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ALARM !! NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT (Updated 2/26/09 with parts 3-10)

From Chester Lee McWhorter, Sr.

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Alarm 1.0.

New One World Government.



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25 April 2009

“The Principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.”    President Jefferson Davis, Confederate States of America.

             The New World Government, by the Fascist UN, controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Fascist Trilateral Commission, who will be having its next meeting in Tokyo (may already had it), it is just a very short step from a fascist government to that of a Communist one!

            This document has NOT been completely updated, because my stroke has caused a mobility problem, has been added, to include the George Walker Bush administration, or the obama fakery, and hopefully, will be the subject of a separate more definitive document.   Note: Where ref is made to the CFR it means The Council on Foreign Relations, previous to 1921 it was known as the Institute of International Affairs.  The counterpart of this group, in England was known as of this writing as The Royal Institute of International Affairs, also here as the League of Nations, with disastrous results, headed up by the Rothschild’s in England, the ones that McCain had a massive fund raising dinner with the Rothschilds, and received his instructions on letting obama winning,  and the Warburgs live in D. C., and

            In spite of all of the difficulties facing America, there is still no other place I would rather live; however, our nation is at a crossroads, quite like the difficulties faced by our forefathers. Many of the same conditions that prompted the Declaration of Independence, prevail in America today. Of the indictments against the King of Great Britain, our Founders declared: "He has erected a Multitude of new offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People and eat out their Substance." There are literally hundreds of thousands of government employees administering various regulatory agencies with budgets in the billions of dollars. Regulatory compliance alone exceeds $660+ Trillion annually!!

            Our Founders, opposed to "taxation without representation", also declared that the King was: "imposing taxes on us without our consent". Yet, taxation with representation, now sees the average American working through 2001 to meet his/her yearly local, state, and federal tax obligations. (A fine example is the telephone tax of Mr A. Gore that has imposed a tax of about 3.75% on your long distance calls. The Federal Communications Commission put this on at the request of Mr (I invented everything) Gore, a Fascist.

            We have another one that we can thank Mr Comrade Klinton for, and that is the Telephone Number Portability fee which allows the federal government to reassign, yes the federal government to reassign, our current telephone number to us no matter where we go in the country.  The government will guarantee that we may have the same phone number no matter where we are!  This is direct from Customer Service of Sprint, (Embarq) Tampa, Florida!...Interesting tracking possibilities, huh what?

            Commenting on debt, Benjamin Franklin warned: "The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as subjugation by conquest." DON’T WE KNOW NOW. Get rid of those credit cards! Our legislators have not balanced the federal budget since 1969, and the national debt has, since 1980, quadrupled to over $600 trillion. Its monthly interest costs now exceed the yearly interest costs of just twenty years ago. The budget is still not balanced as of January 01, 2009. There is no surplus!!!  For hoodwinking and fooling us into being complacent,  they forecast a surplus for the year 2012!!!  They have declared entitlements, and other funding off budget such as the many S&L failures, bank failures, Congressional related retirements, etc., so that the true expenditures are not available to anyone except the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). This is the surplus they brag about.

            NOTE: Even as late as July 12th 2001, on the floor of the U.S. House of Reps, Rep (Later, a Senator) Bernard  Sanders proclaimed that “We must stop lying to the American Public! We have no surplus.  We have moved certain expenditures from certain funding categories, and declared a surplus then......” This is like establishing a budget with a line item to build 15 million widgets for $80 billion dollars, then deleting the widgets, and declaring a surplus then of $80 billion dollars. This is the way our fabulous congress does it. In July 2002, the House voted themselves a $25,000 annual per diem payment without requiring any documentation as to the expenses claimed to be reimbursed by the per diem payment.

            In September 2002, the United States Senate was planning to give themselves a $75,000 annual per diem payment without documented justification or verification as to expenses to be covered by the per diem payment.




            Per Diem payments are not taxable income.  These per diem payments will continue for their natural lifetime along with their salaries, perks, etc. For Life! They now are paid 174,000.00 per yr in salaries only!! Plus Per Diem.

The Declaration of Independence states:

            "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."

Our second President, John Adams, said:

            "You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments; Rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe."

            Our Rights come from God. Why, then, are we reminded that our Rights come from the state (civil rights)? What the state gives, it can take away. We frequently hear our nation referred to as a democracy, yet the word is NOT found in the Constitution, it is a republic!

            Rather, we see in Article IV, Section 4: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government," The Pledge of allegiance contains: " ..and to the Republic, for which it stands..

            Commenting on our form of government, Chief Justice John Marshall stated: "Between a republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos."

            Even though the current version of the pledge of allegiance to our flag, as mandated by the Federal Government, contains the word "indivisible", that is not true..Under the Constitution of The United States, each state is a SOVEREIGN entity unto itself, and may or may not DIVEST itself from the union as the people therein may determine for themselves.

            The Soldiers Training Manual, issued November 30, 1928 gives the following definitions:

            "TM 2000-25: 118-120, Democracy - A government of the masses. Authority is derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in “mobocracy”. Attitude toward property is communistic, negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the people shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation, or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in “demagogism” (sic), license, agitation, discontent, and anarchy."

            "TM2000-25: 120-121, Republic - Authority is derived through election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles, and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.(We do not have a statesman in Congress except for Ron Paul.)

1 Corinthians 7:23 says: "You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men."

            It was upon this premise that our Founders drafted the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the first 10 amendments which are the Bill of Rights. At the Constitutional Convention (1787), Benjamin Franklin declared:  "We have been the Sacred Writings, that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."

            Our duty as a nation was eloquently stated by George Washington: "Whereas it is the duty of nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor."

(“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a god dammed piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November, 1985, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

See 1.1 next.



Alarm 1.1

25 April 2009

Please Forward.          In 1892, the Supreme Court recognized: 

            "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should he otherwise.."

            What would be the reactions to such statements made today? Outcries of "separation of church and state? Contrary to what is often said, this phrase will not be found in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence.

            The foregoing statements attest to the principles which established our Constitutional Republic. Are the difficulties confronting America today the result of disregarding the wisdom and the warnings of our Founders? Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party (read Communist) presidential candidate, stated: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without knowing how it happened." Is obama up that now?

To quote from the Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx, page 25:

            “Nevertheless, in the most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable:

            1.  Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes; (on-going)

            2.  A heavy progressive or graduated income tax; (done)

            3.  Abolition of all right of inheritance; (on-going)

            4.  Confiscation of the property of emigrants and rebels;

            5.  Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly; (done)

            6.  Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State; (done)

            7.  Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan; (done)

            8.  Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture;

            9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of population over the country and;

            10. Free education for all children in public schools.  Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form.  Combination of education with industrial production, etc., etc.(done)

            You have just read the 10 planks of the Communist Platform...How many of these have they accomplished so far, and how many are in the ongoing stage right now, all of a sudden our home which was worth $90,000, is now artificially worth over $250,000. Why!         

            We have often heard many debates and discussions about the nation's debt. But who benefits from the $900+ million per day interest on the national debt? Members of the CFR?

            James 5:3 says: "You have hoarded wealth in the last days."  Who is James referring to? Does this have anything to do with the "New World Order"?

            1. What are its goals?

            2. Who is promoting it?

            3. How much power and influence do they have?

            4. How close is it?

Consider these words spoken by James Madison in 1788 as the story unfolds:  

            "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation."

            For centuries, international bankers have enjoyed a lucrative business by financing governments and wars, and command considerable influence in the policies of such governments. Repayment of these loans could usually be guaranteed by the indebted government levying taxes upon its people. If a king or government could not or would not repay its loans, its enemy or rival would be financed. The business of financing wars was & still is, very profitable.

            As the wealth of these private banking empires increased, they eventually owned, as private corporations, the various central banks of Europe. Predominant among these was the House of Rothschild, with banking houses in major European capitals. Their seat of power was located in London, through control of the Bank of England. By loading more paper into circulation than gold to back it (fractional reserve banking), they were able to amass fortunes. By 1850, the House of Rothschild had more wealth than the combined monarchies of Europe.

            What better way to expand economic control than by financing Europe's colonization? And what better prize was there than America, with her industrious people and vast resources? The War of Independence was not only independence from English rule, but economic independence as well. Our Founders drafted the Constitution so that only Congress had control over our monetary system, unlike the private monopolies controlling European economics.

(“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

Remer, Hitler allowed the Rothschilds to leave Germany and they are Jewish!

          AT THE HEAD OF OUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AND AT THE ROOT OF OUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS ARE ONE AND THE SAME SNAKE.  THE Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) has two faces. One lets the public In & the other is for private use. They consist of, on the American side: CFR, FED, J. P. Morgan CHASE & COMPANY, Washington Mutual, Riggs bank, Trilateral Commission, Masons, World Bank, Central Bank, Goldman Sachs Group, Bank of America CORP, CITIGROUP, STATE STREET CORP, NY BANK OF MELLON, UN, Skull and Bones, Certain Congress (Sen. Dodd, Rep. Frank, Ms Pelosi), just to name a few and certain Senators. and a lot lesser units; Certain colleges such as Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and all have one goal in their existence. Part of their charter is to Control food and prices; petrol and all petroleum products; control all minds!, of their object of all their work is a central government, i.e., the NEW WORLD ORDER  .Only you and I can stop them. Voting for someone NOT representing the Democrat or Republican party. They both are the same , no matter what either one tells you. They have quietly passed a law that relieves then for any responsible actions for what they say in a campaign. Beware of who you  vote for.

          The CFR is made up of mainly the Rockefellers and their Oil Companies. The heads of all these subordinate saving & loan companies such as GE, Citi Corp credit cards, all Credit Cards, all banks , take their marching orders from Citi bank who is the head of this snake. The heads of all sub units Such as your local financial institute answer eventually to the CFR, therefore to destroy the Rockefeller control is your goal or else we all will become slaves with whatever rights are given to us by Rockefeller’s government.  REMEMBER, WHAT THE GOVERNMENT GIVES YOU, IT CAN ALSO TAKE AWAY!! I hope you make no mistake, remember, there’s no difference between a democrat that is in power, or a republican who wants power.  TWO representatives have already been murdered in their expose of the CFR.  One President has been murdered, JFK, when he converted the greenback back into the treasury note, from what was fake (fiat) money.  One month after his death, our money w/backing it was converted back into FEDERAL RESERVE money with NO backing. It is fiat money with no backing.  One brother of the President,  Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General, was murdered about 4 years after HIS death, because he was about to reveal the truth.  We must return to the gold/silver std for our money. We can continue using the fed’s printed currency until we get currency of our own and backed up with real money, then comes a real bonfire GOD BLESS  AMERICA, and help me from being murdered too..

See Nbr. 2.



 Subject: Know your Czars



Czar Position


Richard Holbrooke

Afghanistan Czar

Ultra liberal anti-gun former Gov. of New Mexico . Pro Abortion and legal drug use.

Ed Montgomery

Auto recovery Czar

Black radical anti business activist.  Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks.   Univ. of Maryland Business School Dean , teaches US business has caused world poverty.  ACORN board member.  Communist DuBois Club member.

Jeffrey Crowley


Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.

Alan Bersin  

Border Czar

Former failed superintendent of San Diego .  Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton .  Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno - to keep borders open to illegal's

David J. Hayes

California Water Czar

Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, "Progress Policy."  No training or experience in water management.

  Ron Bloom  

Car Czar

Auto Union worker. Anti business & anti nuclear.  Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business.  Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned.   How did this happen?

  Dennis Ross  

Central Region Czar

Believes US policy has caused Mid East wars.  Obama apologist to the world.  Anti-gun and pro-abortion.

  Lynn Rosenthal  

Domestic Violence Czar

Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.  Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration.

  Gil Kerlikowske  

Drug Czar

Devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal,  Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle .  Believes no American should own a  firearm.  Supports legalization of drugs




Carol Brower

Energy and Environment Czar

Political Radical Former head of EPA - known for anti-business activism.  Strong anti-gun ownership. SOCIALIST on Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.

Joshua DuBois  

Faith Based Czar

Political Black activist-Degree in Black Nationalism-seek a separate black nation..  Anti gun ownership lobbyist.

Cameron Davis  

Great Lakes Czar

Chicago radical anti business environmentalist.  Blames George   Bush for "Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink."    No experience or training in w ater management.  Former ACORN Board member

Van Jones  

Green Jobs Czar

(Recently has resigned).  Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party  who said Geo. Bush caused the 9/11 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes.  MARXIST, said whites are poisoning blacks, said transformation from "suicidal gray capitalism to econ-capitalism to the complete redistribution of wealth."   Black activist with strong anti-white views. HE’S BACK AGAIN IN A UNSPECIFIED JOB!

Daniel Fried

Guantanamo Closure Czar

Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists.  Believes America has caused the war on terrorism.

Nancy-Ann DeParle.    

Health Czar

Former head of Medicare/Medicaid.   Strong Health Care Rationing proponent.  She is married to a reporter for The New York Times.

Vivek Kundra  

Information Czar

Born in New DelhiIndia. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases.  Monitors all private Internet emails.

Todd Stern    

International Climate Czar

Anti-business former White House chief of Staff- Strong supportrer of the Kyoto Accord.  Pushing hard for Cap and Trade.  Blames US business for Global warming.

Dennis Blair

Intelligence Czar

Ret Navy.  Stopped US guided missile program as "provocative."  Chair of ultra liberal "Council on Foreign Relations" which blames American organizations for regional wars.

George Mitchell  

Mideast Peace Czar

Fmr. Sen from Maine . Left wing radical.  Has said Israel should be split up into "2 or 3" smaller more manageable plots."  Anti-nuclear anti-gun & pro homosexual

Kenneth Feinberg  

Pay Czar

Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY.   Lawyer who got rich off the 9/11 victims payoffs.

Cass Sunstein  

Regulatory Czar

Liberal activist judge believes free speech needs to be limited for the "common good."  Rules against personal freedoms many times -like private gun ownership. Says animals should be able to sue people. Anti-hunting.. 

John Holdren  

Science Czar

Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist.  Claims US business has caused world poverty.  No Science training.  OK to abort a child until the age of two.  Thinks TREES should be able to sue humans.

Earl Devaney  

Stimulus Accountability Czar

Spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens.  Believes in Open Borders to Mexico .  Author of  statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico .

J. Scott Gration

Sudan Czar

Native of Democratic Republic of Congo.  Believes US does little to help Third World countries.  Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations.

Herb Allison


Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of  people to lose their life savings.

John Brennan

Terrorism Czar

Anti CIA activist.  No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs .  Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military

Aneesh Chopra    

Technology Czar

No Technology training.   Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist.  Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan

Adolfo Carrion Jr.

Urban Affairs Czar

Puerto Rican.  Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America .  Millionaire "slum lord" of the Bronx , NY.  Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from "sweetheart" deals with labor unions.  Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care

Ashton Carter  

Weapons Czar

Leftist.  Wants all private weapons in US destroyed.  Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America .  No Other "policy"

Gary Samore

WMD Policy Czar

Former US Communist.  Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith.  Has no other "policy."

Kevin Jennings


As a teacher when a 15 year year said he was having sex with an older man, instead of turning in the man-the law for a teacher, he asked how it was going and suggested they use condoms.  Held a conference with the MAXIMUM age of 18 to teach homosexual issues like "fisting."   Wrote the intro to the book, "Queering Elementary Education." Has repeatedly praised and claims to be inspired by Harry Hay , early supporter of NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association).


Alarm 1.3

Please forward

25 April 2009                                                              Thomas Jefferson issued this warning:

            "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

            In 1792, contrary to Jefferson's warning, Alexander Hamilton established a 20 year charter with the Bank of England. When the renewal was denied in 1812, war broke out again. The charter was renewed in 1816. In 1833, President Andrew Jackson removed all moneys from this chartered bank and placed them into state banks. Mexico invaded Texas in 1836 after the renewal was again denied. Could these wars have been attempts by the European banking monopolies to disrupt and control Americas economy? The War Between The States (WBTS) (Lincoln’s War) continued this pattern.

            Abraham Lincoln said: "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, (and) more selfish than a bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe ... corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." [One of the few truths of the mostly false Lincoln myths] {J. P. Morgan, the Rockefellers & their banks were and are responsible.}

            By the end of the 19th Century, American industrialists and bankers, through the Industrial Revolution, had achieved great wealth. An excellent account of this is Matthew Josephson's 1934 book, entitled "The Robber Barons; the Great American Capitalists 1861-1901-(by Matthew Josephson, Harcourt, Brace and Co. New York 1934; available secondary market).

            The industrialists were known as "Big Business" and the Wall Street bankers as the "Money Trust". The most prominent of these was banker J.P. Morgan. It was Morgan, working with the European banking dynasties, who created the "Financial Panic of 1907" This was an effort to manipulate Congress to approve of a CENTRAL bank.

            In 1912, Woodrow Wilson became President. His chief advisor and administrator was Col. Edward Mandell House, who was a proponent of world government, a paid representative of the European banking dynasties, and had close ties with the Morgan interests.

            In 1912, House wrote a book, wherein he laid out a plan to bring America into a world government. ("Philip Dru: Administrator", by Col. Edward Mandell House, 1912; available at American Opinion Book  Services, P.O. Box 8040 Appleton, Wis. 54913-8040).

            On page 222, he wrote: "...our Constitution and our laws ... are not only obsolete, but even grotesque." His plan, and, to use his own words, "a conspiracy," would seek to achieve:

            1. The establishment of a CENTRAL bank; (done)

             2. A heavy progressive graduated income tax; and; (done) ;

            3.Control of both political parties in the U.S. (done)

            What was House's goal? "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx". House, who called himself the "unseen guardian angel" of the Federal Reserve Act, in concert with the Wall Street and European bankers, convinced President Wilson of the central bank concept.

            The Federal Reserve Act was passed on Dec. 23, 1913 (by a vote of 298 to 60 in the House of Representatives, and 43 to 25 in the Senate).

            After the vote, Congressman Charles A. Lindberg, Sr. (father of the famous aviator) told Congress: “This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth ... When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized ... The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation and deflation whenever the trusts want deflation..."

            The Federal Reserve Board (FED) was then able to manipulate the money supply. In the six years prior to the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the FED increased (or inflated) the money supply 62%, inducing unwise investments and market speculation by the public. When everything was in place, the bankers, who had been financing the market speculation, called in their "24 hr. broker call loans", precipitating the Crash.

            They were then in a position to loan the government billions of dollars to finance the nation out of the

depression. Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, (1920-1931) said this:

            "It (the depression) was not accidental. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all."

            How powerful is the FED? Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of House Banking committee (in the 60's) said: "in the U.S. today, we have in effect, two governments ... we have the duly constituted government ... then we have an independent, uncontrolled, and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to the Congress by the Constitution."

            The FED has never been audited, and has resisted all attempts to do so. Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts (then Director of Committee to Restore the Constitution) began a campaign on March 30, 1971, testifying before Wisconsin legislators about the fraud surrounding the FED. (The text of his address is in the Congressional Record, E3212-E3224, entered April 19, 1971). Roberts and other constitutional groups (including Washington state Senator Jack Metcalf) had, by the mid 80's, acquired about 20 states' support calling for audits/reforms, with no success.

            Again, in the late 80's, Congressman Henry Gonzales (Texas) called for abolition of the Federal Open Market Committee and the repeal of the Federal Res. Act. (HR 1469, 1470).

            Congressman Phil Crane (Illinois) also introduced HR 70, calling for an audit. ( Gonzales and Crane, also called for an audit/reforms under HR 28 and 145; Senator Byron Dorgan, (N. Dakota) called for a similar bill in the Senate, S212).

            "Government does not create liberty; on the contrary, government is the one persisting danger of human liberty.... This role of government as the enemy of liberty was well understood by the Founding Fathers of the Republic. They wished government to have sufficient power to 'restrain men from injuring one another.' But beyond that, they tied it down securely with constitutional limitations, separation of powers, bills of rights, and other legal barriers and barbed wire entanglements." -- Clarence Manion

            The Council on Foreign Relations identified Alan Greenspan as Chairman, Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System, which is the national bank that Thomas Jefferson warned us against, and that Lincoln was afraid of.  The 2007 Annual Report of the Council on Foreign Relations is available free from the Council On Foreign Relations, address and other stuff listed herein. Their E-mail address is, , Ph: 212-434-9400/Fax: 212-434-9800, Washington, D. C.  Ph: 202-518-3400/Fax: 202-986-2984, New York Main Hq.

            Since Wilson took office, the national debt has risen from $1 billion to over $81 trillion - that's just "on budget" debt. When added to the "off budget" debt of the S&L debacle, other pork projects they want to keep quite about,  and unfunded  retirement liabilities (especially those of members of Congress & staff), the total now exceeds our Gross  Domestic Product,(GDP).

            Is the country bankrupt? Roosevelt declared it so by Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and also by EO 6260 on March 9, 1933 (as proclaimed under the "Trading With the Enemy Act of 65th Congress, Oct. 6, 1917, and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a, which allows the President exceptional control under a "state of emergency") On April 5,1933, FDR issued this EO:

             "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 all gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System."

            “The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U. S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” Pres Franklin D Roosevelt in a letter to Col Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilsons most trusted aide, (Communist Party Official, full time Spy for Russia and KNOWN as such by Wilson, FDR, the FBI, the State Department, & others), 23 November 1933. Well known and tolerated and consulted on policy matters! Why?

            President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had his own most trusted aides, Mr Harry Hopkins, and Mr Alger Hiss, who ironically were WELL KNOWN to the US State Dept, FBI, Members of Congress, and others as full time members of the Communist Party of the USA and a spy for Russia!  Well known and tolerated and consulted on policy matters! Why?

            In 1942 Democrat Congressman Martin Dies, head of the Special House Committee on Un-American Activities back in the 30's took his list of discovered Communists who where in our Federal Govt at that time, to

President Roosevelt and gave the list to him, entreating him to do something about the Communists in office.  President Roosevelt responded with “I have never seen a man who had such exaggerated ideas about this thing. I do not believe in communism anymore than you do but there is nothing wrong with the Communists in this country; several of the best friends I’ve got are Communists.”  Dies continued his fight against Communist infiltration until 1944 when facing a “purge” by FDR he withdrew from the 1944 Democratic primary in Texas. {Well, so much for FDR}.[I have a copy of the Honolulu paper which claimed knowledge of an impending attack upon Pearl Harbor by the Japs. Did FDR know in advance??]  In June 5, 1933, Congress confirmed the bankruptcy. (through the "Joint Resolution to Suspend The Gold Standard And Abrogate The Gold Clause, June 5, 1933"). This was HJR 102, 73rd Congress, 1st session. Then, through another EO issued by President Johnson in 1968, silver backing was removed from our currency. This made the country insolvent.(even though Roosevelt had previously formally declared the USA to be bankrupt.) There is nothing backing our currency now, no gold, no silver, no platinum, nothing except the labour (sic) and property of We The People. We have become slaves. You will note on your older paper money the logo of the U S note, and therein it identifies which bank backs that bill, i.e., Bank of Philadelphia, Bank of Chicago, Bank of New York, Bank of St Louis. On the newer bills you will see a new logo that states simply "The Federal Reserve System".

             “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a God damn piece of paper”, G. W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by ..

            “ If people let the Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are their souls who live under tyranny”, Thomas Jefferson.

            “Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger, it works the same in every country.” –Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief.

            “The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission, founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller, and the Bilderburg group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.” Dr Johanne B. Koeppl (?), PHD., Former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Sec Gen, Manfred Werner.

            “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies...if the American people ever allow banks to control the issue of currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent that their fathers conquered.”–Thomas Jefferson.

            “So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious and otherwise, to put shackles upon sleeping men.”–Voltarine De Cleyre.

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!)



Alarm 3

Please forward.

25 April 2009

                        The following members of Congress, past present; members of the CIA, various organizations, public & private, The Supreme Court, Gov’rs, Pres’s, past and present, are confirmed as being  member of: the CFR/TC: Ex-Dpty Sec State Mr Armitage, alleged Drug Dealer; Abraham Piatt Andrew; Sen. Nelson Aldrich; Ex-Sec Bruce Babbitt; Sen. Biden, Pres G. W. Bush; Ex-pres & Ex-Director George Herbert Walker Bush; Zoe Baird; Ex-Sen Howard H. Baker; Nancy Kassebaum Baker; Evan Bayh;  Sanford D. Bishop; Amb Shirley Temple Black; Michael R. Bloomberg,   Samuel R. Berger; Bruce D. Berkowitz; Arthur F. Burns; Ben Bernanke; Ex-Rep 2 UN, John R. Bolton; Stephen G. Breyer; Tom Brokaw, “Propagandist”‘Rep; George C. Biddle;  Sec Zbigniew Brzezinski; Daniel F. Burton; Erskine Bowles; Richard R. Burt; Patrick M Byrne; Ex-Pres James Earl Carter; Ex-Gov William Gaston Caperton, III; Sec Elaine L. Chao; Vice-Pres Richard B. Cheney; Warren Christopher; Dick Clark;  Communist Ex-Pres William Jefferson Clinton; Katherine A. Couric, “Propagandist”; Adm William J. Crowe; Sen Thomas Andrew Daschle; Sen John Deutch; Norman D. Dicks; Sen Christopher J. Dodd ; Ex-Gov Alfonse M. D’Amato; Ex-Sec Lawrence S. Eagleburger; Ex-Sen Thomas Eagleton;  Sen Diane Feinstein; Cleveland H. Dodge; Ex-Sen Thomas S. Foley; Queer Rep Barney Frank; Ex-Pres Gerald R. Ford; Sec Robert M. Gates; Ex-Sen Newton L. Gingrich; Gary L. Ginsberg; Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Thomas B. Ginsburg; Sen Bob Graham; Geraldine Ferraro; Ex-Financier Alan Greenspan; Ex-Vice-Pres Al Gore, the dumb one; Sen Richard A Gephardt; Stephen J. Hadley; CIA Ch Michael V. Hayden; Sen Chuck Hagel; Charlayne Hunter-Gault;  Genl Alexander M. Haig; Ex-Sec of State, Katherine Harris; Teresa Heinz of Heinz Catsup, Mrs John Kerry; John P. Hall; Jane Harman; Ex-Sen  Gary Hart; Rep Richard C. Holbrooke; Ex-Pres. William P. G. Harding; Karen Elliott House, GrdDau of “Col” House; Ex-Sen Henry Hyde: Adm Bobby R Inman; John Maynard Keynes;  Sen Jesse L. Jackson, Jr, NAACP trouble maker; Lady Bird Johnson: Jesse L. Jackson, trash;  Vernon E Jordan Jr; Ex-Sec Jeane J. Kirkpatrick; J. P, Morgan’s; Sen John Kerry; Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, JFK”s Daughter; Ex-Sec of Def Henry A. Kissinger; Charles Krauthammer, “Propagandist;“  Bernard Kalb, Propagandist; Morton Kondracke, Propagandist; George Cabot Lodge; Winston Lord; Jim Lehrer, Propagandist; J. Laurence Laughlin; Sen Joseph I. Lieberman; Charles Lindbergh, Ex Communist until WW II: Sen John S. McCain; Jim McDermott, Propagandist; Cyrus McCormick;  Ex-Sen George S. McGovern; Ex-Sec of Def Robert S. McNamara; William McChesney Martin, Jr; Ex-Sen Walter F. Mondale; Richard B. Myers; John D. Negroponte, Ex-UN Rep; Montague Norman; Ex-Pres Richard C. Nixon; Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton; Sen Obama & all of his cabinet picks; Moses Taylor Pyne; Percy R. Pyne; Sec. Of Treas. Henry M. Paulson; Ex Sec Def Colin L. Powell; Mary Ann Peters; Genl David H. Petraeus; Thomas E. Petri; Sec of State Condoleezza Rice; David Rockefeller; David Rockefeller, Jr; Sen John D. Rockefeller, IV; Nicholas Rockefeller; William R. Rhodes, Cecil Rhodes, Communist leader, Chairman-Citi Bank; Professor Quigley; Theodore Roosevelt IV, Charles S, Rabb; Dan Rather, Propagandist; Warren B. Rudman; Diane Sawyer, “Propagandist” ; Hjalmar Scacht; Ex-Sec Arthur Schlesinger Jr,; Admiral Brent Scowcroft; Gen John M. Shalikashvili; “Tony” Snow; Sen Olympia J. Snowe; George Soros; John M. Spratt, Jr; Lesley R. Stahl, “Propagandist”; Lawyer Kenneth I. Starr; Benjamin Strong; John D. Sullivan; Ex-Sen George A. Smathers; Sec of H & HUD, Donna E. Shalala; Ex-Sen Craig Thomas: Strobe Talbott; Ex Pres William H. Taft, IV; Ex-Sec George J. Tenet; Sen Fred D. Thompson; Michael J. Turner; Garrick Utley, “Propagandist” ; Jack Valenti, Sec & alleged mobster; Chief of World Bank Paul A. Volker; Ex-Sec UN, Kurt Waldheim, Confessed Communist, Ex-Nazi: Sen Mark R. Warner;  Barbara Walters, “Propagandist”; John William Warner; Mark R. Warner; Sanford I. Weill; Ex-Sec Christine Todd Whitman; Brian D. Williams, “Propagandist”; Sec Paul D. Wolfowitz; Pres Woodrow Wilson; Judy C. Woodruff, Propagandist; Henry M. Paulson, Sec. of Treasury; Edwin M. Zimmerman; Peter D. Zimmermann; Frank A. Vanderlip; Admiral Zumwalt; James J. Zogby, Poll Taker for hire; (and many others).

            THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS still wins with only its candidates still in the race.

            Senator John McCain has appointed to his “elect McCain” committee the following: Herb Allison, not a member of either the CFR or the TC but he is the Finance Chairman and Chief Operating officer of Merrill Lynch which is a corporate member of the CFR; Kenneth M  Duberstein , chairman of the Duberstein Group, a member of the CFR (who was also a chief of staff for President Reagan). His advisors include: Admiral Charles R Larson; Ex US Rep Vin Weber; and ex Senator Warren B Rudman; all are members of the CFR! Mr Rudman is a leader in the Concord Coalition, which is under the control of then chairman of the CFR Mr Peter G Peterson! In his “campaign” for President, he was called to London to have a “fund raising” dinner with the Rothschild’s.  There he received his marching orders as how to throw the election to obama, and a sizable donation to his “effort”. Never once did he ever mention this “donation” and the name of ROTHSCHILD, the head of the ONE WORLD ORDER to anything or anyone.

As James Madison warned, there has been a:

"silent and gradual encroachment of those in power."


            "Dead in Kosovo Exaggerated. Despite Administration claims last spring, the number of ethnic Albanians killed by Serbs in Kosovo never approached "genocide."  Implications that 100,000+ civilians were murdered are groundless, investigators now say.  According to Spanish pathologist Emilio Perez Pujol, head of a team of investigators, "I calculate that the final figure of dead in Kosovo will be 2,500 at the most."  Critics say the inflated numbers were used to justify U.S. Military intervention." (The VFW Magazine, Page 8, January 2000). This war was created in order to further enhance the impression upon the American people that we must become the world's

policemen, and guess what, under the umbrella of the "good ole fascist UN".

            With NATO being part of the fascist UN it is easy to convince the people that fascist NATO was right in attacking Yugoslavia...Just another ploy to "dig our graves deeper" into the UN fold. It was also used to direct attention away from other problems snapping at the heels of the administration at home! All with the assistance of the news media, members of the CFR. We are on the verge of "global tyranny", as Jasper so aptly states.

            We are a Constitutional Republic, steeped in Christian heritage and guaranteed certain God-given unalienable rights. I will repeat this again: we have God-given rights - we are accountable to Him for everything, including our liberty and freedom. Our rights carry responsibilities. To dismiss those responsibilities is a sin of omission, no different than a sin of commission - God detests both.

            Proverbs 13:22 says: "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children."

            Over 957,000 patriotic Americans have given their lives in defense of our country. Their legacy is the freedom and liberty we now have. We are their posterity. Don't let their sacrifice become in vain. Although we are not on the battlefields of France, or an atoll in the Pacific, or a hill in Korea, or a jungle in Vietnam, or even a desert in Saudi Arabia, but we are in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Montegnegro, etc. We are indeed engaged in a battle. That battlefield is in America. A war is being waged against God, country, and family. Why? We are not only the last bastion of freedom, but 85% of the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19, 20) emanates from America. What can we do?

            1) Become informed, not misinformed. You know whose camp the major media is in - and it's not in yours. The best publication I know of for becoming informed is "The New American" magazine, a bi-weekly publication written by people who embrace the same ideals as our Founders (P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, Wisconsin 54913, 1-800-341-1522),

            2) Pray for your elected representative - many have forgotten what "representative" means. Voice your concerns to them - but do so from a perspective of knowledge and insight. There are many groups who address the effects - but have no insight as to the cause.

            3) Are you one of those people who say, "I don't know where the money goes - it costs twice as much to live beyond my means as it use to"? If you live by the world system, you will be subjugated by the same.

            Alexis De Tocqueville, in 1840, made the following observation after his years long tour of throughout America:

            "I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbours...; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of higher learning.  I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." (We have gone to hell.)

            (He was especially impressed with the Hospitality, manners, decorum, sense of duty, of Honour, and Responsibility consistently evident in what was identified to him as the Southern States).

            NOTE: The stated goal of the Council on Foreign Relations members writings, of which so many of our elected officials are members, is to totally subjugate this country and all others, AFTER us, to the total communistic style dictatorship of the UN!  However, the UN has one very large stumbling block in its way...Our Constitution and especially the 2nd amendment to it....The Trilateral Commission (TC) has historically stated that it would have total, repeat total, control by the end of the year 2000!  That is why there is/was such a flurry of anti-2nd amendment activity and assignment of military troops under foreign commanders, overseas, by the current administration, and by activity in the General Assembly of the UN.  The US Military Forces have been reduced to less than 50% of what it was prior to 1992. WHY? Total disarmament of all citizens of the United States including law enforcement officials is their openly stated goal.  The only personnel within the United States who will have any firearms of any type will be the military, which will be totally under the control of the UN. We must save our Nation, our Constitution, our God Given unalienable rights, our sovereign nation from becoming just another slave state under the UN! And, can you guess why the individual members of the Armed Forces of the US have been asked to certify that they will or will not fire upon American Citizens if called upon to do so? What is your guess?

            IF you have any to add to this, please let me know..

“Private property and freedom are inseparable”, You can’t have one without the other!  George Washington.

Civil Rights Hero Rosa Parks, Rosa Parks---Communist Tool 8 February 2003.

            The USA Today “News”paper reports that the NEA teachers have seen to it that every public school child in America knows their version of  “The Rosa Parks Story.”  It goes something like this: a poor, tired, Black seamstress took a seat in the front of a Montgomery, Alabama bus on 1 December 1955.  The driver asked her to move to the back under the state’s segregation law. For refusing, Parks was arrested.  Four days later Martin Luther King, (a proven communist sympathizer) arrived in town and launched the Montgomery Bus Boycott.  After 381 days, the Supreme Court ordered the city buses integrated.

   .        The True Rosa Parks Story

            The behind-the-scenes intelligence is that Rosa Parks was secretary of the local NAACP. The book, “Speak Now, a left-wing history of the civil rights movement, states that in August 1955, four months before the bus incident, Parks attended the Highlander Folk School in Mount Eagle, Tennessee.  The “school” was started in 1932 by Myles Horton and James Dombrowski, both of them members of the Communist Party.

            Speak Now states that the school’s original purpose was to train Communist activists on how to promote textile strikes, hold protest marches, picket lines and learn “socialist songs.”  The Textile Workers Union was completely controlled by the Communist Party.  Speak Now on page 529 reads:

            “FBI surveillance of the Highlander Folk School and the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) intensified.  In 1952 Myles Horton would invest their energy and resources in the historic Southern struggle (what about the north?) over desegregation in the public schools.”

            Speak Now says that Parks attended summer training at the Highlander Folk school in 1955, 1956 and 1957.  She is pictured with Martin Luther King sitting on the front row in a Highlander training class on 2 September 1957. Thus, the liberal’s story that she was just “a poor, tired black seamstress” when sitting in the front of the bus is a total lie!                                              

            On 1 December, the Black Troy State College in Montgomery opened a $10 Million dollar Rosa Parks Library and monument.  Attending the dedication was the state’s first Jewish Governor, Don Steelman, who praised Parks.  Coretta Scott King said that this incident launched her husband’s civil rights career and added: “By the sheer force of her will, she set in motion a revolution that continues to this day.” (Note: She could have and should have also thanked the Communist Party school which trained Parks.)

            Parks is called “The mother of the civil rights movement.”  Both NAACP, then head Kweisi Mfume, who has five children by five different women (and never married to any of them), and Jesse Jackson (who is also the father of an illegitimate child) attended. [Communist Comrade] President Clinton had presented Miss Parks with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. [As he also did Robert Mugabe, murderous dictator of Zimbabwe. CLMsr]

            An old city bus like the one Parks rode on is displayed in the museum. Children are now brought aboard the bus, where a harsh, recorded voice tells all Blacks to move to the back.  This is designed to instill feelings of guilt and self-hate in White Children.

Sources: a) The Truth at Last, POB 1211, Marietta, Georgia.

               b) The First Freedom, Vol 5, Nbr 2, February 2003.


            There were previous severe “panics” of the money supply in 1873, 1884, 1893, 1907, and 1929.

            Banks were at that time, listed herein: Westinghouse Acceptance; International Acceptance; Kuhn, Loeb; New York Trust; Bank of Manhattan, American Trust; New York Title and Mortgage; Chase National; Carnegie; Guaranty Trust; Mutual Life Ins; Equitable Life of New York; First National of Boston; Fist National of St. Louis; First National of Los Angeles, and several too many to mention here.


(“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!


(American Jury Institute, Helena, MT., 59604. EMAIL ‘Phone 406-442-9332))

no central bank–no credit cards----------See # 4


Alarm 4 of 32                                                    Brezezinski’s Art~le

Please forward

25 April 2009

            “That nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force:  International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder, with David Rockefeller, of The Trilateral Commission, part of the CFR, and policy advisor of Barack Obama’s.(A very dangerous Communistic, thought! )

            An article about Brzezinski (Carter's National Security Advisor, executive director of the TC, and author of "Between Two Ages") and Carter appeared in the March 1, 1978 New York Times: "The two men met for the first time several years ago, when Mr. Bzrezinski was the executive director of the Trilateral Commission, and had the foresight to ask the then obscure governor of Georgia to join its ranks. Their initial teacher-student relationship blossomed during the campaign and appears to have grown closer still." Brzezinski (teacher) praises Marxism, thinks the U.S. is in obsolescence, and advocates a world government; the student was the President of the United States!

           Another article, written by CFR past president Winston Lord, appeared in the August 4-11, 1978 issue of "W" magazine. He boasted:

            "The Trilateral Commission doesn't secretly run the world, The Council on Foreign Relations does that."  (There is also a German Council of Foreign Relations, and probably in other advanced Countries. Clm sr.  There are banks in the United States making up the main Central Bank in New York city.)

            Winston Lord (CFR) was the Assistant Secretary for East Asian/Pacific Affairs (State Dept) special envoy to Red China, and U. S. Ambassador to China. Contrary to candidate Clinton's "stand" on human rights, Red China has recently received an unconditional Most Favored Nation (called "normal" today in order to confuse us poor damned dumb stupid citizens) trade status with the U.S.; never mind that over 100,000 Chinese dissidents have been murdered since Tianamen Square.

The CFR domination of just the last three Administrations reveals:

            1. 347 under Reagan;

            2. 382 under George Herbert Walker Bush, (CFR)

            and 3. 387 under Clinton (over 1 in 8 of their total membership).

            The following CFR members held top positions in our past and current Administration:

            1. President Bill Clinton (CFR)

            2. Vice President Al Gore (CFR)

            3. Secretary of State Warren Christopher (Then Negroponte then (now dec) Madeleine Albright, and subsequent members of the CFR too.)).(ALL CFR)

            4. Deputy Secretary of State Clifton R. Wharton (CFR)

            5. CIA Director R. James Woolsey; James Tenet; (CFR)

            6. National Security Advisor W. Anthony Lake

            7. Deputy National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger(CFR)

            8. Secretary of Defense Les Aspen (and then Cohen) (and then Rumsfeld), (then Bill Gates) (ALL CFR)

            9. Chm., Intel. Adv. Bd. William J. Crowe (Dec) (CFR)

            10. U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright (see 3 above). (CFR)

            11. Sec. H.& H.S., Donna E. Shalala (CFR)

            12. OMB Alice M. Rivlin

            13. Ex-Secretary H.U.D., Henry G. Cisneros (CFR)

            14. Chm., Council Ec. Advisors, Laura D. Tyson (CFR)

            15. Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd M. Bentsen (former CFR)

            16. Ex-Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt (CFR)

            17. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (CFR)

            18. Tom Foley, Ex-Ambassador to Japan. (CFR)

            19. And many others (ref July 1 2007 membership list)

            20. Sec of State Condoleezza Rice, New National Security Advisor to Prez George W. Bush (CFR)

            21. Ex-Sen Newt Gingrich. (CFR)

            22. John Bolton (CFR)

            23. Shirley Temple Black (CFR)

            There are 490 plus others as well.

            Have you ever wondered why, since WW II, U.S. foreign policy has allowed  Communist expansion? Consider the roles of the following CFR members since WW II:

            1. George Marshall and Dean Acheson engineered the betrayal of Chiang Kai-Shek, allowing communist takeover of China. “President Truman, on the advice of Dean Acheson, announced to the world on December 15, 1945, that unless communists were admitted to the established government of China, aid from America would no

longer be forthcoming. At the same time, Mr Truman dispatched General Marshall to China with orders to stop the mopping up of communist forces which was being carried to a successful conclusion by the established government of China.”  Statement made by US Congressman Joe Martin, April 13, 1951 in an interview on the NBC network.


            “America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion only of her own.” 1821, John Quincy Adams, Sec of State.

            “Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances, with any portion of the foreign world...” George Washington, 1796.

            “SARAH, IF THE American people ever find out what the Bush’s have done, they would chase us down the streets and lynch us!” George W. Bush to Sarah McClendon. (CFR)(Skull & Bones)

            “My ardent desire is, and my aim has comply strictly with all our engagements foreign and domestic; but to keep the United States free from political connections with every other country. To see that they may be independent of all, and under the influence of none. In a word, I want an American character, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act for ourselves and not for others; this in my judgement, is the only way to be respected abroad and happy at home.” George Washington, 1775, in a letter to Patrick Henry

            WHO OWNS THE FEDERAL RESERVE?  THE C F R, LAZARD BROTHERS OF PARIS, ROTHSCHILDS OF LONDON AND BERLIN, ISRAEL MOSES OF ITALY, KUHN-LOEB-& WARBURG OF GERMANY, LEHMAN BROTHERS OF U.S.A., GOLDMAN SACHS AND ROCKEFELLER families of the U. S. A.!  All of the Jewish race!  Even if they do change their names. The Rockefellers own and run the CFR in the USA!

            “I sincerely believe...that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” Thomas Jefferson.

            “Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money.” Daniel Webster.

            “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” James A. Garfield.

            “All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” John Adams.

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We didn’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

            The 2nd world war was at the feet of FDR! I have copies of a Honolulu newspaper that shows by briefings that FDR was told where the Japanese were, how fast they were traveling, and in what direction! He had alerted all US Armed forces in the world, but very convientlty failed to alert any in the Hawaii area. Get copies of the newspapers and read the whole stories!

            Sen. John McCain recently took a swing through England & parts of Europe.  He had a fund raising dinner with the Rothschild’s in England. At this he received his marching orders from Baron Rothschild. He was to lose to obama by claiming fund only came from us by way of claiming public funds only.  In fact, he got much more!  Rothschild family goes back to long before we became a country.  They had one goal throughout the century’s and that was to become the leader of the world.  You have to give them credit for sticking to it! Lay the blame on us!  Does it further their aim?  Sure does!


Alarm 5           In order to get Control.

Please forward

25 April 2009

            In order to get control of the fiscal machinery and wrest it away from the Morgans, Rockefellers, Kennedys,  Chase, and the others listed before, restore financial integrity to our now illegal paper money media, we must do the following:

            1. Let the government pay to the holders of all the different kinds of bonds, government certificates to the full amount of their face.

            2. Let the national banks be compelled at once to surrender their bonds and redeem their national bank notes with these treasury notes or certificates, and abolish the whole national banking system, appointing receivers to compel them to go into liquidation.

            3. At once reestablish the sub-treasury system for the safe keeping of government monies.

            4. Restore in its full force the specie basis of our currency according to the Constitution, to all contracts entered into after the year 1945; but for the protection of the business of the country, let all debts created from the institution of the so-called legal-tender, as a currency, until the restoration of the gold and silver basis, be paid in these government certificates, not because they are a legal-tender, but because a vicious legislation misled the people and drove them into the use of this paper money.

            5. Let parties, by contract, take these certificates as they would any other article of commodity by special agreement.

            6. Let these certificates be liable to execution as any other personal property, for all debts contracted after the restoration of the constitutional legal-tender; then let them be sold to the highest bidder for gold and silver.

            7. Private banking can be carried on then as now, upon the personal responsibility of the bankers, like all other business, upon the personal liability and capacity and integrity of the individuals, without loaning the aid of the government to enrich the banks or defraud the people.

            8. Let the government lift these certificates in payment of duties, at all her ports and in payment of the public lands at their appraised value; but in no case to be less than the minimum price now paid for the land used for highways, railways, airports, and natural resource lands, at their actual value, in greenbacks or government certificates.

            9. The abolition of the revenue system, with its army of officers and their public and private espionage against the citizens, and the adoption of the old plan of raising revenue prior to the 16th Amendment to The Constitution.

            10. Abolish all interest upon public debts of every kind.

            11.  Do NOT renew the central bank charter.  Let NO bank be the CENTRAL bank.

            The above plan, 1 thru 10, embodies a remedy for all of the evils of the funding system described in all the preceding lines of text, and must be adopted preliminary to all others.  This is necessary to overturn the current permanent coalition Of “the purse and the sword”, which is now united to absorb the labour and crush out the independence of the people.  Until we are rid of the bonds and their consequent taxation, and abolish the banks with their consequent usury, it is useless to propose the protection of labour against the encroachments of capital, because capital assumes to own labour, and labour creates the money that pays both taxes and interest.

            The 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence of These United States, states: “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.......”

            The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of These United States, states: “Amendment X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

            Nearly all of the Constitution has been violated by The U.S. Congress and most disastrously by the Communist Clinton/Bush/Bush and Socialist Johnson (dec) administrations.  In order to eliminate the current destructive forces running rampant throughout our government it becomes  necessary to take remedial action.  Since the Socialist Democrat and Republican parties are still so much alike and have been for many decades, and since the current crop of candidates for President are mostly members of the same subversive organizations, i.e., the Council on Foreign Relations and/or the Trilateral Commission, it has become necessary to form a new political party as separate and distinctly different as is Constitutionally correct.

            To that end, The Southern Party ( ), The League of the South, has been established, approved by the Federal Elections Commission, and is organized in and working in several states,

North and South. We must re-elect Ron Paul and elect Walter Donald Kennedy, or Chuck Baldwin. We The People must act decisively and quickly to save this nation from socialism.  The Trilateral Commission in 1973 stated that they will have this nation a socialist nation by the end of the year 2000, and they are doing a remarkable job of it, they have NOT given up.

            “..nothing in America will become right as long as a Communist was in the office of the Presidency..”.  Senator Jesse Helms, during an interview on “Communist” News Network (CNN), Sunday, 18 June 2000. Years earlier, Rep Tom Delay had made essentially the same comparison with Hillary Diane (Rodham) Clinton by saying that everything that comes out of her mouth sounded like she was a Communist.

            On the very first day on the job, Hillary and Bill came into the White House wearing, “red” label buttons with the picture of V. I. Lenin thereon, with the words: ‘The Communist’s have arrived!”

            Communists now in control of what once was the most powerful nation on the planet!  Now we are scared to death of China!



Chinese occupied ports--including OUR Panama Canal.


Federal map of NAFTA Corridors under TEA-21.


North American Superhighway Coalition for NAFTA map.


Kansas City Southern Railroad's "NAFTA Railway"--showing their planned rail line from China's Panama Canal.     

Walter D Kennedy for or the Sec of State or President, 2008.

            Congress has created and funded a category for International Trade Corridors (ITC) with $700 million in Contract Authority under the new federal highway bill -- the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). $350 million for special projects along I-35 and I-29 were named as a "high priority corridor" under the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 and TEA-21.

            One of the leading forces behind this has been the North American Superhighway Coalition. NASCO's membership to date includes the cities and counties (with the exception of Bexar County and the City of San Antonio) of Texas along I-35, the States of Oklahoma, Iowa, City of Wichita, Kansas; Kansas City, Kansas; Kansas City, Missouri, the Canadian Province of Manitoba and the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Red River Trade Corridor which represents the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and the Province of Manitoba and many Chambers of Commerce and private sector companies -including The Ambassador Bridge at the international border crossing of Detroit/Windsor.

            Repeat:            Senator John McCain has appointed to his “elect McCain” committee the following: Herb Allison, not a member of either the CFR or the TC but he is the Finance Chairman and Chief Operating officer of Merrill Lynch which is a corporate member of the CFR; Kenneth M  Duberstein , chairman of the Duberstein Group, a member of the CFR (who was also a chief of staff for President Reagan). His advisors include: Admiral Charles R Larson; Ex US Rep Vin Weber; and ex Senator Warren B Rudman; all are members of the CFR! Mr Rudman is a leader in the Concord Coalition, which is under the control of the current chairman of the CFR Mr Peter G Peterson!

As James Madison warned, there has been a:

"silent and gradual encroachment of those in power."


            Over 957,000 patriotic Americans have given their lives in defense of our country. Their legacy is the freedom and liberty we now have. We are their posterity. Don't let their sacrifice become in vain.

            The Shadows of Power, The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline. James Perloff. Available from Western Islands Publishers, POB 8040, Appleton, Wisconsin. 54913. Ph: 414-749-3783.

            “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens), the jealously of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign

influence is one of the most baneful foes of (a) REPUBLICAN (form) of government”. From George Washington’s Farewell Address, on international relations.

            “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny; when the government fears the people you have LIBERTY”. Thomas Jefferson.

            “The breaking men to military discipline is breaking their spirits to principles of passive obedience.” Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1788. (Well there goes the draft).

            “It is better to correct an error while new and before it becomes inveterate by custom and habit”. Thomas Jefferson; report to Congress, 1777.

            “It is safer to suppress an error in its first conception than to trust to any other after-correction.” Thomas Jefferson, Circular to Foreign Ministers, 1793.

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

            Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

            For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!

REMEMBER THE U. S. S. LIBERTY, Remember the WORLD TRADE CENTER!, mailto:chetmcwhortersr@embarqmail.comIF U WISH TO BE DELETED, PLS NOTIFY Me at:

See # 6.


Alarm 7

Please Forward

25 April 2009



            “To hell with the news.  I’m no longer interested in news.  I’m interested in causes.  We don’t print the truth.  We don’t pretend to print the truth.”  Executive Editor Ben Bradlee, Washington Post “News” Paper.  Is this why the new Pres. Clinton in 1992, while Congress was still controlled by the Democrats, gave a grant of $31 Million $ to the Washington buy favorable press?

            Among the communication corporations represented in the CFR/TRILATERAL Commission are these:

1.CBS     2.NBC     3.ABC     4.PBS     5.CNN     6.Washington Post    7.New York Times Co.

8.Wall Street Jrl.      9.Newsweek           10.US News & World Report    11.Time, Inc.       12.FOX “News”

13.Associated Press (AP) And Reuters (both of which nearly all local “news” papers rely on)

            (Look at your “news”papers and see who controls the news that you get via that “news” is AP!, or Reuters...Switch your NBC/CBS/ABC news channels back and forth each day you watch them and you see all three spout out the same garbage items, virtually word for word.)

CFR Members who are TV news personalities include but are not limited to:

1. Dan Rather              2. Tom Brokaw           3. David Brinkley       4. John Chancellor      5. Barabara Walters

6. Diane Sawyer          7. Robert McNeil        8. Jim Lehrer               9. Daniel Schorr          10. Roone Arledge

11. Mr Soros               12. Mort Kondracke   13. Anthony (Tony) Snow

            David Brinkley, to a meeting of the American TV/Radio Broadcasters Association, said this of the American People: “All they know about public policy is what we tell them.”  Sadly Enough, it’s true.           Scripture warns about ignorance. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed from lack of Knowledge.” Public ignorance and apathy are allies of the globalists, and only recently have we heard the brazen call for a New World Order from Herbert. Walker Bush at the fascist UN, and from his son, George Walker Bush, from VP Al Gore the alpha male.  Yet this phrase is not new.  It has been on the back of every one dollar bill since 1935.  Under the pyramids the Latin phrase “Novus Ordo Seclortim,” which means a “new secular order of the age;” in other words, a new world order without god.”  The conspirators are confidant of bringing in a one world government, which includes plans to crap our Constitution.  They have been quietly acquiring the necessary 34 states’ approval to call up a Constitution Convention (ConCon) in an effort to install a new Constitution. (“New States of America” from “The Emerging Constitution,” by Rexford G. Tugwell, 1974, Harper & Row).  It is already written, and has been largely promoted by a group called the “Committee on a Constitutional System” (C.C.S.). 19 of its 51-member [in 1974] board of directors are also members of the CFR. C. Douglas Dill (CFR member, former Sec. Of the treasury) said: “Such a significant shift in our Constitution is unlikely to come about except as a result of a crisis that is very grave indeed.”

            The financial crisis very recently to come about, will further their goals just as it did in 1929.  Will the so-called “stimulus” bill help the country or push further the man-made crisis caused by the so-called FED? The majority of this bill’s spending cuts will not take place until the current President’s term is over, they have to figure out how our Grandsons and Great Grandsons are going to pay for our folly.  Over $5 Trillion dollars with interest, will be added to our debt.!!  Will a balanced budget amendment (BBA)  reign in the spending?  Every BBA proposal in Washington today would only allow the Congress to overrule any such amendment by a 60% vote, and note even a recorded vote at that!! If Congress was sincere, a simple majority vote in the House and Senate would balance the budget.  A simple freezing of most (selective) import and export license’s would put everyone back to work very quickly.  But Congress wants to keep as many people unemployed as possible for control purpose’s.  The $875 Billion and climbing, w/the bonuses being that are being paid, allows the cost to go beyond that figure, for the central bank, and all other bank bailout funds for wall street fits the requirement very well.  Yes, $725 Billion has far surpassed that, and it has now ballooned to well over $825 Billion.  An old American proverb says: “Assign the govt the responsibility for the Sahara Desert, and less than five years there will be a shortage of sand,” It fits.  Remember, the country is still bankrupt from the Roosevelt days and been declared so.  The Sec. Of the treasury was the governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), A Part of the CFR.  This is an alien/foreign financial institution (22 U. S. Code 286).  What does this mean?  Look on the back of any returned check you mailed to the IRS and see who deposited it.  You will find that it is endorsed by a Federal Reserve bank. Remember who owns all the FED!! YOUR TAX PAYMENT WAS ALLOWED TO GO RIGHT OUT OF THE COUNTRY.  100% of your tax money goes to pay the interest on the national debt.  None goes to running the government or providing ANY OF THE SERVICES we have come to expect.

            The definition of the national debt means all obligations owed by the Treasury Dept. To its creditors–i.e., the international bankers, savings bonds, treasury bonds, etc. The real motive behind a balanced budget amendment is not to reign in spending, but to adopt a new Constitution. How close are the?  They had 32 of the required 34 states in agreement.  The American Public got duped into the federal reserve act and the 16th amendment.  Would it be any different now??

HOSEA 4:6: “My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”

            A number of things could precipitate a crisis, and like in 1929, could bring about a run on the banks.   Barack Hussein Obama, an obvious usurper to the office he now inhabits, could invoke “Emergency Banking Regulation Np. 1," which would restrict your right to withdraw on your bank account, and”...”prohibits of any cash in any case...that such withdrawal is sought for the purpose of hoarding.”

            The following executive orders were combined into E.O. 11490, under President R. E. Nixon,  which activates all of the following under national emergency conditions:

            EO 10995 Provides for the control of the communications media;

            EO 10997 provides for the control of the power, fuels, and minerals;

            EO 10998 provides for the control of all food and farms;

            EO 10999 provides for the control of all transportation, highways, etc;

            EO 11000 provides for the mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under govt supervision;

            EO 11001 provides for control of all health, education, and welfare;

            EO 11002 designates the postmaster to operate a national registration of all persons;

            EO 11003 provides for control of all airports and aircraft;

            EO 11004 provides for relocation of any populations;

            EO 11005 provides for control of railroads, waterways, and public storage facilities.

            A one world government would require a world law, a world court, and for enforcement, a world army.  You can understand why our Constitution must then be scrapped, because Article 1, Section 8, clauses 13-16 gives Congress exclusive power over our armed forces.  Witness the on-going drive for membership and establishment in the proposed International Criminal Court, managed, controlled, and directed by the fascist UN!  The current fuss about exempting U. S. Citizens and Military personnel is just a farce, fodder for We The People.


            “The time has come to recognize the fascist United Nations for the Anti-American, Anti-Freedom organization it has become.  The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and tell the United Nations to find a headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Peking or Moscow.” Barry Goldwater, U. S. Sen,.


            The sovereignty of our Nation depends upon the ability to defend itself...Period.  What provisions would place our armed forces under A ONE-WORLD government?  In Volume 9, of the 25 Volume set of the 1982 United States Code, on pages 554-558, you will find Public Law 87-297, which calls for the disarmament of the U. S.

            We no longer have a manufacturing base.  Nearly everything is made by a Communist country for us!!!  This has been in force since 1961.  This is further explained in “The Blueprint for Peace Race” as “Publication No. 4, General Series 3" published by the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, May 1962.  An abridged version of this is State Department Document 7227.  (Department of State, Disarmament Series 5, released September 1961.  Office of Public Services, Bureau of Public Affairs, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.)  The armed forces of this country are to be, in three phases, placed under the U. N. Undersecretary for Political and Security Council.  We are in phase 3 right now.  This position has always overseen al U. N. Military operations since this entire time (except 1954–1957, but was held by a communist from Yugoslavia).  At the present, our troops in most overseas “peace keeping” hot spots serve under Turkey, Finland, Germany, and Belgium commanders who answer directly to a Russian U. N. Undersecretary for Political and Security Council Affairs (although the “Security Council’ tag has been dropped, it is still his responsibility).  Of course Aftganistan and Iraq are too hot for the U. N. To get involved yet, so we are saddled with it, of our interference. The American public is being warmed up to the idea of U.S. Troops serving a foreign flag, under the auspices of “humanitarian assistance.”  Furthermore, the disarmament plan has provisions to permanently station foreign U. N. Troops in our closed military bases, for “training.”  Of course, the biased, liberal, media will tell us how much this will help the local economies.  At the end of phase 3 (Of 3 phases), one half of our armed forces are placed under UN control, and where possible, citizen-owned guns will be banned (witness Obama’s list of firearms they will try to ban.), hence the myth that gun control is crime control.

            What they don’t say is that, under a one world government, all populations must be disarmed.  In this country names would be collected from registration forms required by the 1968 Gun Control Act (which is word for word patterned from the 1938 Nazi “Law on Weapons”).  Why would the military leadership of this country, sworn to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, allow the armed forces to be placed under a U. N. Flag?

            September, 2000.  In this month, a nine-coral-atoll “nation” in the South Pacific, Tuvalu, became the 189th member of the United Nations.  With half the population and 1/400th the area of an average Wyoming, Tuvalu now has a vote equal to ours in the General Assembly.  In this month of September there was also a UN “Millennium Summit”.  There, “world leaders” made it clear that they plan to use the UN to launch a global war on poverty.  This involves, as Pres. Lyndon Johnson put it, “taking from the haves” (that’s us) and “giving to the have nots” (that’s them).  Of course, as events have shown since then, the haves will exempt themselves from the category that must allow their resources to be “equalized” by claiming a part of a foundation, which is a way of avoiding taxes on a salary. Witness the Rockefellers who years ago created the Rockefeller Foundation and from that the have created the CFR with the Bilderbergs, the Internatonal Monetary Fund (IMF), the Federal Reserve (FED), World Bank, World Improvement Fund, the TRILATERAL Commission, the FDIC, the Round Table, Group of 20, and so-on.

            A global tax and global enforcement army is on the drawing board.  The UN is–and always has been–a bad and dangerous deal for America.  Unless we cut our ties soon, we will lose our freedom and our independence.  GET US OUT OF THE FASCIST UN!!

CFR Members, Defense Department

1. Sec Defense Les Aspin (then W. Cohen) (then Donald Rumsfeld) (then Bill Gates) (then Bill Gates again).

2. Under Sec. for Policy, Frank G. Wisner

3. Asst Sec. International Security Affairs, Henry S. Rowen

4. Deputy Asst Sec. Nuclear FCS/Arms Control, Frank C. Miller

5. Deputy Asst. Sec. Europe and NATO, W. Bruce Weinrod

6. Chm. Defense Policy Board, Adm. Seymour Weiss

7. Sec. Army, Michael O. W. Stone

8. Sec. Air Force, Donald B. Rice

9. All of their replacements are members of the CFR, or the Trilateral Commission to this date, 5 April 2009. Obama has picked only those members for the really important Cabinet jobs.  It appears that only the members of the CFR have the “intelligence” to hold their jobs, or those that have “forgotten” to pay their taxes. 


1. Chairman, Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Colin Powell (Ret.) (Gen. Powell said the following: “We did just what theUN ordered [in desert storm] and stopped just short of Baghdad”, The Larry King TV show, 29 January 2000, leaving the next president to make another war. Every Pres. Needs a war of their own or they must inherit one.

2. Army Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army Gen. Petraus,.

3. Cmdr Off, Pacific AF Gen Merrill A. McPeak,& his replacements

4.. Dir. Strat. Plans/policy, Lt. Genl. George L. Butler, and his replacements.

5. Cmdr., Air Univ, Lt. Genl. Charles T. Boyd and his Replacements

 6. Air Force Inspector Genl., Lt. Genl. Bradley C. Hosmer and his replacements

7 Army Genl. John M. Shalikashvili, Chief of Staff, (Ret) and his reolacements

NOTE: I have tried to update this list but no one seems able to remember, when I ask. 

1957-59 McElroy                                1949-52 Dwight David Eisenhower

1959-61 Gates                         1952-53 Adm. Mathew Ridgeway

1961-63 McNamara                            1953-56 Gruenther

1969-73 Melvin Laird             1956-63 Norstad

1973-xx Richardson                            1963-69 Lemnitzer

1975-77 Rumsfeld                              1969-74 Goodpaster

1977-81 USAF Genl. Brown              1974-79 USA Haig

1981-87 Casper Weinberger               1979-87 Rogers

1987-89 Vince Carlucci                      1989-93 Richard Cheney II

1993-xx Les Aspin                              Pres. Carter

Pres. Clinton                                       Pres. Nixon.

Pres. Bush No. 1                                 Pres. Bush No. 2

Obama                                     Pres. Harry S. Truman

Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt                Pres. Woodrow Wilson

George Bush even now, 5 April 2009, is a member of the Skull And Bones, a secret society that wants a global one world government too.

 “Remember democracy never lasts long.  It soon wastes, exhausts, & murders itself.  There never Was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” John Adams, 1814, a letter to John Taylor.

(Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.  It’s just a Goddam piece of paper.”  George Bush, Nov. 2005, reported by  Plank 2 of the Communist platform calls for: “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” What do we have now?  Plank 5 of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto reads: “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state. By means of a national bank with State capitol, and an exclusive monopoly.” Karl Marx.

            “Col”.Edward Mandell House also knew, that in addition to controlling a nation’s monetary system, a method of taxation had to be established, and in 1913, the 16th and the 17th Amendments were illegally certified by Thelander Knox, the current Sec. Of State, at that time, to the congress, and then passed. HE THEN WENT TO WORK FOR J. P. MORGAN ONE WEEK LATER!!! This graduated income tax was hailed by proponents as a tax “on the wealthy.” A tax on the wealthy! HHHHHHUUUUUUMMMMMMM.  SOUND FAMILIAR, We still hear this from the SOCIALIST politicians TODAY, 5TH April 2009!!!  Are we so dumb as to allow them to think that we can’t see through such a lie?  I wasn’t born yesterday and still, am 78 years young!!!


            Thus, the conspirators, through financial influence & brilliant deception, had established the mechanisms to:            1.  Run up the public debt;

            2.  Collect the debt;

            3. For themselves, to avoid the taxes necessary to pay the interest on the public debt.

THE PILLAGE OF AMERICA BEGAN IN EARNEST DURING THE DEPRESSION OF 1929. The FED, a non government Agency, privately owned, deflated (reduced the loans availability) the money supply.  Reminder, each dollar you spend on you “credit” cards goes to pay first the card vender, then to the public debt, then to the FED, then to a CFR Bank. Your merchandise is paid for by the public debt. You contribute to the massive bonus’s that the CFR bankers take home every year.  I do not know of a person good enough to get 34 million $’s in a bonus year after year!!! YOU MUST GET RID OF YOU CREDIT CARDS NOW!!!  They are our destruction!  Eliminate The FED. It is US Govt in name only fodder for us damn dumb civilians!  We must pay them off and cease using them!! Go back to the gold/silver standard w/real money certificates from the US Treasury!!        The FED must be audited, now!!!  It has never been audited during it’s existence!!!  There is NO reserve!!!

See # 8



Alarm 8                                   The Banking System

Please forward

25 April 2009

            “I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington, they would not wait for an election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States”. Senator George W Malone, 1957.

            Consider the following excerpts from the Washington Post Weekly (May 4, 1992) "The IMF [international monetary fund], the World Bank, and the major industrial nations have decided to take a risk with Russia and former Soviet Republics ... Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar  ... last week swept through Washington, reassuring business leaders, as well as finance ministers and central bankers from the Group Of Eight even major industrial nations."

            "In an effort to get the banking system under control, Gerald Corrigan, the President Of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (CFR/Trilat member), has been visiting Moscow regularly since September 1991 to advise the Central bank and commercial banks. An acquaintance of former Fed Chairman Paul A. Volcker (CFR/TC member), Says Volcker is close to an agreement that would make him consultant to Russian President Boris Yeltzin, and now V. Putin." "in addition, David Rockefeller (CFR/TC member), a former Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, says he has agreed to be part of a group Corrigan is assembling that might help establish banking business in Russia.

            "Once the IMF program is in place, the World bank will supply direct support to the agriculture and oil sectors of the Russian economy." "The oil sector is enough to solve any financial crisis they (the Russians) might have", says World Bank President then Lewis Preston (CFR & formerly with Morgan Guaranty). He says there are 33 undeveloped fields in W. Siberia."

             Isn't that interesting? The World Bank and the IMF, are "supporting" the agriculture and oil sectors thereby controlling the food and energy. It would be more accurate to say that the CFR/Trilat Comm are controlling the agriculture and oil sectors. Furthermore, the CFR/Trilat involvement in Russia's central bank has recently (July 26, 1993) mandated a call-in of all pre-1993 rubles, crippling the ability of the Russian citizen to provide for his family. Not only does the U.S. taxpayer underwrite about 94% of the IMF and World Bank funding, but the afore-mentioned  "G-8" central bankers are also stockholders in our Federal Reserve!

            Yeltzin [it is now time for Putin to get in on the gravy since Yeltzin is dead] was working closely with the CFR/Trilat - what about Gorbachev? A transcript of Gorbachev's May 6, 1992 speech given at Westminster College follows. On page 9 he states: "However, even now, at a time of sharply increased interdependence in the world, many countries are morbidly jealous of their sovereignty, many peoples of their national independence and identity! [no kidding! Damn this is news!]  This is one of the newest global contradictions, one which must be overcome by joint effort." (Speech May 6, 1992, Westminster College, "The River of Time and the Imperative of Action" pg 9, by Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.)

            In Vancouver earlier, President Clinton promised Yeltzin $1.6 Billion dollars in direct assistance (off budget), in addition to the billions promised by the G-8 (which also includes the USA); yet most Americans have no idea as to how long and how much Western aid and trade has gone into the USSR since 1917.

            1) After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Rockefeller) bought 50% of Nobel's huge Caucasus oil fields;

            2) In 1927, Standard Oil of New York (Rockefeller) built a refinery in Russia;

            3) In 1928, Rockefeller's Chase Bank was involved in selling Bolshevik Bonds in the U.S. - patriotic organizations denounced Chase as an "international fence".

            (Have we forgotten the hundreds of millions (total still unknown by Congress) that the Democratic Congress, (was promised by the new President Clinton to President Yeltzin),  gave, in individual grants, yes Grants, to each Russian Officer ($25,000 each) who would go back to Russia to live because Yeltzin said he had no place to put them?  Have we forgotten that Yeltzin immediately promoted over 300,000 top ranking enlisted personnel to officers rank so that they could get some of the largesse from the Taxpayers of The USA?)) (Senator Jesse Helms, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ph: 202-224-4651, Fax: 202-224-0836).(The VFW Magazine article).

            In the Congressional Record of June 15, 1933, Congressman Louis McFadden said:

            "The Soviet government has been given U.S. Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. and other banks in New York City... Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the

former Soviet Trade Organization, and the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. and you will he staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the U.S. Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York".

            “The Federal Reserve Board and banks are the duly appointed agents of the foreign banks of issue and they are more concerned with their foreign customers than they are with the people of the United States. The only thing that is American about the Federal Reserve Board and banks is the money they use...”U.S. Rep McFadden, 10 June 1932.

            We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks...Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions.  They are not Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its powers, controls [congress] and...all our foreign relations...” U.S. Rep McFadden, 10 June 1932.

            It is important to note that Congressman McFadden shortly thereafter died  under "mysterious circumstances", cause was left undetermined by the "authorities". It was later determined that after the third attempt (BY SHOOTING) on his life, the fourth one was successful, poisoned.

            The following information is derived from Antony Sutton's comprehensive book "Best Enemy Money Can Buy", (by Antony Sutton, 1986, Liberty House Press, 2027 Iris Ln., Billings, Montana 59102).  Sutton is acknowledged as the foremost expert on western technology and Soviet economic development.

            He was a research fellow at the Hoover Institute On War & Peace; and therefore had access to information most researchers outside establishment circles were denied. Revealing this information cost him his job. Sutton documents that:

            1) Ford set up the Gorki vehicle plant in 1929, upgraded by the Lend-Lease programs of WW II; vehicles produced in this plant were used against U.S. troops in Korea and Vietnam, and Iraq;

            2) The Soviet tank industry began in 1929 under the guise of producing tread-type tractors; The Stalingrad plant was entirely constructed in the U.S., dismantled, and re-erected in the U.S.S.R. by American engineers. This was just one of several which utilized American machine tools and equipment;

            3) In 1946, the Soviets bought 55 Rolls Royce turbo-jet engines from Great Britain, and reproduced them in quantity on American and German machine tools. These engines powered the MiG-15 fighters, used against our F-86 Sabre jets in Korea;

            4) 37 of the 96 Soviet ships regularly employed on the "Haiphong Run" during the Vietnam War (keeping North Vietnam supplied) used diesel engines of western origin. The missile-carrying Soviet ships of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis were propelled by engines produced in Denmark-a NATO ally;

            5) From 1960 until 1972, the Soviets sought acquisition of a specialized machine tool manufactured by the Bryant Chucking Company of Springfield, Vermont. This machine, the "Centalign B", produced high-precision miniature ball bearings, supplying 85% of its output to the U.S. defense industry for guidance systems in our missiles. Under President Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, approval was given in 1972 to export 164 of these machines to the U.S.S.R. By 1974, the Soviets had MIRV'D their ICBMS. This was made public on March 8, 1983 by Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger (CFR), stating that the greatly improved accuracy of Soviet missiles was derived from U.S. technology;

            6) In the 70's, the Kama River truck plant was built in the Soviet Union. It covers 36 square miles and can produce 100,000 multi-axle 10-ton trucks/year. 75% of the equipment and technology is from the U.S.; 25% is Italian and European, including European subsidiaries of U.S. companies. American taxpayers underwrote the Kama River financing through the Export/Import Bank. Chase Manhattan (Rockefeller was the lead financier. It was built by the Pullman-Swindell Co. (a subsidiary of M.W. Kellogg Co.) of Pittsburgh;

            7) The Volgograd automobile plant, built 1968-1971, has a capacity of 600,000 vehicles/year. Three-fourths of the equipment were of U.S. manufacture, including key transfer lines and automated tools. The construction contract was awarded to Fiat S.P.A., a firm closely associated with the Chase Manhattan Bank;

            8) The 647 mile highway which connects the U.S.S.R. with Kabul, Afghanistan was under construction in 1966, built with Soviet money and U.S. foreign aid money. A 67 mile stretch of road through the Salang Pass cost $42 million, prompting a U.S. engineer to say it was the costliest section of road he had ever seen. This highway

felt the rumble of Soviet tanks, heavy trucks, and military vehicles (many produced with American equipment and

money) in December, 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, (yet we provided aid to the Afghanistan rebels). The results -over one million casualties. Richard F. Starr, a former U.S. Ambassador, has said that the former Soviet Union has stored at least 362 million metric tons of grain (much of it from the West), in fallout shelters. These supplies, according to University of N. Carolina economist Steven Rosefield, could feed the entire population of the former U.S.S.R. for 3-4 years. In addition, there are reserves in 87 cities throughout the U.S.S.R. giving them total reserves in excess of 5 years.

            By contrast, the U.S. has 30-45 days of reserves. These Soviet reserves, given to them by the U.S through credits with deferred payments, are being paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. Senator Malcom Wallop (R-Wy.) pointed out that Soviet indebtedness is estimated to be at least $100 billion and that Western loans to Soviet banks located in the West are not included in that figure; 80% of these loans are "untied", not restricted to any program or project. As of 1990, $700 million a month were being loaned to the Soviet government. In the meantime, the U.S. has spent billions in defense budgets to protect us from those who are recipients of not only loans and credits, but our technology as well! ("Best Enemy Money Can Buy" contains at Appendix F: "U.S. firms trading with the Soviet Union in the 1960-1986 period, pages 231-235).

            David Funderburk, a former Ambassador to Romania under the Reagan Administration, stepped down from his post in protest of U.S. policy toward Communist Romania and Eastern Europe. In his book, "Betrayal of America", he documents the collaboration between the leadership elite of the State Department and the Communist countries:

            "We're propping up Communist regimes which are bankrupt and would fall without our aid..aid from the U.S. government, from big business, and from big banks in America..." (Betrayal of America" by David B. Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, 1991, Dist. by Betrayal of America, P.O. Box 1124, Durham, N. Carolina 28334).

            In his book, "Reminiscences", John D. Rockefeller informs us "One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department in Washington. Our ambassadors, and ministers, and consuls have aided to push our way into new markets to the utmost corners of the world." (Therefore China)

            Is it any wonder? The CFR has dominated the State Department since WW II!

            Why don't we hear about these things from the media? At the 1991 Bilderbergs' (European-based globalists) meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, the opening speaker was David Rockefeller. He said this:

            "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years."

Who was among the invited guests? Bill Clinton and Dan Quayle.


Maybe not us, but the Council On Foreign Relations?

            Why do you think Gorbachev & 100, more, sometimes less, were set up at The Presidio in San Francisco, at our expense, and why was I sent there to test the upgrade of Communications!!?

Read the Creature From Jekyll Island!

            “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” James Madison, 1787. (America was NOT originally founded or established by our Founders as a ‘democracy’ and was warned never to allow one to exist in the nation. America was founded as a FREE REPUBLIC. Democracies are for those who plot and plan (CFR) to rule over a subservient people. (Name withheld.)  NOVEMBER, 2007.))

            (“If the Federal government should ever pass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed (The South Was Right! Deo Vindice, CLM Sr.), and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify”. Alexander Hamilton, 1788.

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.  It’s just a goddam piece of paper.” ) George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by  See # 9

            Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

            For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!




Alarm 9                                  

25 April 2009  Suppose I am idiot

Please Forward


            "Suppose I am an idiot. And suppose I am a member of Congress. But I repeat myself" -Mark Twain-

                                    "Appeasement is hoping the crocodile eats you last." -Winston Churchill-

            The world is weary of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians." Benjamin Disraeli - 1870, An excerpt from:  Republics & Democracies The New American June 30, 1986, P.O. Box 8010, Appleton, WI 54913.

            When our  Founding Fathers established a "REPUBLIC," in the hope, as Benjamin Franklin said, that we could keep it, and when they guaranteed to every state within that "REPUBLIC" a "republican form" of government, they well knew the significance of the terms they were using. And were doing all in their power to make the feature of government signified by those terms as permanent as possible. They also knew very well indeed the meaning of the word democracy, and the history of democracies; and they were deliberately doing everything in their power to avoid for their own times, and to prevent for the future, the evils of a democracy.

            Let's look at some of the things they said to support and clarify this purpose. On May 31,1787, Edmund Randolph told his fellow members of the newly assembled Constitutional Convention that the object for which the delegates had met was "to provide a cure for the evils under which the United States labored; that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and trials of democracy...."

            The Founders Knew the Difference.

            The delegates to the Convention were clearly in accord with this statement. At about the same time another delegate, Elbridge Gerry, said: "The evils we experience flow from the excess of democracy. The people do not want (that is, do not lack) virtue; but are the dupes of pretended patriots." And on June 21,1788, Alexander Hamilton made a speech in which he stated:

            “It had been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”

            Another time Hamilton said: "We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy." Samuel Adams warned: "Remember, Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself! There never was a democracy that 'did not commit suicide.' James Madison, one of the members of the Convention who was charged with drawing up our Constitution, wrote follows: “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

            Madison and Hamilton and Jay and their compatriots of the Convention prepared and adopted a Constitution in which they nowhere even mentioned the word democracy, not because they were not familiar with such a form of government, but because they were.

            The word democracy had not occurred in the Declaration of Independence, and does not appear in the constitution of a single one of our fifty one states-which constitutions are derived mainly from the thinking of the Founding Fathers of the Republic-for the same reason. They knew all about Democracies, and if they had wanted one for themselves and their posterity, they would have founded one.

            Look at all the elaborate system of checks and balances which they established; at the carefully worked-out protective clauses of the Constitution itself, and especially of the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights; at the effort, as Jefferson put it, to "bind men down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution," and thus to solidify the rule not of men but of laws.

            All of these steps were taken, deliberately, to avoid and to prevent a Democracy, or any of the worst  features of a Democracy, in the United States.

            And so our Republic was started on its way. And for well over a hundred years our politicians, statesmen, and people remembered that this was a republic, not a democracy, and knew what they meant

when they made that distinction. Again, let's look briefly at some of the evidence.

            Washington, in his first inaugural address, dedicated himself to "the preservation . . . of the republican model of government." Thomas Jefferson, our third president, was the founder of the Democratic Party; but in his first inaugural address, although he referred several times to the Republic or the republican form of government he did not use the word "democracy" a single time. And John Marshall, who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835, said: "Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos."

            Throughout the Nineteenth Century and the early part of the Twentieth, while America as a republic was growing great and becoming the envy of the whole world, there were plenty of wise men, both in our country and outside of it, who pointed to the advantages of a republic, which we were enjoying, and warned against the horrors of a democracy, into which we might fall.  Around the middle of that century, Herbert Spencer, the great English philosopher, wrote, in an article on The Americans: "The Republican form of government is the highest form of government; but because of this it requires the highest type of human nature-a type nowhere at present existing."

(HOW TRUE–except for Ron Paul & Donald Kennedy, and Chuck Baldwin.) And in truth we have not been a high enough type to preserve the republic we then had, which is exactly what he was prophesying.  Thomas Babington Macaulay said: "I have long been convinced that institutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both." And we certainly seem to be in a fair way today to fulfill his dire prophecy. Nor was Macaulay's contention a mere personal opinion without intellectual roots and substance in the thought of his times. Nearly two centuries before, Dryden had already lamented that no government had ever been, or ever can be, wherein timeservers and blockheads will not be uppermost." And as a result, he had spoken of nations being "drawn to the dregs of a democracy. "While in 1795 Immanuel Kant had written: "Democracy is necessarily despotism."

            In 1850 Benjamin Disraeli, worried as was Herbert Spencer, at what was already being foreshadowed in England, made a speech to the British House of Commons in which he said: "If you establish a democracy, you must in due time reap the fruits of a democracy. You will in due season have great impatience of public burdens, combined in due season with great increase of public expenditure. You will in due season have wars entered into from passion and not from reason; and you will in due season submit to peace ignominiously sought and ignominiously obtained, which will diminish your authority and perhaps endanger your independence. You will in due season find your property is less valuable, and your freedom less complete."

            Disraeli could have made that speech with even more appropriateness before a joint session of the United States Congress in 1935. In 1870 he had already come up with an epigram which is strikingly true for the United States today. "The world is weary," he said, "of statesmen whom democracy has degraded into politicians."  (TRUE)

            But even in Disraeli's day there were similarly prophetic voices on this side of the Atlantic. In our own country James Russell Lowell showed that he recognized the danger of unlimited majority rule by writing:

            Democracy gives every man The right to be his own oppressor. W. H. Seward pointed out that "Democracies are prone to war, and war consumes them." This is an observation certainly borne out during the past fifty years exactly to the extent that we have been becoming a democracy and fighting wars, with each trend as both a cause and an effect of the other one. And Ralph Waldo Emerson issued a most prophetic warning when he said: "Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors."  If Emerson could have looked ahead to the time when so many of the editors would themselves be a part of, or sympathetic to, the gang of bullies, as they are today, he would have been even more disturbed. And in the 1880's Governor Seymour of New York said that the merit of our Constitution was, not that it promotes democracy, but checks it. Across the Atlantic again, a little later, Oscar Wilde once contributed this epigram to the discussion: "Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people."

            While on this side, and after the first World War had made the degenerative trend in our government so visible to any penetrating observer, H.L. Mencken wrote: "The most popular man under a democracy is not the most democratic man, but the most despotic man. The common folk delight in the exactions of such a man. They like him to boss them. Their natural gait is the goose-step." While Ludwig Lewisohn observed: "Democracy, which began by liberating men politically, has developed a dangerous tendency to enslave him through the tyranny of  majorities and the deadly power of their opinion." And now on to today’s world government dreamers and players:

            The TC's goal is a one world government, the same as that of the CFR. The first 35 members of the TC were also members of the CFR. They both have as members some of the most elite names in finance, industry, media, labor, academic circles, news media, and government. Their rosters read like a who's who in these areas.

            What's the difference between the CFR and the TC?  The CFR has been around since 1921; the TC, since 1973. The only difference is the fact that the TC is an elite group, who's been chosen to speed up the process of a one-world government through the control of food, energy, and an international monetary system. The attack dog of the CFR.

            Keep in mind that economic union always precedes political union. It will be extremely important to those of us who care about this country, to watch the European Union (EU) which for the time being is dissolving into a single economic power. Political assimilation, (HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED), is next. Lets examine the CFR and TC influence in government. CFR control in government actually began in earnest in 1939 by establishing within the U.S. State Department a "Committee on Post-War Problems", the group staffed and funded by the CFR which designed the United Nations. (the story of which is contained in State Dept. Publication 2349-"Report To The President On The Results of the San Francisco Conference").

            Since WWII, the CFR has filled key positions in virtually every administration since then. Furthermore, since Eisenhower, every man who has won the nomination for either party (except Goldwater in 1964 and Reagan in 1980) has been a member of the CFR:           DEMOCRATS

            1. John W. Davis(1924)                                                          2. Adlai Stevenson (1952,56)

            3. John F. Kennedy (1961-63)                                                4. Hubert Humphrey (1968)

            5. George McGovern (1972)                                                   6. Jimmy Carter (1976,80)

            7. Walter Mondale (1984)                                                       8. Michael Dukakis (1988)

            9. Bill Clinton (1992-2001)                                                     10. Bill Bradley.

            11.Al Gore                                                                              12. Joseph I Lieberman

            13. And many others (ref Membership List Eff 1 July 2007).


            1. Herbert Hoover (1928,32)                                                  2. Wendell Wilkie (1940)

            3. Thomas Dewey (1944,48)                                                   4. Dwight Eisenhower (1952,56)

            5. Richard Nixon (1960,68,72)                                               6. Gerald Ford (1976)

            7. George Herbert Walker Bush (1988,92) (who was also a director of the CFR 1977-1979)

            8. Senator John McCain first elected to the house in 1982 then the senate in 1986. Now in 3rd term.

            9. Texas Gov George W Bush must be assumed to be a member as he refuses to answer questions on this subject.  He is shown as a Member in the 2007 list.

            10. And many others (ref Membership List Eff 1 January 2007).

            An important point must be stressed: By controlling the selection process of candidates we vote for, the CFR and by association, the TC, they are then assured of their goal of a one world government. Why? Because CFR presidents fill key positions with CFR members by APPOINTMENT.

            (List of 110 Nixon appts. can be found in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy, 1972, and None Dare Call it Conspiracy-25 years later, by Gary Allen, 1972; available from American Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, Wis. 54913)

            Since 1973, TC members have also filled key positions. One of the first members of the TC was Jimmy Carter, whose administration had 19 Trilateral Commission (TC) Members including:

            1. Vice President Mondale

            2. Secretary of State Vance

            3. Secretary of the Treasury Blumenthal

            4. Secretary of Defense Brown

            5. National Security Advisor Brzezinski

            These five positions made up the National Security Council, and were held by members of an organization which advocates world government - was their oath of office to uphold the Constitution a mere formality?

            Others included:

            1) nearly all of the under-secretaries of State;

            2) nearly all of the under-secretaries of Treasurer;

            3) the Panama Canal Treaty negotiator; (of which Carter has effectively given away)

            4) the Salt Treaty negotiator;

            5) the Ambassador to the U.N. Andrew Young;

            and 6) the Ambassador to Italy, Richard Gardner (remember, the Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy are top stockholders in the Fed, and Gardner advocated an "...end run around our national Sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece.")


                                    THIS IS A REPUBLIC, NOT A DEMOCRACY!!!

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!) See # 10

            Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533

            For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!



Alarm 10                                             Funding America

Please forward

23rd Feb, 2010…   CHANGE ALL PRECEDING ONES TO THIS DATE, THE 23RD Feb, 2010……

            This was a voluntary and temporary measure to help finance the WW II war effort. Why was it voluntary? Article I, Section 2, clause 3 and Article I, Section 9, Clause 4 of the Constitution forbids direct taxation unless apportioned. Apportionment means to divide equally among the population (Ref Census). The last time direct taxes were laid upon the American people by apportionment was during the War Between The States (WBTS). The Victory Tax Act of 1942 was repealed on May 29, 1944 (58 Stat, Ch. 2 1 0, pg. 234). With American patriotism high and D-Day a week away, who would notice that this voluntary un-apportioned direct tax had been repealed?

            The clauses of the Constitution regarding direct taxation are still law. The 16th Amendment gave Congress “no new powers of taxation” (Stanton vs Baltic Mining Co., 240 US 103). The “... incomes... without apportionment...”, in the 16th Amendment places it in the category of an indirect (excise) tax (Brushaber vs Union Pacific RR Co., 240 US 1). Simply stated it is a profits tax. How would the government operate without personal income tax revenues?


Can you see why NAFTA, The World Trade Organization (WTO), The GATT, And the IMF are promoted? And now President G. W. Bush has established a new NAFTA, calling it the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA, a Comrade Klinton program, by including all of Central and South America. UPDATE: 09 Feb 2004. Due to resistance from some South American Countries, the George Herbert Walker Bush (CFR Mbr) admin has now come a new program called the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Additionally, Voellick, Mbr., of CFR, had just concluded a free trade agreement between the USA and Australia. Nothing is Free. This country will be destroyed. The 1984 Grace Commission report to the President, pg 4, reveals where personal income taxes go: “100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt and by Federal transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services tax payers expect from the Government.”Can you begin to see why there have been 200 plus tax increases since 1937? Today, three quarters of the Federal Budget is un-constitutional according to Article I, Section 8, Clauses 2 - 18. Why do our elected representatives allow this? Remember, the third item on Col. House’s agenda was to control both political parties of the U. S. A. This has now been established by the CFR who now control both political parties complete and absolute. You are just you are voting for your choice. YOUR CHOICE HAS BEEN HAND PICKED FOR YOU! You were not even consulted!


            There was a remonstrance, that was hand delivered to leaders of the three branches of the federal government on 13 April, 2000 and several times thereafter, by a group of citizen-delegates representing all 50 States. These grievances concerned alleged illegal operations of the federal income tax system and the IRS. Congress was to hold hearings on the legality of the income tax on 27 and 28 February 2002, and by a remonstrance, several times, by the Writer of the grievances. Congress lied! They canceled the meetings. They chickened out with a lame excuse of being to busy!! The remonstrance was signed by thousands of citizens, and was delivered as part of an event sponsored by We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, a non-profit corporation dedicated to research and education in matters of taxation & governance. The entire contents of the Remonstrance can be viewed at my personal remonstrance. Pls read: Tragedy and Hope, A history of the World in our Time by Carroll Quigley, 1966, The MacMillan Co., available from Angriff Press, Hollywood, Calif. 90028., it was written by Georgetown University Prof Carroll Quigley, also avail from American Opinion Book Services.  It was intended as a text for aspiring globalists, and gives a 1300 page account of the history, mechanisms, and goals through which a ruling financial dynasty would control a global economy. On page 52, the author writes that the international bankers were: “...devoted to secrecy and the secret use of financial influence in political life.” It must be stated at this point that all members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and/or the Trilateral Commission (TC) may  not subscribe to the One World Government (OWG) or Globalism goals, Socialism, Communism, GATT, WTO, UN membership, or NAFTA, however it does seem to be the paramount theme that is indicated by member writings in their published works.

            There are three organizations formed by and intimately associated with the international bankers: 1.. The CFR. The Harold Pratt House, 58 E 68th St, NY, NY. 10027. Ph: 1-212-434-9677;  Fax: 1-212-861-2701, E-mail: and, Attn Ms Lauren Berg; Web:  2..The TC, 345 E 46th St, NY, NY.  10017. Ph: 1-202-467-5410.  Fax: 1-212-949-7268. E-mail: Web:  3..The Bilderberg Group, an association that pulls its members from 1 and 2 above, the financial & Industrial world as needed. A list of international members between 1982 & 2007 is not available.  It was extensive & varied year after year.  The Hub, known as the Round Table, seems to be centered around the Rockefellers, and it is hard to get a handle on a mailing address, ph or fax #, and/or a POC for the Bilderberg Group.

Lets examine briefly their background and their stated goals:

            Because America refused to join the League of Nations (that’s when we had Congress with balls, not the ‘go-along ‘ Congress we have today) following WW I, rep’s from the American financial dynasties met with their British counterparts in Paris on 19 May , 1919. The American contingent was led by Col. House (he never was in the military in his lifetime) and later became known as the CFR. It was founded on 29 June 1921, backed by Rockefeller & Carnegie Foundations money. It included many of the same people who established the Federal Reserve.  Its Quarterly journal, “Foreign Affairs”, has called for OWG as far back as December, 1922. CFR member James Warburg (whose father Paul Warburg merged his Manhattan bank w/Rockefeller’s Chase bank), a former aide to Pres FDR, told the Senate Foreign Relations committee this on 17 Feb, 1950: “You shall have world government, whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”  On 25th of Nov, 1959, the CFR published Study Nbr. 7, which spells out their goal: “...building a new international order...including states labeling themselves as Socialist...” In the 50th anniversary issue of “Foreign Affairs”, a leading article was written by CFR mbr Kingman Brewster, Jr., entitled “Reflections On Our National Purpose”. In this article, he stated that “our national purpose should be to abolish our nationality.” In 1974 Art. In “foreign Affairs,” entitled “The Hard Road to World Order”, CFR member Richard Gardner wrote: “that the house of world order would have to be built end run around our national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece.”

            As of Jan, 2007,the CFR had over 3657 Mbrs. in the USA. The Annual report w/membership list which is published for we the people, is available by a phone call. They may delete someone who may be in the public eye, such as some Bush administration names at this time. There may be a SECRET list of members given out only to members.

(“WE’RE GOING TO PUSH THROUGH HEALTH CARE REFORM REGARDLESS OF THE VIEWS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE”,) Sen John D. Rockefeller IV, in a speech to the Wall St. Journal, June 1994. (Sounds like a continuation of the same philosophy, does it not? Shades of Adolph Hitler!!! Better pay attention to what members of the CFR are saying!!!!  The second org, the TC, was formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller, GrdSon of John D. Rockefeller, and he was instrumental in forming the FASCIST UN. HE HAS BEEN A Dir. Of the CFR since 1949. The TC was the brainchild of Columbia University, A fascist teaching school, of  Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who, in his book “Between Two Ages”, advocated an economic alliance among the western industrialized nations. Rockefeller hired Brzezinski and made him the executive director, and established a trilateral alliance encompassing Japan, North America, and Western Europe. Its first meeting was held in Tokyo, 21 Oct., 1973.  In the Brzezinski book, the author states: on page 198 - “America is in obsolescence”; on page 260 - he advocates central (Marxist) planning; on page 296 - he wants to develop limitations on sovereignty ; on page 308 of his book, he finally states his goal; a world government. Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful and influential members of the TC and the CFR.  He was interviewed by  columnist Paul Scott, who said that it is Kissinger’s belief that by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations and their financial systems.

            Recently it was reported that VP Al Gore, a member of the CFR, visited a NJ High school and was talking with some of the students. He asked a young man who was going to college what field he wanted his career to be in. The lad answered with the word Agriculture!  Gore then responded with “that’s a bad idea, because by the time you will get out we will be receiving all of our food supplies from other countries”. Does this mean the final death knell of the American Farm System? I’ll bet the farmers don’t know this!!!  See the following!!

            By placing food, oil, and the world’s monetary system under international control, Kissinger is convinced that a world government can become a reality. As of April 1992, the TC has 320 members divided up among Japan, North America, and Western Europe.


            “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a GOD dammed piece of paper.” G. W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by

            “It is necessary for every American, with becoming energy, to endeavor to stop the dissemination of principles evidently destructive of the cause for which they have bled. It must be the combined virtue of the rulers and of the people to do this, and to rescue and save their civil and religious rights from the outstretched arm of tyranny, which may appear under any mode or form of government.” Mercy Warren, 1805.

            “But no part of the property of any individual can, with justice, be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people. In fine, the people of this commonwealth are not controllable by any other laws than those to which their constitutional representative body have given their consent.” President John Adams, 1776. (Eminent domain is illegal, (name withheld))

            “Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government which impartially secures to every man whatever is his own.” James Madison, 1792, Essay on property.

            “Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all moral values and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams, 1763, in an essay on man’s lust for power,-being a subject w/democracy.

            “IT MUST BE OBSERVED THAT OUR REVENUES ARE RAISED ALMOST WHOLLY ON IMPORTED GOODS.” Thomas Jefferson, on taxes, 1793, in a letter to Gouverneur Morris.


            “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy;  because there is a limit beyond which no institution and no property can bear taxation.” John Marshall, 1819, McCulloch vs Maryland, 17 US 316 (1819).

            “In a general sense, all contributions imposed by the Government upon individuals for the service of the State, are called taxes, by whatever name they may be known, whether by the name of tribute, tythe, impost, duty, gabel, custom, aid, supply, or other name.” Joseph Story, 1833-taxation, Commentaries on the Constitution.

            “By nature’s law, every man has a right to seize and retake by force his own property taken from him by another by force or fraud. Nor is this right among the first which is taken into the hands of regular government after it is instituted. It was long retained by our ancestors. It was a part of their common law, laid down in their books, recognized by all the authorities, and regulated as to circumstances of practice.”  Thomas Jefferson, Batture at New Orleans, 1812. ME 18:104.

            (“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.”   George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by (We don’t need someone in office w/that attitude!!!)

             Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533                            See 11

            For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!

REMEMBER THE U. S. S. LIBERTY, Remember the WORLD TRADE CENTER!, , IF U WISH TO BE DELETED, PLS NOTIFY me at: THIS PERTAINS TO ALL FOLLOWING MSG’S. Have you noticed a giant SUCKING sound of jobs leaving the country???



Feb. 26, 2010