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Brent says, "News media 'whitewashing' ClimateGate!"

The Media Research Center

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From: The Media Research Center
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: Brent says, "News media 'whitewashing' ClimateGate!"

Ignoring this massive scandal won’t make it go away!

The left-wing media like to refer to those of us that aren’t drinking the Global Warming Kool-Aid as “deniers.” But they’re the ones in denial if they think we’re going to let them get away with sweeping the biggest scientific scandal of our generation under the carpet!

We just received confirmation that our grassroots blitz to expose ClimateGate has surpassed 30,000 e-mails and many thousands of phone calls -- every contact demanding the networks fully investigate this ongoing, and deepening scandal.

Just days ago, Media Research Center founder Brent Bozell, during an interview with, drew a correlation between the 1970s Watergate scandal and ClimateGate, saying, “[Bob] Woodward and [Carl] Bernstein didn’t just cover Watergate, they investigated it!”

That’s precisely what is not happening with the ClimateGate scandal.

Instead of investigating and exposing the real truth, the so-called “news” networks are in denial, telling viewers and readers that “the science is solid” and “the evidence is overwhelming that man is behind climate change.”

Even worse, they are actively orchestrating a whitewash campaign -- attempting to silence and even discredit those who are raising legitimate questions and concerns about ClimateGate!

Patrick H., this scandal is far from over, and with our environmental and economic health hanging in the balance, we need the truth.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help us amplify our grassroots demand for a full investigation into ClimateGate!

We are expanding our reach beyond the network executives and going directly to the journalists at the networks, appealing to their integrity and urging them to uphold some scrap of journalistic standards.

So, even if you’ve already sent e-mails or made calls, click here to express your outrage to our newly expanded list of network executives and science correspondents!

You can count on the MRC and our team of analysts and researchers to continue exposing the media cover-up of the ClimateGate scandal on a daily basis.

Click here for the truth the media aren’t telling you about ClimateGate.

After taking quick action please alert 30-40 friends about ClimateGate. Educate them on the networks’ deceptive cover-up, and urge them to join with you in demanding a full investigation by clicking here.

For the real truth of ClimateGate to be told, it will take massive grassroots pressure on the so-called “news” networks -- something the MRC is ready, willing, and uniquely able to do … with your help.

Thank you for your continued support in our efforts.

David Martin

P.S: To read the untold story of ClimateGate, click here.

P.P.S: Looking for a few last minute stocking-stuffers for your conservative friends? Look no further than the MRC store.

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