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The Government Takeover of Our Health Care: It's Not Over!

From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 2:56 PM
Subject: The Government Takeover of Our Health Care: It's Not Over!
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

         We are hearing that the battle is over - that the

         Senate will pass ObamaCare later this week!

         But this battle is far from over - (Details below)

Senate Majority Leader Reid would have you believe ObamaCare is a done deal in the Senate, and he may be right.

But I'm not going home until this abomination becomes law, and I want to make certain EVERY member of our amazing team is fully engaged!

In fact, in the hours leading to the final vote, I'm calling on GrassfireNation to blitz EVERY Senate office with ONE MILLION petitions, faxes and phone calls...

 The two-feet of snow dumped on Capitol Hill will pale with the blizzard of protest we are unleashing on EVERY SENATE OFFICE right now...

Click here to take immediate action with me:

++ Reid Used Your Tax Dollars to Buy Support!

Chicago-style politics was in full form as Reid used your tax dollars to payoff Sens. Landrieu, Lieberman and Nelson. These select "holdout" Senators stand to reap a bountiful harvest of YOUR tax dollars for their support of the ObamaCare plan!

As the seedy details of the bill begin to ooze to the surface, here are just a few of the "bribes" Reid used to gain Senate support...

         --$100 million for an unnamed health care facility.

         --One state gets to expand Medicaid at no cost --

           while taxpayers in the other 49 states foot the bill.

         --One insurance company, located in a swing Senator's

           home state has special "untold" benefits from the bill.

This is why we must continue to fight, and use whatever means we can to expose and defeat this kind of graft, this kindof raping of our nation and its people!

To help right now, click here:

++ ONE MILLION petitions Opposing ObamaCare!

Just hours ago, history was made at GrassfireNation when we surpassed ONE MILLION petitions. Frankly, it couldn't have come at a better time!

Right now our couriers are flooding the halls of the Senate delivering petitions to EVERY SENATE office each carrying a resonating message of solidarity to these rogue Senators!

But that's just the flurries - I'm calling on you to help me

create a blizzard!

+ + Action #1: Fax Your Senators Right Now

In addition to ONE MILLION petitions, I'm callingon ALL members of our team to "white out" Capitol Hill through a

 blistering Fax initiative!

Click here right now, and GrassfireNation will deliver your faxes directly to your two South Dakota Senators and other key Senators who need to hear from you!

Go here now to see the faxes:

Through our Faxfire fax system, you have the potential to impact EVERY SENATOR with a personal message -- prior to the final vote!

I urge you to take action right now either using our custom fax delivery system or by downloading our fax letters andnumbers to fax on your own.

Whatever method you choose, take action!

+ + Action #2: Call your two Senators

After scheduling your faxes, call your two Senators.

When calling, consider using these talking points:

--Identify yourself and the state in which you live.

--Demand to see and read the bill before the final vote.

--Tell them you oppose ObamaCare and urge them to vote "NO".

--Finally express your outrage over the earmarks, the mandates,

  the oppressive taxes in the plan and the government takeover

  of yet another industry.

Finally, after taking aggressive action, alert your friends. This isn't about just you and me. ObamaCare stands to adversely impact EVERY American, every family.

Forward this message to 30-40 friends and impress upon them the need to take immediate action with you by clicking here:

There are storm clouds forming over Capitol Hill, and with your help we can unleash a blizzard of historic proportions!

Thank you for standing with GrassfireNation.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. We will continue to fight until this battle is over! Go here now to stand with me:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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