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Six ways ObamaCare can still be defeated

Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 1:38 PM
Subject: Six ways ObamaCare can still be defeated
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

       We expect the dirty backroom deal on ObamaCare to be

       struck this week. But final passage is not yet guaranteed.

       See below for six ways ObamaCare can still be defeated

       (including the "Massachusetts Miracle").


With Harry Reid under the gun for his "negro dialect" comments and public opposition to ObamaCare continuing to increase, the pressure is mounting for Democrats to finalize their backroom deal.

       We believe that deal could be struck this week. Reid and

       Pelosi will agree to bypass the traditional House-Senate

       Conference and rush identical bills back to their chambers

       for a final vote.

But with each passing day, their secretive strategy is getting more difficult.

And although ObamaCare is still likely to pass and be signed into law, this is not a done deal!

In fact, we have identified six possible scenarios that could cause ObamaCare to be defeated.

I'll start with the least likely...

#6--Union blues

The left is nearly as angry as the Right, calling the Reid bill a bailout for the insurance industry. The unions are upset about the tax on their so-called "Cadillac" health care plans and want that removed. The Left has held the coalition together with a "live together, die alone" motto, but politics changes with the wind. And the Left knows the winds are changing. I list this first because it is the least likely. But it is still possible.

#5--One Democrat Senator can't make it to the floor to vote.

Despite the backroom deals and dirty tricks, as we understand it there will be one more final cloture vote in the Senate. Rules require 60 votes to invoke cloture. If one Democrat Senator can't make it to the floor, for any reason (health, accident, death etc.) they don't have 60 votes.

#4--The Cornhusker Kickback kicks back.

Arnold Schwarzenegger told California's members of Congress to vote NO unless their state also gets the Cornhusker Kickback. Now Dems are scrambling to give every state a kickback. The more talk about kickbacks and the more uncomfortable everyone is with this entire fiasco.

#3--Abortion issue divides Democrats.

Rep. Bart Stupak has already voiced his opposition to Nelson's compromise and says he has the votes to stop any abortion- funding ObamaCare bill. An equal number of House Democrats have vowed to torpedo any final bill that includes Stupak's amendment. One group must blink for ObamaCare to pass.

#2--Three House Democrats change their votes.

Abortion is just one of the issues dividing Democrats. Rep. Cantor has identified 34 House Democrats who are facing a

very difficult vote based on three issues: abortion, Medicare Advantage, and state budget crises. It is now an election year. The pressure is building. If three members feel enough heat to switch their votes, ObamaCare fails.

#1--The Massachusetts Miracle.

The Bay State's special election next week to fill the late Sen. Kennedy's seat is now a tossup in some polls, and Republican candidate Scott Brown has pledged to be the

41st vote to block ObamaCare. If Brown is seated before the final ObamaCare vote, game over. There is already talk that if Brown wins, Democrats will stall his election certification in order to keep him from casting the deciding vote.

The special election is next Tuesday (1/19), before any final votes will be cast on ObamaCare. If a Republican takes Teddy Kennedy's seat, I say all bets are off. Democrats from

coast-to-coast will suddenly get a lot more nervous about voting for ObamaCare. Unlike old king Belshazzar in the book of Daniel, they won't need a prophet to interpret the "handwriting on the wall" -- vote now for ObamaCare and get defeated in November.

+ + This week is crucial

As I noted, we believe the backroom deal could be struck this week. Based on the most likely scenarios I've listed above, my staff has identified the key members of Congress that need to hear from you.

Just give me permission to send faxes on your behalf to your two Senators and Representative and keymembers of Congress (including the Blue Dog Democrats and those most vulnerable in their re-election efforts) and we can begin putting these lawmakers on notice!

Click here now:

If you prefer to send faxes on your own we've done all the work for you. Simply click here to download targets and letters now:

Again, the secret, backroom deal will likely be struck this week. But Democrats are growing more and more anxious by the day... in large part because citizens like you continue to speak out.

Click below and take immediate action with me today:

Thanks in advance for taking action with Grassfire Nation.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, forward this message to your friends and family, urge them to get involved by clicking below and signing our petition opposing ObamaCare:

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Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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