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The Last Straw on Health Care Legislation

Tim Carpenter

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Promises, Promises

Take Action--Tell Pelosi & Reid:NO on MANDATE, YES on STATES' RIGHTS

In John Nichols' column, "Dem Leaders Scheme to Scrap Health-Reform Conference Committee," Nichols reports there will be no conference committee working to reconcile the two healthcare bills. Progressives had hoped to impact the final legislation in a profound way through this committee.

We have been lied to over and again in our attempts to get a debate and a vote on Medicare for All. Our last hope to negotiate a state waiver to ERISA, which would allow states to pass single-payer healthcare without a court challenge from healthcare corporations, has vanished before our eyes.

This is the final straw.

Call Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid. Tell them you will not support any Democrat in the midterms who votes for a bill which:

does not include the ERISA waiver for states--effective immediately, and

includes a mandate forcing us to buy defective corporate insurance policies

Time is short, and they need to hear from us--TODAY and TOMORROW. The Democratic Caucus meets on Thursday.

This is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Please make these two calls and use the "forward-to-a-friend' button above to send this action to like-minded people you know.

In solidarity,

Tim Carpenter

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Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots PAC that works both inside the Democratic Party and outside in movements for peace and justice. Our goal in 2010: Expand progressive influence in Congress as we build on our 2008 electoral successes. PDA's advisory board includes seven members of Congress and activist leaders such as Tom Hayden, Medea Benjamin, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, and Lila Garrett.

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Author's Bio:

Tim Carpenter, PDA National Director is a social and political activist who, for more than 30 years, has worked for causes such as nuclear disarmament, death penalty abolition, defending the homeless, and campaign finance reform.

Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites -- with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests. As a grassroots PAC operating inside the Democratic Party, and outside in movements for peace and justice,

PDA played a key role in the stunning electoral victory of November 2006. Our inside/outside strategy is guided by the belief that a lasting majority will require a revitalized Democratic Party built on firm progressive principles.