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"The greatest of dangers"!

Martin Weiss Sound Dollar Committee

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Weiss Sound Dollar Committee" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 5:25 PM
Subject: "The greatest of dangers"!
Sound Dollar Committee Update

From the Desk of:

Martin Weiss

     Thomas Jefferson called it "the greatest of dangers."

     I couldn't agree more.  See below.  -- Martin

I'm writing to express my deep concern. There is an economic plague enveloping every part of our nation's financial body.This pandemic has already spread to the world's monetary

centers and, left unchecked, will rob you of your individual economic health. The catalyst of this viral event is our own government's out of control spending and insurmountable debt. And they don't want you to know how bad it is!

++Bureaucratic Thievery!

President Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are secretly waging their war on the dollar as we speak. Their policy can be summed up this way: Spend, borrow and then print their way out of debt.  Bernanke recently confirmed this process with his own words...

     "The U.S. Government...[can] produce as many U.S.

     Dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."

This kind of currency devaluation is like government-sponsored theft.

++The Greatest of Dangers

Thomas Jefferson warned our young nation about economic debt's catastrophic consequences to our independence.

     "I place economy among the first and important virtues,

     and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve

     our independence, we must not let our rulers load us

     with perpetual debt."

How do our current government leaders view our nation's debt dilemma?  President Obama said it bluntly.

     "We are out of money now... The long-term deficit and debt

     that we have accumulated is unsustainable."

Unsustainable debt!  Yet they allowed our federal deficit to grow 350 percent this past fiscal year. Our leaders keep on spending, while continuing to mount more debt -- and print dollars that are worth less that the ones they printed yesterday!

This is, in my opinion, the greatest financial threat our country has ever seen.

 I wrote to you a few days ago and told you about an incredibly insightful video that my team has just produced featuring a recent interview I did with Larry Edelson, editor of Real Wealth Report. Larry and I believe that everyone needs to know the information in this video for long-term financial survival!

     It's called, "Washington's Secret War on the Dollar." I have

     reserved a Special Edition exclusively for my friends of

     the Sound Dollar Committee. Go here to access:

This video uncovers the stealth "war" of reckless spending of our government officials and their flawed economic battle plans. We show you the current west-to-east economic global shift, the unfathomable burden on taxpayers, and what this reckless policy will do to our economy and our nation's future.

Equally important, we show you personal solutions... what you can do now to protect your financial future. The information contained in this video is so powerful that I had to make a special edition available to our Sound Dollar Committee members.

Go here to watch your exclusive edition of this video. Plan to take notes while you watch it. That's how much I believe in the information on the video!

+ + Stand against this administration's War on the Dollar

This is a crisis unfolding every minute the government continues in deficit spending.  That's why our Sound Dollar Committee has in place our nationwide "Defend the Dollar" petition.

     We must take a stand against our own government's war on the

     dollar and it's reckless spending that is bankrupting our nation.

     Citizen-investors like you and me are the last great hope for

     our nation. Please go here to sign our "Defend the Dollar"


This is the greatest threat to the dollar that we've ever seen. Their "war" and continued recklessness will be catastrophic on our economy, our lifestyles, our liberty and our nation's future! Please sign the petition and make your stand known to our government officials.

Say "NO!" to Washington's war on the dollar.

Please... watch the video and then sign the petition.

Good luck and God bless,


PS: This video is a must-see for everyone concerned about the future of our nation -- and their own financial future.  Share it with everyone you know.  Go here to see the video, sign our petition, and then forward the link on to your friends.

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Weiss Research's mission is to help our customers protect and grow their money in good times and bad, while growing our company soundly and profitably - which is something that Martin D. Weiss and his  team of experts have been doing for over 35 years.  For more  information about our products and services, please call  800-291-8545. The Sound Dollar Committee is a non-profit  project of Dr. Martin D. Weiss.

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