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Mass Strike Wave Hits University of California Campuses

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November 21, 2009 (LPAC)—Chartered buses loaded with students from Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Riverside, and other campuses arrived on the evening of November 18th, while tent cities set up throughout the University of California's Los Angeles campus. Wednesday began with the UC Board of Regents inching towards their vote to approve a 32% annual increase in undergraduate fees, while student groups, MeCha, Afrikan Student Union, LGBT and others, staged protests around Covel Commons, where the Regents gathered for their meeting.

With UC police and California Highway Patrol officers outfitted in riot gear, an estimated 2,000 plus students and labor union activists rallied throughout the day, behind barricades waving signs and chanting slogans against the inevitable cuts. By Wednesday evening a reported 14 people were arrested and 4 protest participants tasered.

A LaRouche PAC on the ground report of the days events show that participants were genuinely scared of the consequences resulting from the Regents decision. Many students are already struggling with student jobs/loans that provide a minimum to inadequate income to remain in the UC system. The obvious point to be made in observance of the protest was the lack of organization amongst leadership groups of the rally. With students in a state of hysteria, some seen crying, as well as provocateurs hurdling objects at police, a state of confusion remained the constant in the minds of participants of the rally. How could the State of California, said by some to be the 6th, 5th, or even 4th largest economy in the world, be forcing thousands of students out of the UC system by increasing tuition?

A professor attending the rally took the initiative for an impromptu teach-in for a group of 70+ engaging in a sit-in protest. The professor claimed to have written an article about how the UC system invested some of its resources in financial derivatives, yet could not find media that would publish his article. He stressed during his briefing, the deadly theme always heard during the crisis; that State level reform is required to address the economic crisis. Two LaRouche PAC organizers intervened during the Q and A, positing the LaRouche Plan for Federal bankruptcy reorganization/Four Powers. The professor stubbornly held on to his dangerous belief in state reform, organizing his audience to that effect. With the professor's non-solution having the last word, the LaRouche PAC representatives continued the distribution of their material.

In the evening, while more students arrived from other UC's, 'Crisis Fest' a rave, was in full swing at center stage of the main tent city.

Two LaRouche PAC representatives attended a meeting by the African Student Union leadership that was also attended by leaders of MeCha. The LaRouche PAC stressed the need for a larger policy orientation to the protest. The point about including community members and organizations alongside the students were voiced.

The obstacle throughout all of the actions has been the small-mindedness of leaders and activists alike. The mental disease that exists, preventing the Mass Strike from thinking bigger, must be overcome.