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Only Grassroots Outrage Can Stop ObamaCare Now

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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While the surface talk may be about the Toyota recalls andthe need for more jobs, behind closed doors ObamaCare still  casts the biggest shadow.

      Sunday, while attending a forum on healthcare, Rep.

      Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) told a crowd, "There are many

      are signaling the death knell for health reform.

      That is not the real situation in the Congress. We

      still have an over-whelming majority in the House

      and an overwhelming majority in the Senate."

      And yesterday we learned that the President met with

      nervous Democrats who are concerned about continued

      support of ObamaCare and what it could mean for their

      political futures, telling them, "Well here we are,

      with a chance to change it ... As we think about

      moving forward,  I hope we don't lose sight of why

      we're here. We've got to finish the job on health care."

ObamaCare is very much alive, with pressure and momentum building to pass it by any means necessary.

You and I are the last line of defense in keeping this socialist health care overhaul from forever changing the face of our nation, and I'm thrilled that you took fast action with me!

+ + Political Trickery Unveiled...

During her speech, Schakowsky openly supported using the reconciliation process - a maneuver even many Democrats in the Senate have labeled "political trickery."

"Shame on us," she said, "if we don't use the rules that have been in place since the beginning of our country and theprinciple of majority rule to finally get health care to all Americans."

This is the shadowy plan that will be used to pass ObamaCare!

How grassroots Americans respond in the days ahead will largely determine if ObamaCare passes or fails.

That's why I'm turning to friends like you who have already answered my call to action.

Grassfire Nation is doing all we can to short- circuit this final push. Even as I write this update, our couriers are delivering the final ObamaCare ballots to Senate and House offices each carrying the message, "If you vote for ObamaCare, I will vote you out!"

But we must do more...

+ +  "Cease and Desist" on ObamaCare

When our final ballot is delivered, I want fax machines buzzing

all around Washington demanding an end to ObamaCare!

         That's why I'm asking you right now to forward this

         message to 20-25 friends and family urging them to

         take part in our "Cease and Desist" faxfire initiative

         by clicking here:

Too much is at stake and we must utilize every moment to our advantage. That's why I'm calling key members of Grassfire Nation to forward this important message right now!

Thank you for standing with us!

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. As mentioned above, many, many Democrats are nervous about supporting ObamaCare - fearful what it could mean to their political careers.... That angst is because of YOU!

A torrent of faxes right now demanding lawmakers "Cease and Desist" may make the difference. That's why I'm calling on you to alert your friends and encourage them to take action with you by

clicking below:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments? Questions?

+ +

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: Only Grassroots Outrage Can Stop ObamaCare Now