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Harry Reid's comments you haven't heard before

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From: Human Events
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:11 PM
Subject: Harry Reid's comments you haven't heard before
Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, Sue Lowden for U.S. Senate. From time to time, we receive opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to know about. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of Human Events or Eagle Publishing.
Fellow Conservative,

Donate Today Most Americans have now heard about Senate Majority Leader Reid's outrageous, racially charged comments about Barack Obama. What most American's don't know is that this is the kind of behavior we have come to expect from him. Liberals in Washington have overlooked, covered for, and glossed over Harry Reid's behavior because they need his power for their radical, left-wing agenda.

The double standard that liberals so often apply is taken to new heights for their leader. Besides the latest racial comments about President Obama, Reid compared opponents of his government take-over of health care to supporters of slavery, called tea party activists "evil-mongers," and even said taxpayers visiting the U.S. Capitol "smell." In 2007, with our soldiers and troops in harms way, Harry Reid said the surge in Iraq would "fail" and that the war was "lost."

Harry Reid doesn't respect the American people. His words but more importantly his actions prove it. It is time to kick Harry Reid out of the Senate. Please follow this link to join our campaign to kick Harry Reid out of the U.S. Senate!

If Harry Reid respected the American people he would allow the C-Span cameras in to let us see the strong-arming, bribing, and deal-making necessary to force passage of his government take-over of health care. If Harry Reid respected the American people he would actually hold town hall meetings to hear from taxpayers and answer our questions. If Harry Reid respected America's taxpayers he would apologize to every one of us who has attended a tea party rally or town hall meeting for calling us "evil-mongers."

We know Harry Reid won't do any of those things though. For him, the power he covets so much isn't derived from the American people, it's derived from the liberal special-interests that helped make him the Democrat's Senate Majority Leader. Despite Reid's entrenched liberal Washington allies, we can and will kick him out of the U.S. Senate.

I am running to not only beat Harry Reid but to be a conservative voice in the U.S. Senate. As conservatives we all agree on the importance of individual liberty and free markets, fiscal responsibility and less government, the sanctity of life, the rule of law and a strong national defense. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I will be a strong voice for these conservative principles in the U.S. Senate.

Will you join me in kicking Harry Reid out of the Senate by making your contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500 or more today?

Harry Reid knows I'm the proven conservative who can kick him out of the Senate. He'll lose the power he covets and his ability to do any more damage to America's taxpayers. I'm the proven conservative who beats him by ten percentage points and according to a recent poll from the Las Vegas Review-Journal, I'm the only conservative who would beat him with 50% or more of the vote!

But this campaign is not just about Harry Reid, it is about electing a common sense, conservative advocate to the U.S. Senate. While a number of Republicans have announced their intentions to run in the 2010 Republican primary, it is critically important that our eventual nominee have a strong record in fighting for conservative values and the ability to actually win in November.

I am ready for this fight because I have been in tough fights before. I ran against the State Senate Majority Leader in my home state. Despite his powerful position, I outworked him and beat him, switching the State Senate control from the Democrats to the Republicans by just one vote.

After running on my conservative principles, I was immediately voted into Senate leadership by my Republican colleagues as Senate Majority Whip and Chairman of the Senate Taxation Committee.

I took strong stands against those legislators and special interests seeking higher taxes and government fees. When pro-tax legislators tried to run higher taxes through the committee, I shut it down, earning the committee the nickname the "Senate NO-TAXATION Committee." When the union bosses tried to force unionization, I served as the deciding vote in the Nevada State Senate to protect Nevada's Right-to-Work status.

If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will continue to fight for our conservative principles and roll back the damage done by Harry Reid and his liberal allies. Please stand with me, the proven conservative who will beat Harry Reid. Make your contribution now of of $50, $100, $250, $500 or more today!

Harry Reid has been in Washington far too long. While his words are disconcerting, it's his actions in the U.S. Senate that you, me, our children, and our grandchildren will have to live with for decades to come. But I am confident that will stand together and end Harry Reid's reign.

Thank you for all you do for conservative principles and thank you in advance for you support.


Sue Lowden

Sue Lowden for US Senate
