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Steve Elliott Grassfire Nation

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From: "Grassfire Nation" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 6:16 PM
Subject: Healthcare "hammer" about to fall
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire Nation

    The Senate vote on ObamaCare will happen before

    Christmas because the "hammer" is about to fall.

    Details below.        --Steve

We have just learned that Senate Democrats are in final preparations to unveil their healthcare "hammer" to get ObamaCare passed.

The "hammer" is the new public option compromise being worked out -- again behind closed doors -- that puts the government-run public option plan under the direction of a "non-governmental board."

As if we are to believe this is an improvement!

The "hammer public option" would be imposed immediately in every state that does not meet the ObamaCare guidelines.

In addition, Reid and the Democrats have gotten so desperate to pass ObamaCare prior to Christmas that we now have positive confirmation that the "nuclear option" is still

a looming threat. (The "nuclear option" would only require 50 votes to pass ObamaCare instead of the 60 votes now needed to end debate on the Senate floor.)

Sen. Ben Nelson acknowledged that in an op-ed. He feared failure to cast a vote to proceed would move Reid to usethe "budget reconciliation" nuclear option.

With the "hammer" coming and the very real threat of the nuclear option on the table, we are almost guaranteed a vote on ObamaCare in the Senate before Christmas.

+ + 750,000 citizens needed in Grassfire Nation

We expect the "hammer public option" to be revealed next week and we want to greet its arrival with 750,000 petitions hand-delivered to U.S. Senate offices. Already more than 640,000 citizens in Grassfire Nation have taken a stand against government-run health care, but I absolutely need your help right now to push us to our petition goal!

    Take whatever time needed to get this update into the

    hands and hearts of 35-40 friends. Urgently press upon

    each of them the importance of taking immediate

    action against this devastating bill that would

    change the face of our nation.

    Have them click here now to sign the petition and have

    it hand-delivered to your two South Dakota senators

    as soon as we reach 750,000:

 I am convinced that you and I are the last line of defense against this aggressive reshaping of our nation, and am counting on you to once-again rise up and help me build a massive coalition of grassroots citizens who are willing to stand and fight for their nation!

Thanks in advance for taking action.

Steve Elliott

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Reid and his team have once again gone behind closed doors to craft a new "hammer public option" that they will unveil and then rush to passage with the artificial deadline of Christmas looming. Please forward this alert today!

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Grassfire Nation is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2009 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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