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Writer John Kaminski and radio host Daryl Bradford Smith reminisce about the legacy of the greatest political reporter of the 20th century, Eustace Mullins, who passed away earlier this week at the age of 86.
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(Navajo for Hear me, Hear me, Hear me!)

   The Galactics are not coming here to babysit us, but to support us in benign endeavors.  We have to clear up the mess ourselves.  Quit drinking FLORIDATED WATER, for one, the water additive that was used in Nazi Prison Camps to make prisoners manageable (PASSIVE AND NON-ALERT) was designed for that purpose before the prisoners were kept for long periods and then gassed. (Make sure your water treatment plant is not adding this drug to your water supply, and DON'T sell your regional water rights to corporations who want to control the people through water resources.) What does it take for the People to take back their SELF-EMPOWERMENT?  CREATOR is within EACH ONE OF US. What does it take for you to KNOW this?
1:38:40 - 3 years ago
Eustace Mullins argues that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, drafted by German banker Paul Warburg and others in a secret meeting, defies Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of ...
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