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From: "Donald Elwood" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 12:07 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Reply to Bellringer\'s Prayer for America.  I have submitted the following letter to some members of Congress on the grounds of unconstitutionality.  Loved your prayer.  Donald Elwood

3247 S. Parker Rd. # 1901

Denver, CO. 80014

To:  Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It has come to my attention that most of you are ready to sign off on the Obama care Package.

In my opinion that would be a disaster! In the first place, most of America doesn\'t want it, next, it will inflate our deficit by over $2,000,000,000,000.00.

After that, it would limit health care for the poor and elderly to the point that they would be essentially left to die from lack of care and/or the proper medications.

Now let\'s look at Mr. Obama\'s record.  Right out of the chute he took over GM, (unconstitutional), next, he put a time limit on when congress had to PASS his stimulus package bill, (unconstitutional on several points)

1.He does not have the authority to limit the time congress has to vote on a bill.

2.He must give them time to read it and decide their vote on it\'s merits according to their own opinion.

3.He does not have the right to tell them how they MUST vote.

4.He has bragged that he controls all of the media with the exception of Fox and he is at “war” with them.

5.He is attempting to shut down anyone who doesn\'t like the way he does things.

6.Even though he claims to be a “Christian”, he is saying and doing things that make him look like a Muslim and is trying to eliminate Christianity. (look at his list of friends.)

7.He gets what he wants through threats, intimidation and bribes.  Hasn\'t anyone told him that those things are illegal?

8.If it were anyone else, he would have been impeached by now.

While you are pondering these things, think of your own family and how would they fair if you weren\'t in the position you are in.  Think of your mother and/or grandmother being visited every year by someone trying to convince them to have the plug pulled if they get sick.  Think of yourself at that stage.  Think of the probability that that will eventually lead to human euthanasia.  Do you really want that?  Think about it!


Donald Elwood

Concerned Citizen &  Member of League of American Voters