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No Prosecutions?

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----- Original Message -----
From:  JG
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 10:11 AM
Subject: No Prosecutions?
Hello Mr. Bellringer,
We have seen an abundance of information come out during the past couple of months that exposes corruption in all levels of governments around the world.  Leaked documents and Emails have given our side plenty of reason to expect to see some of these corrupt lizards start getting arrested and charged with war crimes, fraud, murder, extortion, treason, etc......
Unfortunately these lizards do appear to be "above the law".  It does not matter how much evidence piles up against them; they are not being arrested, in fact, their arrogance appears to grow with each new day that they slither around the planet immune to any discipline at all.
Government officials can legally be charged with treason for passing laws that undermine the Bill of Rights, yet no charges ever hold up in court, the odd time that lawsuits are attempted against them.  It seems that  the only time we ever see a politician get impeached or removed from their seat, is when they get caught in illicit sexual misconduct.   
As long as the lizards and their accomplice's continue to get away with murder, rape and theft, their crimes against humanity will only continue to get worse.    
Global warming continues to be pushed, even know it has been exposed as a lie...
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are still ongoing, even know they have been exposed as illegal.
Israel continues to bully the Palestinians, even know they have been caught committing war crime, after war crime in Gaza. 
The Fed and the too big to fail continue robbing the American people, even know there is a mountain of evidence that proves the current economic crisis was pre planned and then orchestrated.
I am to the point where I feel that I cannot believe anything anymore, I look at the official story being told about every new event as a lie.  It has gotten so bad that I am even questioning the legitimacy of the earthquake in Haiti.  I cant help but wonder if those poor innocent people are the victims of a HAARP test.  I wonder if the images we are seeing on TV in Haiti are an appetizer to what the lizards have in store for the rest of us.
In Love and Light.......JG