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Senator Baucus confesses his deception, but he wants to harm you anyway

Perry Willis Vice President, Inc.

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 10:48 AM
Subject: Senator Baucus confesses his deception, but he wants to harm you anyway

Please send another letter to Congress opposing the cancerous healthcare bill.

There's new data you can use to make your case. Just borrow from (or copy and paste) the sample letter below . . .

I'm pleased to learn that Senator Baucus finally confessed, during a debate in the Senate on Wednesday, December 2, that the true ten-year cost of the healthcare bill will be closer to $2.5 trillion than the nearly $1 trillion cost he has sold to the public.

Increasing numbers of other Americans are following what you do very closely. We are well aware that Congressional leaders have rigged the CBO score. We know that this has been done by delaying the start point for much of the spending so that it falls beyond the 10-year window evaluated by the CBO. In addition to the unsupportable true cost, there are also these problems . . .

The CBO -- Congressional Budget Office -- reported on Monday, November 30, that the healthcare bill is likely to increase insurance premiums for many people, not lower them. This is not what we were promised.

And Richard S. Foster, the chief actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, estimates that the bill's health insurance mandates will cause . . .

* Individuals to pay $62 billion in fines between 2014 and 2019,

* Businesses to pay $118 billion in tax penalties

ENOUGH! Scrap this cancerous bill. Do it now!

If you want to you can check my sources here (though you guys should already know this stuff) . . .

* Summary of Richard S. Foster's findings:

* The CBO report:

CBO summary of their report:


You can send your letter here:

Perry Willis

Vice President, Inc.

Source for claim about the Baucus confession:

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