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The healthcare bill is dying

Jim Babka, President & Perry Willis, Vice President, Inc.

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:49 PM
Subject: The healthcare bill is dying

A Big Government Republican politician, Scott Brown, saw the massive public opposition to the healthcare bill, and decided to pander to it. He did this in spite of his own long history of supporting Big Government schemes, including the health insurance mandates inflicted on the people of Massachusetts by Republican Mitt Romney.

The result of Brown's flip-flop on healthcare is that he defeated Democrat Martha Coakley in last night's Massachusetts special election to fill Edward Kennedy's vacant U.S. Senate seat. This means that Democratic leaders no longer have the votes in the Senate to block a filibuster.

Now it will be almost impossible for the Senate to approve a version of the healthcare bill that's acceptable to the House of Representatives. And House Democrats are already saying that there's little chance they'll approve the version of the bill previously passed by the Senate.

The healthcare bill is dying. It may already be dead. But, as the German philosopher Friederich Nietzsche once wrote, "That which is falling, let it also be pushed."

Victory is near. Let's not come up short. Run the race all the way through the finish line. Send another letter to Congress opposing the cancerous healthcare bill.

You can copy or borrow from this letter . . .

Please take note of these facts . . .

* A Republican, Mitt Romney, inflicted health insurance mandates on the people of Massachusetts. These are the same kind of mandates that Democrats now want to impose on the entire country.

* A Democrat, Edward Kennedy, was the godfather to current Congressional healthcare schemes. 

* The big government healthcare schemes of both Republicans and Democrats, of Romney and Kennedy, were soundly rejected in the special election to fill Kennedy's vacant U.S. Senate seat.

The people of Massachusetts did not want these schemes. The American people do not want them. Pay attention! KILL THE HEALTHCARE BILL!


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Jim Babka, President

& Perry Willis, Vice President, Inc. 

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