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Mullins Funeral Delayed

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Uncharacteristic snow has covered the Appalachian Mountains, making an outside funeral impossible, but the resentment that has infected Staunton, Virginia over the last 50 years toward a writer who tried to uncover the darkest secrets of the world’s richest men remains in full force, a hatred of a man they perceived betrayed his country for telling these very secrets.

This hatred which so hurt Mullins during his exemplary lifetime of one shocking exposé after another is following him to his grave.

Mullins’ caretaker Jesse Lee noted that the local newspaper ran a prepackaged 3-page smear job of Mullins shortly after his death was announced, and that numerous local have made it clear to him that any public display of respect for Mullins would not be permitted by town officials. Of course, this was the tenor of Mullins’ life: tailed by J. Edgar Hoover, avoiding kidnap attempts by mysterious figures, and watching his parents die of apoplexy because of what the FBI did to them.

Lee said a small, private family service would be held Wednesday (2-10), with cremation to follow, and burial in nearby Hebron Cemetery, which was Eustace’s preference.

“There’s no way we can have a real funeral here,” said Lee. “He’s a national treasure. I plan to continue taking Eustace’s work around the country, following the same plan we did for the last 18 months, taking Eustace around to see his friends.”

Thousands of people around the world are clamoring to acquire any of Mullins’ many works. As yet, no systems are in place for this distribution, and Jesse has no office from which to coordinate mailing. Stay tuned for further details.

Nor is there any way at this time to make a meaningful contribution to the effort to distribute Mullins’ works. Again, more details will be forthcoming when the funeral matters are settled.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida who has favorably reviewed many of Mullins’ works.