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Obama Sets Trap

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

President Obama has set a trap, and it is absolutely imperative that we NOT fall into the trap.

Obama has invited Republicans to the Blair House on February 25, for a televised meeting to discuss ObamaCare. The President is seemingly saying all the right things -- even suggesting this latest effort is going to be a "bipartisan" affair. But make no mistake, his agenda is to paint Republicans as the "Party of No" before making a final push to pass ObamaCare.

That's because Obama is insisting on making his government- run scheme the starting point for discussions! This despite the fact that his health care approval rating has free- fallen to 36 percent and Scott Brown's election to the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat confirmed the public's repudiation of ObamaCare.

Obama has positively no intention of making this a truly bipartisan effort. This televised strategy is little more than a public relations stunt by a desperate Administration.

Republicans sense a trap. Rep. John Boehner sent the WhiteHouse a letter saying Republicans are reluctant to participate if ObamaCare is the starting point.  Rep. Tom Price said, "The only constructive discussions will start with a blank sheet of paper."

We couldn't agree more!

In fact, if the President were truly interested in helping the American people, he would scrap his plan, push aside political partisanship and special interests and bring something that we could support!

But he's not. That's why Grassfire Nation is calling on our team members to send a message loud and clear to Congress:




It's not good enough to just let our elected officials fight this battle. Grassroots Americans must also weigh-in against Obama's trap.

That's why I'm urging ALL members of our MILLION-strong team to take aggressive action right now using our FaxFire system to send a message to your two Senators, your Representative AND the President -- along with other key members of Congress. Go here to schedule

your faxes:

(As always, we provide all the information for you to send your own faxes if you prefer. Just click the above link.)

+ + Plan still underway to pass ObamaCare by Easter

While the President is setting his trap for February 25, Democrats continue plotting their endgame to pass ObamaCare.

In fact, just yesterday, Nancy Pelosi's top healthcare policy aide openly discussed the plans to use "reconciliation" to have ObamaCare wrapped up by Easter.

As we've discussed earlier, this political slight-of-hand would have the House passing the Senate healthcare bill and then both chambers would pass a "fix it" bill using "reconciliation" which would only require 51 votes in the Senate.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have openly criticized employing such maneuver, but Democrats are desperate!

So while Obama and Congressional Democrats are finalizing their backroom deal to end-run the Massachusetts Miracle and pass ObamaCare, The President is openly talking about open discussions with Republicans!

Nothing could be further from the truth!

      Go here right now to send your faxes and tell Obama and

      your members of Congress that ObamaCare must be taken

      completely off the table before any health care talks can


Unless grassroots Americans express outrage and demand that a "Do Not Resuscitate" order be place on ObamaCare, Democrat leadership will continue with their "trap" and then move to pass their government takeover of healthcare.

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:48 PM
Subject: Obama sets trap