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Ed Brown Information

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As of Nov. 30, 2009:

Please take the time to write to Federal prisoners who have guested on TPH. Ed and Elaine Brown appear to be

spending the rest of their life in prison, if nothing changes. Please take the time to write and let them know how much you appreciate them standing for all those seeking the truth. We will let you know if their is a way to send postage money later on.

Thanks, Joyce and Jean from Maine.

Mailing addresses:

Elaine Alice Brown


FMC Carswell

Federal Medical Center

P.O. Box 27137

Forth Worth, TX 76127

Edward Lewis Brown

03923-049 USP

P.O. Box 2000

Marion, IL 62959

Visitor Information:

Elaine had to mail me a prison form, signed by her and for me to fill out and return. This was in Dec. '07 when she was in Danbury, CT. I did fill it out and return it and was registered as a visitor. Then I found that my van needed a big repair job and had to put off such a trip. Then Elaine was moved to Ft. Worth, so I never got to visit her. But she and I have written back and forth about once a month. She said in her letters that she really misses gardening. She also mentioned in a letter last winter that it was difficult for her to write as her hands are shaky. I wrote back that, if it was OK I would continue writing to her and that I would understand if she didn't write back.


Elaine Brown offers details of her arrest

 Elaine Brown performed dental work on the undercover U.S. marshal who arrested her, and was eating pizza and drinking beer with him and her husband, Ed, when she was suddenly tackled, Tasered and handcuffed, she said in a letter recently posted on the internet.

A Letter From Elaine Brown

PLEASE WRITE TO Ed & Elaine! Let them know that we still care!

Click Here for Contact Information For Ed & Elaine Brown.


Audio Clip Reveals Ed Brown Was Tortured -- Please read the article before listening to the audio tape. Please note that it cuts off and we are not sure what else was said.

Google News Alert for: "Ed Brown":

* Agents blow up explosives from Browns' Plainfield property

* Tax evader Ed Brown delivered to Ohio prison


Ed and Elaine Brown was taken into custody without trouble -- U.S. Marshals arrested tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown at their Plainfield home yesterday, Oct. 4, 2007, ending the couple's eight-month standoff without bloodshed. Related Link:

Browns' festival quashed - Marshals block cars from couple's property (Set.16, 2007) -- Supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown hoping to attend their "Fall Freedom Fest" party in Plainfield yesterday were turned away by federal marshals, who established a checkpoint on Center of Town Road.

Roadblock at the Browns: Brown Supporter Lauren Canario Arrested -- Federal Marshals set up a roadblock on Center of Town Road in Plainfield today and are refusing to let anyone visit the Browns. In a deliberate act of civil disobedience, Lauren Canario began walking to the Brown's home from the roadblock and was arrested.

More up-to-date Info:

4 associates of tax-evading couple Ed & Elaine Brown arrested (Sept. 12, 2007) -- Four men accused of helping obstruct justice in the case of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown have been arrested, U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said Wednesday. Monier said the men are Cirino "Reno" Gonzales, 30, of Alice, Texas; Daniel Riley, 40, of Albany, N.Y.; Jason Gerhard, 22, of Brookhaven, N.Y.; and Robert Wolffe, 50, of Randolph, Vt.

Collection of Ed Brown Interviews -- This is a list of some of the Ed Brown Interviews for those that missed some of them.

The Saga Continues--Ed Brown -- Ed Brown motions to the area of his 110 acre estate were gunshots rang out Saturday night. He's heard neighbors firing weapons in the past, but the time of day which these shots were heard caused alarm. Read More...

Satire: Show Ed The Law -- Interesting photo.

YouTube Video: Officials Say No Shots Fired At Browns' Home -- Law enforcement officials said that they have not gone onto the property of a Plainfield couple convicted of tax evasion, despite online reports from the couple that shots were fired nearby.

Police: Tax evaders’ supporters clogged 911 lines -- Police say supporters of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown clogged emergency phone lines after the couple’s web site claimed shots had been fired behind the house.

Video of Ed Brown Concert Buzzed by Homeland Security Helicopter on 7/14/07

To verify ID Number on the helicopter, you can go to: 


Articles within this table are related to the "Live Free or Die Concert" held

Saturday, July 14, 2007.  

A BIG "Thank You" for all who made this event possible & for all that attended!

Homeland Security Harasses Barbecue Picnic During Browns’ Live Free or Die Concert

By: David Deschesne, Editor/Publisher, Fort Fairfield Journal

Google Video: Live Free or Die Concert Clips form July 14, 2007 -- Various video clips taken from the Live Free or Die Concert held July 14, 2007

 in support of Ed & Elaine Brown.

Audio: Brief news coverage about Ed and Elaine Brown on NPR (National Public Radio) -- NPR played an excerpt of Dave singing "Show Me the Law", Randy Weaver sharing his heart-felt emotion on the situation, Ed and Elaine, and of course some scared (coward) townsfolk who support the official (wrong) position. (July 17, 2007)

Browns' bash draws about 200 -- An estimated 200 people turned out for the "Live Free or Die Concert" at the Plainfield home of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown yesterday. As of early evening, police were calling it a peaceful gathering. About 100 cars lined one side of the Browns' half-mile driveway by early afternoon. Helicopters circled overhead as new arrivals searched for parking.

Browns throw themselves a party -- Policemen were stationed for hours yesterday (July 14, 2007) on the road outside Ed and Elaine Brown's house in Plainfield, where a large party was being held to benefit the convicted tax protestors. But the officers said they wouldn't, under any circumstances, enter the property if an emergency occurred.

Brown standoff tense before concert -- Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies are on heightened alert today because of a benefit concert at the Plainfield home of federal income tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown.

Homeland Security Crashes the BROWN'S LIVE - FREE OR DIE JAMBOREE -- Mysterious white helicopter circled the crowd of 200 for about 6 hours, flying so low at times it appeared to be coming in for a landing. At one point, after apparently refueling… The chopper returned appearing about 100 feet out of the trees. It must have been lying low in silent mode before it jumped out and buzzed the crowd. It felt like apocalypse now, Vietnam or Iraq.

Anti-government activist fears feds are watching him -- Some of Weaver’s supporters called KY3 News recently because they believed he was under siege again. When a reporter and photographer arrived at his home just outside Harrison, supporters had blocked off his driveway. Some men in a military-type vehicle led the crew inside and, after some coaxing, Weaver consented to an interview.

                  Click Here to Listen to:

              SHOW ME THE LAW MP3

MUSIC VIDEO "SHOW ED THE LAW by Dave vonKleist -- Musice VIDEO of the song "Show Me the Law" sang at the "SHOW ME THE LAW MUSIC JAMBOREE" held Saturday, June 23, 2007 at Ed & Elaine Brown's home.

ShowEdTheLaw .com -- Must see website called http://www,

Click Here for a few PHOTOS taken at the "SHOW ME THE LAW" MUSIC JAMBOREE

ARTICLE of the Event by David Deschesne:

Click Here to read a write up & see More Photos of the  Freedom Concert Held at Brown's New Hampshire Home

LIVE FEED To The "Freedom/Liberty/Picnic Concert"

Freedom Concert Held at Brown's New Hampshire Home Amidst IRS Standoff By: David Deschesne -- Nearly fifty friends and supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown converged on the Brown's Plainfield, New Hampshire home on Saturday, June 23 for a concert hosted by Dave VonKleist, co-host of the increasingly popular radio talk show The Power Hour. The Brown's guests enjoyed grilled cheeseburgers and hotdogs, Italian sandwiches, water and salads.


        To Be Held Saturday, June 23, 2007! (Thanks to all who attended and watched LIVE)!!

YouTube Video: Ed & Elaine Brown's June 18, 2007 Press Conference -- Browns Say They Won't Surrender!

ABC Covers Ed and Elaine Brown's Press Conference -- "There is no law. We looked and looked," Brown told the press.


N.H. Tax Protestors Refuse To Give Up -- The Browns received moral support Monday from Randy Weaver, the Ruby Ridge whose wife and son were killed along with a deputy U.S. marshal in a 1992 standoff in Idaho . Weaver held up a picture of his wife and daughter during the news conference.

NOTICE AND DEMAND TO CEASE AND DESIST -- Formal demand is hereby made of you and all of your associates, accomplices and accessories of whatever description, to cease and desist immediately from any further attempts to apprehend the Browns or to trespass upon their fundamental Rights or private property in any manner whatsoever.

Browns To Hold National Press Conference, Monday 18, 2007 -- Tax Protestors Ed and Elaine Brown have exclusively revealed today that they are to hold a press conference at their home in Plainfield New Hampshire this coming Monday.

Ed Brown Video Blog:

Police assemble by Browns' home -- Federal authorities indicated Thursday they will not raid the home of two convicted tax evaders but would serve a warrant. About 50 state troopers, some armed with high-powered rifles, along with a vehicle from the explosives unit gathered this morning in Plainfield, a small town where Edward and Elaine Brown have holed up in their home since being convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms.

SWAT teams, armored vehicle seen near Brown compound -- Neighbors of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown reported police SWAT teams and at least one armored vehicle assembling near the Browns' Plainfield (New Hampshire) home this morning.

ED Brown Info: New Hampshire Tax Evader Prepares for Raid -- Ed Brown, 63, and his wife, Elaine, 65, were convicted Thursday of plotting to conceal their income and avoid paying federal income tax. They argued the tax is illegitimate and they are not required to pay it.  (Be sure to listen to TPH archives in which Joyce and Dave interviewed Ed Brown on Jan. 22, 2007)

*GOOGLE VIDEO CLIP: Ed Brown v. IRS/Feds New Hampshire

*ARTICLE: All of a sudden, Ed Brown has a lot of friends (anti-tax stance)