crisis- how bad is it?

General Motors, once the strongest and largest corporation in America, went bankrupt because Management didn’t see the mistakes they made until it was too late.

Now the same thing is happening to the U.S. Government.

“There is a real chance America could go bankrupt”. Bill O’Reilly, Talking Points 2/12/10

“U. S. credit rating at risk- Moody’s”. Daily Telegraph

 The AAA bond rating on U.S. bonds is threatened as Moody’s says U.S. finances are already extended and could be overstretched.

Other News items:

-National Debt at 12.4 Trillion Dollars and growing. (See

-Warren Buffet says the economy is in shambles but thinks it will improve in 4 years. When asked why he thinks it will improve he said, “Because it always has”.

-The United Nations and China have both proposed replacing the U.S. dollar as the defacto world currency because of our weakened economy.

-The U.S. government is spending beyond its budget; it is only able to operate because of foreign loans.

-Manufacturing in the U.S. is at its lowest in 26 years.

-The wealth of America is being sapped dry as each year we send:

             $265 billion to OPEC and other oil producing countries

             $296 billion to China for items we import

-According to the non partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), by 2019 a whopping 82% of our Gross Domestic Product will go to pay down our national debt. This means in future years the U.S. government could owe its creditors more than the entire economy can produce!

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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: The “Mother of All Petitions” – cut Fed spending 10%