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$1 Million Per Soldier Per Year

Joan Brunwasser

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Dear Joan,

President Obama has decided to send more than 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan, at a cost of more than $1 million per soldier/year. But America cannot afford a war that does not make us safer, and Congress has the power to stop the escalation.

This is why a group of Afghanistan veterans will deliver a petition to be read on the Congressional floor by Rep. Alan Grayson urging his fellow congessmembers to Vote NO on any spending bill that would send more troops to Afghanistan. From the front lines of battle to the halls of Congress, these courageous men and women know the perils of the conflict and are ready to demand a new course of action

We need to reach 100,000 signatures - a number that Congress, mainstream media and the American public must recognize.

Please sign the petition telling Congress we cannot afford a war that does not make us safer.


Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team


Author's Bio: Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which exists for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. We aim to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Electronic (computerized) voting systems are simply antithetical to democratic principles.

CER set up a lending library to achieve the widespread distribution of the DVD Invisible Ballots: A temptation for electronic vote fraud. Within eighteen months, the project had distributed over 3200 copies across the country and beyond. CER now concentrates on group showings, OpEd pieces, articles, reviews, interviews, discussion sessions, networking, conferences, anything that promotes awareness of this critical problem. Joan has been Election Integrity Editor for OpEdNews since December, 2005. Her articles also appear at RepublicMedia.TV and