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Peter Spencer Hunger Strike An Issue For Us All

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From: DB
To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: Peter Spencer Hunger Strike An Issue For Us All
FYI - The Banksters in collusion with our Australian Courts are stealing every farm they can in order to control food production here....
This man is trying to get the attention of people everywhere to look at what is happening & the agenda behind this corruption....

A message to all members of Agmates
G'day Agmates,

I'm not sure if you have seen the Peter Spencer Hunger Strike Group site launched yesterday.

Peter is a farmer from NSW Australia who has reached the end of the line. After 10 years and 200 appearances in court on property rights issues he been defeated. His farm is being repossessed and he has scaled a 300 metre tower on his property and is in day 3 of a hunger strike.

Peter has issued a list of demands on the Federal Government that must be met for him to halt the hunger strike. He has been preparing this action for two months and regrettably is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice - his life.

In his final desperate protest Peter is hopefull that he might gain world wide support of private individuals. He has asked his good friend Alister McRobert to set up the Peter Spencer Hunger Strike Agmates group site so that people might join to show their support. Peter last hope is that "People Power" might prevail where the law has failed so badly.

In an email Alister McRobert published today from respected Professor in Public Law - Suri Ratnapala - the professor said of Peter Cause:

"Your cause is the cause of many thousands of honest and productive persons on whose lives and labour the prosperity of Australia was built and whose property the government has now stolen.

Your cause is the cause of every Australian who cares about the rule of law, constitutional government and political morality.

Your cause is the cause of every decent human being who values fair play. Your cause is Australia’s cause."

Here is what you can do support Peter.

  • If you do nothing else join the Peter Spencer Hunger Strike Group site as a member to show your support for a man who is prepared to give up his life for a cause that he believes in and as Professor Ratnapal say - is the cause of every decent human being who values fair play.
  • If you'd like to do more -
  • Please send an email to every person you know with an explanation of what Peter is doing and that he needs and deserves our support. Give them the link below to the group site and urge them to join.
  • Those of you that have other social network sites - facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc - please post a link to Peters Group site and urge your friends to join in support and network it to their friends.
  • Lets use "people power" to make Peters Story - go viral on the world wide web.
  • Email the above link to any media that you know of and alert them to what is happening and suggest they cover it. That is in any country. This issue has implications internationally lets make it news around the world.

With hundreds / thousands of members lets use our power as a group to be powerful.

Please do your bit to unleash "People Power".  As we have seen just this week it only takes each of us doing a bit to have a massive impact.

Cheers - Agmates Founder - Steve


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