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This War Must End

Robert Greenwald

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From: Robert Greenwald
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: This War Must End
Watch the Video | Sign the Petition | Email a Friend
This time, the tears Obama has inspired are not tears of joy.

He is brilliant and eloquent. But last night he spoke of 30,000 troops and $30 billion for escalating a war.

A war that will do nothing to protect our security.

A war that will result in the deaths of thousands of Americans and Afghans.

A war that will eat up resources that should be going to jobs, homes, schools, health care.

A war that will hurt rather than help the people of Afghanistan.

Join us in the work ahead to work to stop the funding for this war.

We CANNOT remain on the sidelines anymore. This war MUST end.

Join us in the work ahead to work to stop the funding.

Sign the petition to tell Congress we cannot afford a war that does not make us safer.


Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

Click here to watch the video