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Your immediate action needed

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From: Levees.Org
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 7:40 PM
Subject: Your immediate action needed


                                                                          December 7, 2009

Dear Patrick

Recent remarks by U.S. Sen Tom Coburn (OK-R) and U.S Rep Darrell Issa (CA-R) demonstrate continued confusion about the metro New Orleans flooding during Katrina.

Too many members of Congress refuse to see that the August 2005 Flooding was a federal responsibility, that the federal government's levees failed.

Federal Judge Stanwood Duval has found the Army Corps of Engineers responsible for much of the flooding in New Orleans and financially liable for all the flooding in nearby St. Bernard Parish during Hurricane Katrina (civil action 05-4182).

And this is not a distinctly Louisiana problem!

With the majority of the American population living in counties protected by levees - and with the most important ones built by our Army Corps - this is clearly a national issue.

Experts all across America continue to warn that such dangerous mistakes by the federal government will continue if changes are not made in the way important water projects are chosen, funded and implemented.

But first, the citizens of Louisiana and the nation's taxpayers deserve the 8/29 Review, a truly independent analysis of the flood protection failures - and the decision making involved - in metro New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

This Review is needed for many reasons.

Here are just two among many:

1.  Judge Duval's ruling revealed new information.  For example, the Corps was negligent for its failure to armor the MRGO levees to protect them from erosion from waves (page 41).


2.  As documented in Dr. Ray Seed's 42-page ethics complaint, the scope of the original federally ordered levee investigation was severely limited and is thus largely incomplete.    

Please click here to demand the 8/29 Review!

Please forward to your family and friends!

Every citizen of the United States deserves to know the true cause of the flooding in New Orleans and its surrounding parishes during Katrina. 

The only way they will find out the truth is with passage of a bipartisan act that requires an independent analysis.

Click here and ask your members of Congress to support the 8/29 Review!

Thank you for your support of

We are winning!

Sandy Rosenthal

Founder of


Click here for remarks by U.S. Rep Darrell Issa

Click here for remarks by U.S. Sen Tom Coburn.

Click here for more on how the majority of the nation's population lives in counties protected by levees.

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