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Healthcare bill may go Nuclear

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:28 PM
Subject: Healthcare bill may go Nuclear
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

     We're counting down to the next hand-delivery of

     your petitions opposing ObamaCare, and we need

     your help to reach our goal of 750,000.

     Details below.        --Steve

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is warning that the "nuclear option" is being considered by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare...

This means only 50 votes would be needed to pass a healthcare takeover bill that would tax Americans to the tune of $500 billion, while gutting Medicare $464 billion.

Grassley, and others believe the current plan on the table would lead to "rationed care, shuttered hospitals, overburdened doctors and waste."

No doubt feeling the pressure to punch ObamaCare through before Christmas, Reid is now demanding lawmakers work on Sunday...

 Reid's quick-step signals a shift for Grassfire.

We can't wait to rally 750,000 citizen signers before hand- delivering your petitions to key Senate offices.

That's why we've literally started the countdown clock-- counting down to midnight Wednesday night as potentially the last opportunity for grassroots citizens to have their petition opposing ObamaCare hand-delivered before the vote!

That's why I'm writing you right now.

 674,346 citizens have already signed our petition-- meaning we are roughly 75,000 petitions shy of our three-quarters -of-a-million goal.

Earlier this week, we were more than 110,000 from our goal!

So your efforts are paying off.

     But we need to do more. That's why I'm urging EVERY member

     of our team who has already signed our petition to forward

     this alert to 35-40 friends urging them to sign the petition

     and have it HAND-DELIVERED to their Senators starting

     next Thursday.

Go here now to sign:

Because of such an overwhelming amount of petitions, we had to give our special courier up to three days to deliver our petitions... But EVERY petition will be delivered---at a critical time when Reid

and his cronies are using whatever trick they can to secure support for this horrifying bill...

Like Reid, Grassfire Nation has started our own countdown clock to midnight Wednesday.

Your efforts right now are critical to our success. We are depending on our amazing team to help us reach our goal to maximize our impact starting next week!

Thanks in advance for taking action.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S.  We're doing all we can to rally critically needed extra support for our petition--including the launching of an actual countdown clock on Drudge!

You can also see the clock on our Grassfire Nation petition page by clicking here:

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Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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