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Mobilizing for Real Change in 2010

Steve Elliott President, Grassfire Nation

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Meanwhile in Congress, a Democratic supermajority was elected to the Senate and a 40-seat majority was sent to our House of Representatives.

Looking back, how is that "Change" working for you?

++We are mobilizing for real change

We have a great opportunity in 2010 to change the current corrupt political environment. We've already witnessed the startling result when citizens mobilized in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, a liberal stronghold for decades.

The pendulum has swung and it's our turn for change - but we need your help to sweep the nation!

Grassfire Nation has a number of exciting opportunities and tools to enhance your activism efforts in 2010, including resources and social networking opportunities through our highly interactive websites.

++Join the Patriotic Resistance at ResistNet

ResistNet is the fast growing social network of Grassfire Nation. It is a community where like-minded citizens discuss, debate and prepare for change!

ResistNet gives you a grassroots level of networking resources to affect your local, state and national platforms, while joining together with other like-minded citizens.

You can also join a state group devoted to monitoring and affecting the issues particular to your state.

 ResistNet is a great place to join with other conservative citizens, brainstorm ideas, begin utilizing the tools and resources at your disposal and create action plans to win elections.

Visit ResistNet by clicking below, and witness firsthand the power of social networking:

++Grassfire Nation is now on Facebook!

Grassfire Nation is online on Facebook, the largest social networking site in the world. Our fan page is open to Facebook users to join and receive daily posts, articles, blogs, video and audio updates -- as well as links to our latest petitions and other action items.  Click here to join us on Facebook:

After you've joined the Grassfire fan page, make sure you tell your Facebook friends!

++ Get Grassfire Nation Updates through Twitter

Follow Grassfire Nation on Twitter. Twitter makes sharing "what's happening now" easy.  Whether it's a call to action to our partners or a notification that your petitions have been delivered to your legislators, following the activities of Grassfire Nation on Twitter gives you the opportunity to stay informed as news breaks!

Click here to join us at Twitter:

++, the hub of Grassfire Nation

Our home page is your link to the latest Grassfire Nation petitions, fax drives, and action items on a variety of critical conservative causes. The site also hosts articles and other resources to keep you informed of news and

information regarding those causes.

In this great year of real change, Grassfire Nation has risen the bar giving our team the very besttools and resources needed for times such as these!

Thank you for being such an integral part of all that we do at Grassfire Nation.

Steve Elliott

President, Grassfire Nation

P.S. After joining our ResistNet, Facebook and Twitter sites, forward this invitation to your friends and family, urging them to join with you!

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Mobilizing for Real Change in 2010