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9/11 Truth Vets Salute Gov. Jesse Ventura!

Captain Eric H. May

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From: Captain May
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 9:19 PM
Subject:  9/11 Truth Vets Salute Gov. Jesse Ventura!
9/11 Truth Vets Salute Gov. Jesse Ventura!

-- Editorial Commentary --

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By Captain Eric H. May

Intelligence Editor

The Lone Star Iconoclast


Patriots everywhere should be overjoyed that Gov. Jesse Ventura is presenting hardheaded, concrete objections to the government's 9/11 story. It's high time that more high officials join him in condemning Washington's refusal to adequately investigate what happened, and the mainstream media's parroting of the Bush administration/neocon lines created in the aftermath of 9/11 to justify Vietnam-style wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

By all means, read and enjoyed his candor and courage:



Ventura Delivers Some 9/11 Truth on Larry King Live
Gov. Ventura's producers have contacted me about explaining false flag operations in his upcoming program, Conspiracy Theory. It would be an honor for me to do, although I think that my associates, Dr. Jim Fetzer, Maj. Bill Fox and SFC Don Buswell would do a better job, given the precarious state of my health. The same could be said about any number of my comrades in Patriots Question 9/11, the national-level organization or military, intelligence and investigation officers. We share the kind of credentials that the governor has earned, through our own decades of military service:
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Captain May has served in the U.S. Army, Army Reserve and National Guard during four different decades. His military specialties include Intelligence, Public Affairs and WMD defense. A disabled veteran, he has been on a mission of conscience to expose the 9/11 cover-up since 2004. He is the commander of Ghost Troop Cyber Militia, which was recently attacked by CNN: