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Pink slips: Last chance to stop socialized medicine


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:16 PM
Subject: Pink slips: Last chance to stop socialized medicine

When it comes to the greenbacks—borrowing them, spending them, printing them or inventing taxes to collect them, Congress tosses around terms like "billions" and "trillions" as carelessly as if they were flicking pennies into a fountain. But there’s another colored paper that they’re not so nonchalant about—pink slips. And 10 million of them mailed directly to their doors from you—their irate employers—just might be enough to prevent them from voting to seize control of our health care system.

If stacked, 8 million pink slips would be more than half a mile high.
If stacked, 9 million pink slips would be more than half a mile high. Add yours to the pile.

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign is a not-so-subtle way of reminding an out-of-control federal government that their bosses are paying close attention to their work performance—and prepared to put them back into the job market this November. The campaign recently topped the 9-million mark.

Let's push it to 10 million—and hopefully preserve our right to make our own medical choices.

Time is running short. Members of Congress—many under pressure from their party and the president—are weighing legislation to command control of health care. Calls and emails to your representative pale when compared to the sheer size and visibility of this creative grassroots effort, which many members of Congress confirm is essential to holding back a federal health-care coup.

Organized by WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah and WND columnist "Janet Porter," "Send Congress a Pink Slip" warns members of the U.S. House and Senate that they could be facing a "pink slip" as early as 2010 if they vote for more spending, socialized medicine, cap-and- trade legislation and a hate-crimes measure.

For just $29.95 you can send an individualized notice to every member of Congress in the form of a "pink slip."

The campaign ensures that Fed Ex will deliver this powerful message to all 535 members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate – all for a remarkably low price based on economies of scale.

At $29.95, that translates to 6 cents per message—shipped by Fed Ex.

This could be the least expensive medical-related cost you ever pay. And it may very well carry the highest and most invaluable savings. That’s because with a government-run health system destined to ration care, downgrade service and bureaucratize life-and-death treatment, dollars won’t be the only things saved.

Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz at Tuesday's press conference

Evidence mounts daily that the public action must be overwhelming. In a shocking display of disdain for the citizens they’re elected to serve, officials persist in dismissing the Constitution and remaking America into a mutant version of its former greatness. President Obama recently signed into law hate-crimes legislation that

creates a special class of protected citizens while criminalizing speech. Despite a national debt that’s rocketing skyward at facial-contorting speeds, lawmakers still mull over the prospect of nationalizing health care.

So far, the onslaught of support for the campaign has twice wiped out supplies of pink paper across North America. As boxes of "pink slips" pile up in their offices, many members of Congress have embraced the effort and openly admit that they're getting the message. Others are "talking about it, but they're only talking about it behind closed doors and in the elevators as they go up and down and in very whispered tones," said Reps. Tom Price, R-Ga.

"What you hear are people saying, 'How many of those did you get or how many people came to your office today? And what are you going to do and how are you going to vote on this?'" Price continued.

Price recently joined Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., Steve King, R-Iowa, Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, in publically thanking Farah and Porter praising the program for producing results.

"It's an amazing feat, to get that many slips to Congress," Rep. Steven King, R-Iowa, told WND. "If you look through them, you can index each one back to an individual. That's powerful. There is a person behind each one of the slips."

U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, with WND founder Joseph Farah, right
U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, with WND founder Joseph Farah, right

"This is putting everyone on notice," said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. during an interview on Fox News. "And I think this is what the American people have been doing for months now, saying if you keep spending and borrowing, you're going to get fired."

Reps. Tom Price, R-Ga., and Todd Akin, R-Mo., have also vocally supported the campaign.

Akin said: "The pink slip campaign serves as a good reminder of the unavoidable fact that every member of Congress answers to their constituents and that they ignore their voices at their own peril."

Voices in unison pose the best hopes for stirring the conscience of Congress, said Farah, and making the cost of sending certified mail to 535 people not only manageable but a downright bargain.

"We encourage citizens to take individual actions," said Farah. "But when we act as a group, it's more cost-effective and the results more dramatic. Just try Fed Exing members of Congress yourself and see what it costs. We have learned from past experience that Fed Ex actually ensures delivery to members. What they do with them at that point is their choice."

If all the "pink slips" Congress has received were stacked, the pile would be more than half a mile tall and tower over the tallest buildings in the world.

Laid end to end, they would extend over nearly two-thirds of the American continent, from Washington into the Rockies.

Note: If you're a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah or Janet Porter, e-mail WND.

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