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Five Things You Can Do To Make Health Care Reform Happen Right Now, Terrific New Video and More

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 12:14 AM
Subject: Five Things You Can Do To Make Health Care Reform Happen Right Now, Terrific New Video and More
Dear Friends And Activists,

No matter how much we personally do at this end, real policy change only happens when YOU speak out in greater and greater numbers. So hear are five things you can to right now to make real health care reform happen.

1) Spread the word about the latest "I'm A Democrat, I'm A Republican", Medicare for All advocacy video at this page

Health Care Fax Action Page:

This is already the third in this series of delightfully entertaining video sketches, this one subtitled "Voice of the People". The morepeople we can get to this page, the more we can get people thinking

and talking about the real issues here. Delivered with wit and humor, the message is clear. The Republicans want NO health care reform, the Democrats are only offering PHONY reform, and only our voices in loud numbers can force them to actually make good public policy

2) Spread the YouTube Link for this video directly

New Video Link:

We have already had tens of thousands of YouTube views from the first two videos in this action series. Let's make hundreds of thousands.

3) Put the video directly on your Facebook, MySpace or other web page. So many of you have your own pages, some even have your own dedicated websites. With you tube link above you can easily adds these action message videos to your own page.

4) For those with full blown web sites, there is code at the top of the fax action page to put a special sidebar sized video module to play the latest action video on your site.

Health Care Fax Action Page:

And we will automatically give you a link back to your site.

5) And of course, submit that fax action page YOURSELF from the link above, once week is not too much, to keep the pressure on for real health care reform, and encourage everyone else you know to do the same.

And if you are looking to fill up holiday stockings on a tight budget, help yourself to any of our activist gifts for a donation of any amount. And we will rush whatever you want out to you first class so you'll have it in time for the holidays.

We now have three different progressive policy advocacy caps in stock, the "Single Payer Health Care" cap, the classic "Convict Dick & W" cap, and the new "350 pp" cap, to speak out for real action on climate change. Plus, we've still got some of the Dennis Kucinich pocket constitutions too.

Activist Holiday Gifts:

And while you are at it, give the gift of peace with the dramatic new peace play on audio CD, featuring an extraordinary performance by Ed Asner, that was such a hit in its worldwide debut last month. And we still have the impeachment play DVDs, from a full stage production last year. For these two items there is NO minimum donation ever. All you have to do is request one, and we'll you one for free.

And here is the one click Facebook page for this same fax action.

Single Payer Amendments Action:

And the Twitter reply to send, to send this message to all your members of Congress that way, is

@cxs #p1020

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at