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A Supreme Act Of Judicial Treason Against The People Of The United States, And What We Can And Must Do About It.

The Pen

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Because of the gravity of the crime against the Constitution

committed by a gang of 5 right wing judicial outlaws on our Supreme

Court yesterday, we are launching two critical action pages at once

Action Page: Corporations Are NOT The People

Action Page: Impeach The Supreme Court 5

By any fair legal definition, the decision yesterday by The Supreme

Court 5 constitutes nothing less than an act of TREASON against the

people of the United States. Having read and analyzed the entire 183

page decision and all of its concurring and dissenting opinions

ourselves, we are fully prepared to support this accusatory


Having so grossly abused its jurisdiction by presuming to decide a

question expressly WAIVED by the petitioner in the Court below (p

12), this rogue Supreme Court ruled for the FIRST time that NO

corporation can be constrained from unlimited influence over our

elections. And even assuming that the Court intended the decision to

only apply to American corporations, the Court expressly DECLINED (pp

46-47) to reach the question of whether foreign ownership stakes in

American corporations should likewise be given carte blanche to put

their thumbs on the scales of our democracy.

Thus, until Congress FURTHER acts (and it must, though it could not

have escaped the attention of The Supreme Court 5 that the current

Republican minority has vowed to obstruct ANYTHING of consequence

that Congress might try to pass), there is now nothing to constrain

foreign nationals, even our most sworn enemies, from usurping what

even the most die hard Tea Bagger takes as an article of faith, that

the rights of citizenship of this country are ONLY for Americans.

This must be construed, within the four corners of our Constitution,

as deliberately and knowingly exposing the United States of America

to harm in the interim, by giving "aid and comfort" to our enemies

(Constitution Article 3, section 3), should our enemies now wish to

take advantage of this unprecedented and rash decision. In simple

Constitutional terms . . . treason!!

The fact is that we now live in a world of giant transnational

corporations, with allegiance to NO sovereign government, let alone

our own, sworn only to exploit the most vulnerable and desperate

workers they can find in any country of the world. How does The

Supreme Court 5 propose parsing which of these extra-national legal

artificialities should be allowed to corrupt our democratic election

process? Apparently in their minds, all of them.

Action Page: Corporations Are NOT The People

So what is it that we can and MUST do? The first and most prominent

proposal we heard yesterday, and which we of course support, was to

amend the Constitution to clarify that corporations have no such

rights as people (which is to say U.S. citizens). While this

certainly could not hurt, and would obviously help (assuming such a

proposed amendment could garner 67 votes in a Senate already

stalemated by obstructionism, let alone be ratified by 3/4 of the

states, including many "red" ones), what we must first assert is that

there is nothing WRONG with our Constitution, and demand that

Congress do whatever it can to protect it.

Action Page: Impeach The Supreme Court 5

Because just as importantly, we are on ominous and clear notice that

there is no further outrage these 5 gangsters in black robes are not

gleefully and arrogantly capable of. Indeed, in his dissenting

opinion (that the majority did not go far ENOUGH), Clarence Thomas

characterized the decision as only a "first step" (Thomas opinion p.

1). It is worth noting that the authorship of the majority opinion is

claimed by Anthony M. Kennedy, heretofore generally considered the

LEAST wing nutty of the 5. Therefore, the immediate and unavoidably

necessary recourse must be impeachment for all five, treason already

being a high crime, otherwise the horrors yet to issue from their

treacherous minds is too terrible to contemplate.


We will have much more to say on all this in subsequent alerts to

follow shortly, but for now we are making available for no charge

(not even shipping) your choice of one of two absolutely gorgeous

full 4 color process bumper stickers. Take a "Corporations Are NOT

The People" bumper sticker, OR a "Impeach The Supreme Court 5" bumper

sticker for free. Of course if you can make a contribution (or if you

want both), please DO contribute what you can, which is what allows

us to send these out for free to anyone who cannot make a donation

right now.

You can request your bumper sticker from the return page after you

submit either of the action pages above. Or you can do directly to

this page and get them there.

Bumper Stickers for no charge:

Facebook participants can also submit the action pages at

Corporations Are Not The People:

Impeach The Supreme Court 5:

And on Twitter, just send the following Twitter reply for the

Corporations Are Not The People action

@cxs #p1029

And this Twitter reply for the Impeach The Supreme Court 5 action

@cxs #p1030

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed

to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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----- Original Message -----

From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 5:00 PM
Subject: A Supreme Act Of Judicial Treason Against The People Of The United States, And What We Can And Must Do About It.