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ObamaCare "on the precipice" but deception underway

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 5:00 PM
Subject: ObamaCare "on the precipice" but deception underway
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

    Reid is moving to cut off debate on ObamaCare as soon as

    this Friday and we still haven't seen the bill! I believe a

    grand deception is under way. See below.

Yesterday's meeting between President Obama and the 60-member democratic caucus means we've reached the end game on the Senate ObamaCare vote.

But the meeting and Obama's claim that we are "on the precipice" to passage are all part of a grand deception scheme that, sadly, is on the verge of succeeding.

First... The legislative text of the new Reid bill HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. There is NO BILL for your Senators to actually see and read, and NO BILL for you to see and read!


Second, what's really happening amounts to pure bribery.

    With YOUR MONEY, Reid and Obama are trying to buy

    the votes of swing senators to the tune of hundreds of

    millions of dollars. Reports indicate that Sen. Ben Nelson

    may have been offered $500 million in earmarks for his

    state in appreciation of his support of ObamaCare.

Also, we're told that in Reid's latest plan, the "public option" has been removed. But has it? (I guess we're supposed to take Reid on his word that the not-yet-seen 2,000+ page bill does public option!) And does it matter...

    With or without a formal "public option," ObamaCare

    means government-run health care. ObamaCare still is

    based on the unconstitutional "individual mandate,"

    includes massive tax increases, imposes an oppressive new

    government bureaucracy and puts the government in

    charge of your health care.

+ + Action: Let Your Senators Know What YOU Think!

I want to encourage you to use every means at your disposal to let your Senators and other key Senators know what you think about ObamaCare. Some resources for you:

+ + Action #1: Fax Your Senators Now

Use our FaxFire system to get your faxes to your two Senators and other key Senators right now. Go here:

Or... send your own faxes. We have provided all the information

you need. Go here:

+ + Action #2: Call your two Senators

Talking Points:

--Tell them you live in their state

--Tell your Senators you want to actually see the bill and that

  you are outraged that Senate leaders are forcing their secret

  bill to a final vote.

--Tell them you oppose ObamaCare and urge them to vote "NO" on

   cloture and the final bill.

--Tell them you oppose the unconstitutional "individual mandate"

  and the oppressive taxes in the plan.

+ + Action #3: Alert your friends

We just completed the latest round of hand-delivery of more than 800,000 petitions and our next hand-delivery will begin TOMORROW.

Please forward this link to your friends and ask them to sign so they can be included in the next hand-delivery:

Thanks for taking a stand for freedom!

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Despite the claims of Obama and Reid, this debate is not over. A grand deception is under way to convince YOU and YOUR SENATORS that passage of ObamaCare is inevitable. What they fear is a massive grassroots uprising in these final hours. Go here to send faxes:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + Comments? Questions?

+ +

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