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Obama arrogantly declares, "We don't quit!"

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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Then, underscoring just how out of touch he is with citizens, he demanded lawmakers to "come together and finish the job for the American people!"

      Message to Obama: The American people don't want

      your healthcare reform, and you aren't going to

      finish the job, we are!

      In fact, we are going to drive a silver spike through

      the heart of your socialized healthcare plan, with

      our ObamaCare ballot initiative that is now sweeping

      the nation!

+ + Doubling our Efforts

Earlier this week I asked for your help in rallying 250,000 citizen ballots to be hand-delivered to EVERY member of Congress. Our message was both stern and simple, "Vote for ObamaCare and I'll vote you out!"

Over the last 36 hours, nearly 80,000 new ballots have arrived, with more than a thousand more pouring in each hour!

Yes, this initiative is sweeping the nation at the perfect time!

Now just three days from our Sunday midnight deadline, I've once again shocked my staff by making perhaps my boldest prediction that we will double our effort!

With the help of our outstanding Grassfire Nation team, I believe we can amass 400,000 ObamaCare ballots by our deadline --setting the stage for a dramatic hand-delivery to every Senate and House office on Capitol Hill beginning on Monday!

But reaching this goal is going to require you to push just a bit harder over these next few days!

      Patrick, to make this aggressive goal,

      I'm counting on you to forward this message to

      EVERYONE in your mailbox. Add a personal note

      exhorting them to send an ObamaCare ballot to

      their lawmakers by clicking here:

Even if your friends have never done anything with Grassfire Nation before, we will hand-deliver their ballots to their two Senators and Representative absolutely free of charge. That's how important it is for us to make the strongest possible impact on every lawmaker considering a "yes" vote for ObamaCare!

Intense political pressure coupled with concern over their political careers has more than a handful of Senators and Representatives straddling the fence of ObamaCare, uncertain as to which way to fall.

A "white-out" of ObamaCare ballots, each with our simple, yet stern message, "Vote for ObamaCare and I'll vote you out!" will change more than a few minds!

But I'm counting on your help over these next 72 hours.

Forward this message today, and continue to do so right up until our deadline so we can make the very best impact beginning next week.

As always, thank you for being such a valued member of the Grassfire Nation family.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Don't give Obama the last word on the takeover of our healthcare. Forward this message to your friends urging them to take action ballots to Grassfire Nation. With your help we will reach 400,000 ballots by our deadline!

Have then click here to take action:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:47 PM
Subject: Obama arrogantly declares, "We don't quit!"