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The Impeach Obama Truck: Climb Aboard


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 5:55 PM
Subject: The Impeach Obama Truck: Climb Aboard
We’re upping the ante. We're taking the Impeach Obama effort to the streets... specifically the streets in cities and towns all across the United States.

Our plan is simple: We're going to rent trucks and place billboards on them advertising the campaign to Impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

And we're going to take these trucks into cities and towns across the United States to rally support and draw signers to our Impeach Obama drive.

     We'll start the first truck rolling in the belly of the beast, Washington, DC... in sight of Barack Hussein Obama, our politicians and the political elites... and with your help, we can roll truck caravans through every city and town in the United States... from sea to shining sea.

     Our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans will become a national sensation... and jump-start the process of removing Barack Hussein Obama from office.

     But we will need your help... we need to make large billboards and have them mounted on rented trucks... we'll need drivers... gasoline... field workers to coordinate possible rallies in the cities visited and or give you status reports as the truck caravans roll across America. And yes, it's entirely possible that we'll eventually need security personnel to protect the drivers, vehicles and field workers from Obama’s thug patrol.

     It won't be cheap, but with your help we'll be able to start the campaign (in the belly of the beast - Washington D.C.) and keep it rolling across America.

     Can I count on you to start the Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans rolling?

The Time Is Now to Drive Our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans Across America and Start Driving Obama From Office.

     Barack Hussein Obama presides over a country that he clearly detests. He’s less a president... than a hostile resident of an historic home.

     As no-nonsense radio personality Tammy Bruce says of Obama:

“Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that he seems to have some malevolence toward this country, which is unabated.”

“Unabated malevolence” toward a country he’s sworn to serve and protect.

     Frankly, waiting until the 2012 election will be too late for America. We must drive Obama from office before he plunges the United States over a cliff.

     Our Impeach Obama Truck Caravans will remind Americans of the ultimate inconvenient truth... that Barack Obama’s actions are more than the usual liberal exercises in economic and social lunacy... and that he’s:

• Creating a Mt. Everest of debt that will crush our economy, rob us of our property, and deprive us of economic opportunity and liberty;

• Destroying our health care system and establishing a bureaucracy – including “death panels” – that will shorten our lives and undermine our health;

• Practicing political correctness and terrorist-friendly policies that – as we saw at Ft. Hood and see in Afghanistan – are costing American lives.

     Obama’s actions are a clear and present dangers to our safety and security. Consider Dick Morris’ insights about Obama’s dangerous decision to bring 9/11 terrorists to U.S. soil for trial:

“President Obama's decision to put[9/11 architect] Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial in New York City along with four others accused of helping destroy the World Trade Center and attack the Pentagon on 9-11 paints a bulls-eye for terrorists right on New York City, their favorite target. Now Obama has identified where the terrorists should focus their energies - on New York City.”

     For Obama, pandering to the ACLU and George Soros-types matters more than protecting American lives. Does he know that he’s making New York City – and all of us – easy targets for future terrorist attacks?

     An even more ominous question is: does he even care? With our truck, we’ll raise that question throughout our country.

     Our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans will remind Americans of a very unpleasant reality: that Obama’s remaining in office is more than an assault on our beliefs. Rather, it’s a threat not just to our way-of-life... but also to our physical lives.

     Your support of the Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans will send a critical message across America... from sea to shining sea: a president’s job isn’t to invent imaginary constitutional rights for Islamic mass murderers... but rather to protect the American people.

Please help us keep our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans rolling across this great nation. Please help us take this message of our firm resolve to uproot this Obamanation (which is threatening to destroy everything that has made our country great), across America. Barack Hussein Obama expects the American people to roll over and remain docile. So, let’s stand up for America, show him he’s dead wrong, and remove him from office.

Together, we can take back our country before it is too late.


How Trucks Rolling Across America Can Be the Catalyst for Impeaching Obama.

     A truck can go anywhere... any time... that's what makes it a better mousetrap.

     Let’s face it: the Mainstream Media and the Obama Administration excel at stifling free speech. They reject any material that doesn’t fit with their views.

     Well... we have some news for the Mainstream Media... they have no way of preventing our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans from going across America and calling for the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama. We will go where and when we please... as long and as often your support allows us.

     Yes, Barack Hussein Obama and his allies in the Mainstream Media will be livid when they see our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans. But... they won’t be able to stop them from carrying the Impeach Obama message across the country to millions of people.

     Impeach Obama billboards mounted on trucks cannot be refused by your liberal local newspaper.

     Impeach Obama billboards mounted on trucks cannot be refused by ABC or NBC or CBS or CNN or by your local television station.

     Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans will have no trouble generating nationwide support... and massive publicity... and they're unstoppable as long and as your support keeps them going.

     Let’s roll... let's give a belt of reality to the Beltway Types in Washington, DC, and then bringing some “Rolling Thunder” to the rest of the country. With your support, we can surge forward in impeaching Obama.

     Together, with your help, we can make some history.

Please help us keep our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans rolling across this great nation. Please help us take this message of our firm resolve to uproot this Obamanation (which is threatening to destroy everything that has made our country great), across America. Barack Hussein Obama expects the American people to roll over and remain docile. So, let’s stand up for America, show him he’s dead wrong, and remove him from office.

Together, we can take back our country before it is too late.



Should We Impeach Barack Hussein Obama... Can We Impeach Barack Hussein Obama?

     As an informed American, you already know that Barack Hussein Obama deserves impeachment. But can he be impeached?

     Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads:

“The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

     Obama hasn’t committed treason or accepted bribes... at least any that we know about... yet. But is Obama guilty of committing “high crimes and misdemeanors?”

     And what does “high crimes and misdemeanors" mean anyway?

     Our Framers were very familiar with the term... it's from English Common Law, and essentially means “bad behavior.”

     Are we saying that our Founding Fathers set the standard for impeachment of the President of the United states at "bad behavior?"


     Here's a passage from that explains the intent of our Founding Fathers more clearly:

“The Congress decides the definition [of impeachable offenses]: by majority vote in the House for impeachment, and by 2/3 vote in the Senate for conviction. The Framers of the Constitution deliberately put impeachment into the hands of the legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus transforming it from strictly a matter of legal definition to a matter of political judgment." continues:

"Representative Gerald Ford put it into practical perspective in 1970, when he said an impeachable offense is ‘whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.’"

     Is it an impeachable offense for a president to attempt to take over every major industry?

     Is it an impeachable offense to devastate the world’s best health system?

     Is it an impeachable offense to be so blind to reality and so compliant to the worst elements of radical terrorists... that you put American lives at extreme risk?

     Is such behavior beyond bad... is it a crime against a free people?

     You better believe it. Case-closed... Now let's roll.

Please help us keep our Impeach Obama Campaign Truck Caravans rolling across this great nation. Please help us take this message of our firm resolve to uproot this Obamanation (which is threatening to destroy everything that has made our country great), across America. Barack Hussein Obama expects the American people to roll over and remain docile. So, let’s stand up for America, show him he’s dead wrong, and remove him from office.

Together, we can take back our country before it is too late.


Floyd Brown

Floyd Brown is a project of the Policy Issues Institute.

Contributions are not deductible for tax purposes.

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