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Help protect baby boys in 2010

Georganne Chapin, Intact America

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From: Georganne Chapin, Intact America
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 10:06 AM
Subject: Help protect baby boys in 2010

If three of the most prominent medical organizations in the United States are allowed to ignore the ethics of circumcision, nothing will stop them from taking the unprecedented move of recommending circumcision for all baby boys.

Patrick, our campaign of conscience can stop that from happening. But we can't do it without you.

With just three days until our deadline, we're still $7,045 short of raising the funds we need.

Will you make a tax-deductible year-end gift right now to sustain our campaign to stop infant circumcision in 2010?

With your support, Intact America will be able to continue its critical outreach to decision-makers at these medical organizations:

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): When the CDC seemed set to issue a circumcision recommendation this summer, our outreach at its conference in Atlanta made national headlines. As of now, the CDC has indefinitely postponed its decision – but we can't let up until we're certain they've abandoned this dangerous recommendation altogether!
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): After Dr. Susan Blank, the Chair of the AAP Task Force on Circumcision, made supportive statements regarding flawed studies on circumcision and HIV transmission in Africa, intactivists sent thousands of emails in protest. In 2010, we'll need your help to keep holding Task Force members like Dr. Blank accountable!
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP): When the AAFP announced it was considering recommending circumcision, our team took our call to conscience directly to their national conference in Boston. With your continued support, we'll be able to reach many more doctors in 2010!

We can't rest until we know these medical organizations have abandoned any plans to recommend circumcision.

Please make a tax-deductible gift right now to keep our campaign to end infant circumcision going strong in the New Year!

With your help, we can make sure the medical community sees circumcision for what it really is: unnecessary, harmful, and ethically wrong.

Thank you so much for being part of this important work.


Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America

Donate Today!

With just three days left, we're still $7,045 short of raising the funds we need!


Hitting our goal is crucial if we want to keep up our campaign to stop America's most prominent medical organizations from recommending infant circumcision in 2010.