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Can you push a positive agenda?

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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Politics is a toxic business, and government coercion is a poisonous way to address social concerns. Both degrade our character.

It is NOT wrong to fear things that are legitimately scary. Nor is it a mistake to be angered by threats and injustices. But fear and anger should NOT be our primary motivators. NOW is the time to promote positive healthcare reforms.

And the first item on the agenda is to make health insurance more affordable. Please send Congress a letter demanding that they allow Americans to buy health insurance from any provider in the country, not just those licensed in their own state.

You can copy or borrow from this sample letter . . .

Instead of cutting a healthcare deal with individual mandates and government control, it's time for you guys to do something that would actually work. The Constitution's Commerce Clause authorizes you to tear down barriers to interstate commerce. Please do that for health insurance. Please give consumers a nationwide free market in health insurance. Doing this would . . .

* Only require a few pages

* Increase competition

* Lower the cost of health insurance

* Cost the taxpayer NOTHING

States pile on mandates that increase the cost of insurance. Things like . . .

* Maternity care for single males

* Infertility treatments for people who don't want a family

* Alcohol rehab for people who don't drink

These kinds of regulations increase the cost of health insurance, and that means millions of Americans uninsured. 

Consumers need free market choices, not government mandates.

Do you really want to reduce healthcare costs and insure more Americans? Then, you could pass this simple reform in a matter of days, and bring instant relief to millions of Americans. You really need to START doing things that increase OUR power, and STOP doing things that increase YOUR power.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

Please also make a contribution or start a monthly pledge to further our work.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:31 AM
Subject: Can you push a positive agenda?