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The Senate has a Christmas "Present" For You: a $2.5 Trillion Health Care Bill!

Harsha Sankar

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 7:57 AM
Subject:  The Senate has a Christmas "Present" For You: a $2.5 Trillion Health Care Bill!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wants to have the Senate vote to give the American people one big, fat present on Christmas Day: an enormous package of tax hikes, regulations, and subsidies in a government takeover of health care. While you're enjoying time with your family, the Senate will be enjoying time with your money; they plan to vote either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day on a $2.5 billion monstrosity of a health care bill.
With your help, we've been able to jam the phone lines on Capitol Hill all week. Some offices have stopped answering their phones in an attempt to silence you. Senator Jim Webb is a key swing vote on health care, so please call his district offices NOW to make sure your voice is heard. We are including his district office phone numbers below, and if you haven't already sent an email to him, you can do so here.
Washington DC: 202-224-4024
Danville: 434-792-0976
Hampton Roads: 757-518-1674
Norton: 276-679-4925
Richmond: 804-771-2221
Roanoke: 540-772-4236
Contact him to say that this $2.5 trillion bill, with its massive tax hikes, government-forced insurance, new regulations and bureaucracies, will NOT be the cure to our health care woes. If we can stop the vote on the "Christmas Surprise," this bill is virtually dead and we can begin to work toward TRUE health care reform that empowers patients and doctors - not government bureaucrats. Give yourself and your family the gift of defeating a government takeover of health care this holiday season! Call Senator Webb and tell him to vote NO on H.R. 3590, the so-called "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."
Happy Holidays and a "healthy" New Year from your NTU Grassroots Action Team
Please share this with your neighbors and ask them to get involved today!


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