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What truly is patriotism?

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What truly is patriotism?  
The Merrian-Webster Dictionary defines it as "the love of one's country."  So, what does that mean in the present context in America?  Is a person only patriotic if they 100% support the American government's actions in every case, even if they are wrong, acting against the will of the people, or the government's actions have been undertaken just to make gain for a select elite class of people? Is that really loving one's country, or is it more realistically being blindly loyal to a class of self-proclaimed elites who are using the power in this nation for their own personal gain?

Conversely, is it unpatriotic to question the actions of the government when the love of your nation compels you to do so - especially knowing the high cost for that love will be scorn and criticism from people alleging a lack of patriotism?  If you love your fellow citizens and do not want to see them bleed and die unnecessarily in foreign lands so that elites may profit, is that unpatriotic or is that truly loving your country and countrymen?

We are supposed to be the land of truth and justice... so it is wrong to seek truth as to the real causes of the wars, acts of terrorism against our own people, economic terrorism, scam bank failures, scam agendas to tax for no reason, political treason and the like?   Doesn't true patriotism demand that we do question the leaders on their dubious actions, and if they are found without truth or without a righteous answer, that we condemn and remove them from office, and even prosecute them if warranted?  Shouldn't this style of patriotism be bigger than political loyalties or your loyalty to a particular political person or family and certainly bigger than just supporting government because they tell you to?  

C'mon people, we need people to stop allowing themselves to be manipulated by the self-proclaimed elite classes  and quit buying their divisive partisanship, use our beautiful minds independently and step up to question government and always seek the truth.  In a land proclaiming truth and justice, isn't the quest for truth and justice more important than any political loyalty, especially to politicians you really do not even know?  Isn't truth and justice the real basis for patriotism? 

If we do not question government now and demand clear, equitable and logical answers, while we still have the opportunity, we may not have the chance in the future.  No more right versus left, or men versus women, or black versus white versus brown, etc...  it's about time for right versus wrong.
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From: F
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Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:37 PM
Subject: What really is patriotism? Pass this on.