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ObamaCare Unconstitutional

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From: CB
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:00 PM
Subject: ObamaCare Unconstitutional
Our elected officials have turned a deaf ear to the voices of a majority of Americans in railroading an unwanted governmental takeover of our healthcare

system. Their agenda is to pass the bill with measures that I believe are unconstitutional and immoral.

If passed by Congress, Liberty Counsel intends to fight the bill in the courts of law.

I just signed a Statement of Support empowering Liberty Counsel to take judicial measures to stop "ObamaCare" dead in its tracks!

I fear, if this bill passes, the infringements on our individual liberties will continue to erode under our current government. I’m encouraging like-minded citizens to rise up and sign the Liberty Counsel’s Statement of Support.

Please join me. Go here to sign: