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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse refers to anti-healthcare advocates as rascists, aryan nation, and right wing extremists.

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----- Original Message -----
From:  F
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:07 PM
Subject: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse refers to anti-healthcare advocates as rascists, aryan nation, and right wing extremists.
So, are you one of the average Americans (well over 80%) who believe in the personal freedom to choose your own heathcare plan?  If so, then welcome to the world of this fascist Senator Sheldon Whitehouse referring to you a radical extremist and racists, such as a member of the aryan nation or a right wing militia group for disagreeing with the unconstitutional federal govenment plan.  Remember, this is not about giving healthcare to the poor, it is about denying you the opportunity to make choices for yourselves.
Don't believe it?  Then tell me why these elitists viciously promote the issue of "freedom of choice" for abortion, but then do not want to give you any choices regarding 99% of the rest of your health care issues?  It is because these mafia elitists are trying to get control of this massive sector of the economy to steal trillions from us as healthcare middlemen and ultimately, to control us for the furtherance of their eugenics agenda  - nothing else.  If not, why not just create a plan for the poorest Amercans and leave the rest of us alone?
Go ahead.  Boldly call this jerk and let him know what you think of him.  It is your duty as an America.
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