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ALERT- Geo-Engineering Scientists to Meet in San Diego

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Geo-Engineering (Wikipedia def) is the artificial modification of Earth's climate systems.
Geo-Engineering projects range from DECLASSIFIED experimentation (like iron particles being dumped into the oceans to attract algae, which sequesters carbon and, theoretically, slows global warming) to HIGHLY CLASSIFIED experimentation like AEROSOL SPRAYING (chemical spraying). The two most quickly advancing Geo-Engineering philosophies are carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and solar radiation management (SRM). Geo-Engineering also includes EMF/Atomspheric Heaters, like HAARP.

This website DOES NOT track the movements of citizen based geo-engineering projects, like living roofs, tree planting etc. Our focus is the industrial scaled programs both private and government born, that have the potential AND LIKELYHOOD TO DEVESTATE OUR PLANET. Current Geo-Engineering News (and related)is in the left blue column. Aging news posts then go to the articles page. Older news (up to 20 years)and some scientific reserach is here


Citizens have found government data to back up their claims. To find water, air and soil tests outside of California (including international), start here. You will find our library here(founded by Rosalind Peterson), including california state and northern california private testing. We are currently backlogged about 4 dozen Norcal tests that have to be digitized and uploaded.

Submit Information, Links, Articles, News AND TESTS etc. HERE

“Climate geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last resort…There should be no lessening

of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies on the Earth’s ecology and climate.”

-The 36,000 member Institute of Physics

ALERT- Geo-Engineering Scientists to Meet in San Diego


ALL Activists, Demonstrators Meet at (at closest public property- to be announced) San Diego Convention Center at 7:30 AM on Saturday, February 20th. Scientists and others will be meeting for their conference entitled "Can Geoengineering save us from Global Warming" (see below). Bring signs, flyers and media connections. Groups are now co-ordinating from several nearby states. News has been that reports of this are spreading far and wide. Keep it LEGAL, keep it safe, STAY ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. When you arrive, others will be able to help guide you. Speakers at the rallly include Dane Wigington of Norcal Citizens for Clean Air (He is a solar power expert), Deborah Whitman of Environmental Voices, Dr James Collins (Eco Psychologist) and others.

aclu HERE is a link to the ACLU explanation of our rights, including the right of assembly and protest. The first amendment grants us lawful assembly. Remember, keep it peaceful, a reflection of the world we want to see. Members of the ACLU will be present at the protest, observing the integrity of the Consitution of the United States (a copy of which will also be at the event). More from the First Amendment Center here and here.

Media Checklist is here.

More to be posted as it develops. Updated 1-18-10




Scientists from around the world will be meeting at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting held in San Diego, California on February 18th, 2010. Ken Caldeira, a leading GE scientist, well known for his appearance on the Discovery Channel, will be a speaker at the event. Caldeira is believed by many GEO-ENGINEER watchers as a consultant scientist to a US miilitary aerosol spraying program, based on a patent from Hughes Aircraft.

There are three publicized GE presentations at the AAAS meeting. Here are the links and descriptions (AAAS) of those presentations :

Human Dimensions of Geoengineering

Can Geoengineering Save Us from Global Warming?

Geoengineering the Climate: The Royal Society Study

Meeting events will be held in downtown San Diego at the San Diego Convention Center, the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina, and the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego. The San Diego Convention Center is at 111 W. Harbor Drive (map) (3D google layout).

The AAAS bills themselves as the worlds largest scientific society.


A Wobbly Three-Legged Stool: Science, Politics, and the Public

The Administration is committed to solving society’s grand challenges, with energy, health, and education policy topping the list. President Obama wants science to have a key role in a new, more pragmatic approach to governance. In our constitutional democracy an informed public must be able to judge the performance of those they elect. This requires a triangle comprised of political institutions, the community of experts, and a responsible public, all of whom are well informed. How will the public become informed about energy policy, for example? Studies tell us the public strongly supports energy independence, new sustainable sources, and incentives for energy efficiency. But fewer than half of those interviewed could name a renewable energy source or a fossil fuel, raising the question of how firm the public’s views are. Studies show, however, that people make judgments based primarily on their values, belief systems, world views, and emotions. Facts play a much more minor role. This gap cannot be bridged by loading the public with facts, or trying to make the public more science literate. How should scientists deal with this awkward reality? How can science help create a more rational, pragmatic, and far-sighted society capable of addressing the challenges we face? Are new innovative methods required to engage the voters in supporting more rational public policies?

Doesn't sound like keeping you in the dark is too far fetched now, is it?

Watch THIS you want THESE people to control YOUR CLIMATE?

This WEAPON goes way beyond weather modification!


aerosol spraying over florida and georgia

Treaties prevents weather modification experiments from being used by one military against another country. Aerosol Spraying GA and FL.

Four things, at least, should be considered when humanity makes decisions.

1- How will this decision affect every generation that is to come after us?

2- Humiliation- do we understand that we understand less than we think we understand

3- Logic- am I peeing where I drink?

4-The past- see below

Judging by the size of the plastic continents floating in the Pacific, it would have been alot smarter for humanity to not become plastic glutons. So, too it can be argued that humanity should have ignored the bomb, terminator genes, DDT, Asbestos and thousands of other creations of short-sitedness.

Too, it should be considered, that mankind ALMOST ALWAYS allows the military to hijack inventions and science. Industrial GEO-ENGINEERING, more so than any weapon in history, has the capability to destroy continents, oceans...the entire planet.

Also of note, all the things created that since have been proven dangerous...have made their patent owners countless billions of dollars...the primary motivation to invent, especially when the invention is questionably immoral. Corporations, as we have learned, think without morals and have bottom-line motivations that emulate worship. Money drives every corporate emotion. Aerosol GEO-ENGINEERING is a FINITE source of money because it will kill us.

The Royal Society report on Geo-Engineering attempts to rate twelve potential approaches to engineering the climate by effectiveness, affordability, timeliness and SAFETY- and to graphically compare the approaches in terms of these criteria.

The Stratospheric aerosol example rates considerably low in safety, yet is the most widely used program known to date. Tens of millions of people world-wide have discovered themselves the guinea pigs in ongoing aerosol programs, sometimes known as "chemtrails", when in actuality, the entire population is being exposed. Citizens in Shasta County California, have been testing surface water and air samples for years, as the skies above them are some of the most heavily sprayed in the world. Naysayers argue that the skies have always been full of lines yet  mountains of video evidence prove otherwise, including video of millitary jets turning sprayers on and off and during passovers.

Institute of Physics response to the Royal Report


Shepard British Royal Society Study Chairman Warns US Politicians About Geo-Engineering

Shepherds Testimony, including bios and working group.

Congressional Committee on Science and Technology hearings on Geo-Engineering

Royal Society Graph

GeoPhysical Research Letters

GRL's mission is to disseminate concisely-written, high-impact research reports on major scientific advances in

Earth and planetary sciences. GRL is sponsored by AGU, a worldwide scientific community that

advances, through unselfish cooperation in research, the understanding of Earth and space for the benefit of humanity

VOL. 36, L19703, doi:10.1029/2009GL039209, 2009.

"Benefits, risks, and costs of stratospheric geoengineering"

Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Abstract [1] Injecting sulfate aerosol precursors into the stratosphere


...based on current technology


Using existing U.S. military fighter and tanker planes





The GRL letter has in it a sulpher compound to be used as the aerosol. But millions of people world-wide believe that at least the United States government has already deployed aerosol spraying, many believing that the aerosol is aluminum, barium and other contaminants. In northern California, Citizens have mobilized a public awareness campaign that involves dozens of water and air tests that show conclusively that the region is being bombarded with aluminum, barium, strontium, sulpher hexaflouride and others. In 2009, soil scientists and landowners began testing forest floors and gardens for PH changes and found the soils too alkaline (base).

Francis Mangles,a retired USDA scientist, has been testing water, air and PH in the region for several years. His conclusions about Aluminum's relationship to PH levels and failing ecology are here. His conclusions about the increasing aluminum levels and the regions drought are here. Other citizens in the region, the Northern California Citizens for Clear Air fought hard and lost with local duplicate the tests, which showed thousands of times higher than normal levels of aluminum. Both Barium and strontium has been found in their tests as well. Here (front and back) is the ad they put into the local paper.

The following is a correspondance between Mangles and a scientist attempting to shrug off Citizens tests:

(NAME) "......would you care to explain the attached EPA lab reports( one, two, three), a few of hundreds?  I will gladly shut up if you can adequately explain how these reports are so common all over the West now.  Do explain the source of the Barium, Strontium, and Aluminum  that simultaneously peaks in accordance with the amount of contrails the previous week.  Of course Waldope Herger our infallible congressman says the EPA lab is lying and agrees with you entirely."

Francis Mangels

Retired USDA scientist


In Iran jet trails are non-existent except normal contrails that disappear behind the aircraft within seconds or maybe a minute or two. But what NASA refers to as LINGERING CONTRAILS, that spread out and become clouds....DO NOT EXIST OVER IRAN, NORTH KOREA, CUBA or any nation where airspace is restricted to friendly commercial air traffic. Here is a video documentary on IRAN and you will not see one trail nor find SAT images with trails over that nation. A government in the so-called FREE WORLD has the duty to not harm its citizens with classified dangerous experimentation and for that matter without the lawful consent. Such a government would be in breach of all Constitutional authority to rule. Is this not true?


Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in HAARP. Raytheon also tells the weather to the American Meteorlogical Service (AMS) and is the leading corporation in Weather Modification Nano Technology, as well as advanced Weather Weapon Systems.


Dan Evehema

"We will see ...mist a warning ...telling us people of all colour must unite and arise for survival,
and that we must uncover the cause of our dilemmas."

Warning given by the late elder Dan Evehema, of Hotevilla, Arizona, Hopi Nation

geo-engineering scientists

Caldeira's Testimony to Congressional Committee reviewing Geo-Engineering on 11-05-09

Committee Web Portal

A Warning from Ken Caldeira-

Leading Scientist in Geo-Engineering Technology

"If we keep emitting greenhouse gases with the intent of offsetting the global warming with ever increasing loadings of particles in the stratosphere, we will be heading to a planet with extremely high greenhouse gases and a thick stratospheric haze that we would need to maintain more-or-less indefinitely. This seems to be a dystopic world out of a science fiction story. First, we can assume the oceans have been heavily acidified with shellfish and corals largely a thing of the past. We can assume that ecosystems will be greatly affected by the high CO2 / low sunlight conditions — similar to what Earth experienced hundreds of millions years ago. The sunlight would likely be very diffuse — maybe good for portrait photography, but with unknown consequences for ecosystems.

We know also that CO2 and sunlight affect Earth’s climate system in different ways. For the same amount of change in rainfall, CO2 affects temperature more than sunlight, so if we are to try to correct for changes in precipitation patterns, we will be left with some residual warming that would grow with time."

“Geoengineering approaches come with all sorts of risks,” says Caldiera. “It is important we learn about the the full set of these risks and all of their implications.” He considers deep cuts in human emissions of carbon dioxide to be the most effective safeguard against a global environmental crisis. “One of the good reasons to prefer CO2 emissions reductions over geoengineering is that CO2 emissions reductions will protect the oceans from the threat of ocean acidification, whereas these geoengineering options will not.”

There is ALOT of press about Caldeira's views on Geo-Engineering. HERE is an interview where he states it should never be deployed and if it must, under what conditions.

ken caldeira

Caldeira, like the vast majority of climate scientists, believes cutting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas emissions is our only real chance to avoid runaway climate change.

whitehouse barack obama

MSNBC-Obama's science chief eyes drastic climate steps

Obama Administration- Geoengineering is "On the Table"

FOX NEWS-Obama Science Advisor Advises Shooting Soot and Pollution Particles Into the Air

In December of 2002: GEOENGINEERING TOO RISKY -LAWRENCE LIVERMORE A Lawrence Livermore press release warns, “There are many reasons why geoengineering is not a preferred option for climate stabilization.” These proscriptions include risks of global “system failure” and the “unpredictable responses” of Earth's climate system to large-scale human intervention.


In February 1998, DURING THE CLINTON/GORE ADMINISTRATION, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

“Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”



The Council on Foreign Relations may be the most influentia and dangerous body of elite on the planet.

Here is what they have published on Geoengineering


The Geoengineering Option

Unilateral Geoengineering

Geoengineering- The last resort against global warming?

Geongineering Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geo-Engineering

GeoEngineering Watch Internet Public Service Announcement


For a 59 Second Radio Spot of this, CLICK HERE


HERE is the Enviornmental Voices SKYLINES documentary


An Award-Winning Documentary (see the trailer)

"Scientists are not into this because of hubris, but because of fear."

owningtheweather At a panel discussion after the screening of Owning the Weather, the film producer, Blackstock, described geoengineering as "terrifying." But as he quickly added, "scientists are not into this because of hubris, but because of fear." Blackstock went on to make the case that there must be international regulations firmly in place before any rogue nation, or individual, attempts a geoengineering intervention of any significant scale.

More from the producers of "Owning the Weather"

The Climate Engineers

When Will Geo-Engineering Tip?

Can a Million Tons of Sulpher Combat Climate Chante?

How to Cool the Planet

MORE Who's Who of Elite Geo-Engineers (profiteering)

Bill Gates- Hurricane Supression

John Latham and Stephen Salter-Cooling by increasing the reflectivity of marine clouds

Bill Gates and Ken Caldeira seek GE Patent together

2008 GE Patent Filers:

Ken Caldeira

Bill Gates

John Latham

Stephen Salter

Global Sunscreen Won’t Save Corals

Emergency plans to counteract global warming by artificially shading the Earth from incoming sunlight might lower the planet’s temperature a few degrees, but such “geoengineering” solutions would do little to stop the acidification of the world oceans that threatens coral reefs...

aerosol scheme madscientists

For Posters, Contact Rosalind Peterson



worst idea since sub-prime mortgages. Truly dangerous. (48%)

another example of human hurbis. Doomed to fail. (27%)

great idea if well planned. (11%)

is science ficton. (11%)

let's start tomorrow. (2%)