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Your Action Needed As Secret ObamaCare Deal Exposed

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Your Action Needed As Secret ObamaCare Deal Exposed
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

A desperate Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama are planning to subvert the legislative in order to pass their socialized healthcare plan. Only a dramatic grassroots uprising can derail their shadowy scheme. Details below.  --Steve

Even as the confetti was falling on Scott Brown's victory celebration in Massachusetts, key Democrats were devising an underhanded plan to sneak ObamaCare through Congress.

The plan: have the House pass the Senate's version of ObamaCare that passed in December without any amendments.

Then to satisfy liberal House members who were opposed to the Senate bill, Pelosi and Reid have agreed to "fix" it once signed into law by the President.

To get around a Republican filibuster, Reid will claim any changes or "fixes" to the bill fall under reconciliation and therefore don't require 60 votes, but rather a simple majority!

In other words, the legislative process will be subverted...

Unless you and I spark a massive grassroots uprising that resonates across Capitol Hill, and puts every member of the Senate and the House on notice from citizens who are saying...

      "Vote for ObamaCare and I'll vote you out!"

+ + 250,000 Healthcare Ballots Needed ASAP!

In just a few days, we've already gathered more than 187,000 ballots... but time is running short!

With news of the Democrats scheme it is apparent to me that we must be far more aggressive to short-circuit this socialist push.

That's why I'm turning to you, Patrick.

I'm calling on our Grassfire Nation team of more than ONE MILLION citizens to help me rally and reach at least 250,000 healthcare ballots -- to literally whitewash all of Congressstarting early next week!

      Forward this message to 30-40 friends right now,

      urging them to get involved in the ObamaCare debate

      by putting their lawmakers on notice, telling each--

      "Vote for ObamaCare and I'll vote you out!"

Have them click here to take immediate action:

I know with your help we can rally the additional 50,000 ballots needed to reach our goal but secretly, I'm hoping Obama's State-of-the-Union Address this Wednesday triggers an avalanche of grassroots wrath that pushes us far beyond our goal!

To maximize our ballot initiative, I'm counting on you to help direct EVERY friend and family member to take action with us against ObamaCare by having them click here to cast

their ballot:

With their plan in place, Reid and Pelosi are already hard at work to solidify support for the final ObamaCare push. That's why we will start delivering our ballots to EVERY Senate and House office beginning Monday, and cannot accept

So take immediate action alerting friends and family to take action by clicking here:

Thanks in advance for taking action with Grassfire Nation.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Have your friends and family take action and send their "Vote for ObamaCare and I'll vote you out" ballots to Grassfire Nation, and we'll hand deliver them to your two Senators and Representative!

Have them click here:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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